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Lauren's POV
I walk into school the next day, last night playing on my mind, I'm her teacher.. She can't just kiss me and expect me not to react like that.. Okay I could've reacted better but nobody has ever done that.. Ugh "Good morning class" I sigh "Are you okay Miss?" Jason asks "I'm good, just a little stressed" I say.

I get on with the lesson, explaining everything, getting things together for other lessons.

Once the bell rings. I see Demi stay behind "You gotta get to class" I say "I know but I need to explain myself" she says "No don't worry.." I say "God damn it just let me explain" She says, I roll my eyes. "I didn't mean to kiss you, it was clearly accidental.. Okay it was a little but that's not the point, I've just tried so hard to fit in and doing that probably wasn't the best idea and I'm sorry but it happened.." She says "I never said I didn't enjoy it.." I say "I know but yo-wait what?" She says, I half laugh "I never said I didn't enjoy it I was confused and shocked" I say.. She nods "but that doesn't explain everything else.. I mean I've known you for not very long and already I'm starting to double take on you.. Like you're just beautiful and I want you to teach me every single moral.. How to love, make love.." She says, my eyes widen "How can I do that when you don't know what love is, you're 17 you don't know how to love what love is.. How to have sex" I say "You're right I'm 17, but that doesn't mean I dont know what love is.. I fell in love when I was 15, to someone who broke my heart, they tore it like it was nothing.. Then last year I found out he died.. Do you realise that's basically like using a person.. He was my world and he was my bestest friend" She says, tears rolling down her face "I'm sorry that happened.. I just I dont know how to do this, I could loose my job" I say "And I could loose my scholarship, yet am I complaining?" She replies, I put my hands on the desk "Is it gonna kill you to try?" She asks "It's not but that's not the point" I say "Fine whatever.. I'm not gonna sit here and wait for someone who's not gonna risk something, I can see you wanna try but I'm not waiting anymore" she says, she walks around my desk.. And walks out the door.

-Later that day-
I see her walk in for her tutor session, she sits down "Ready?" I ask "I'd rather you tutor me here, you might not wanna be alone with me" she says, I sigh "Just come home with me please" I say, she sighs and we go and get in my car, the car ride is in silence and it's pretty awkward..

"I'm done trying.. Lauren, I want you to show me the way it is how to love, how to make love.. What all of these things are.." She says "How do you expect me to do these things" I say "Teach me.."

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