Fifty -Nine

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Lauren's POV
Once I called the cops, I stay and listen to the conversation.. Why did she come back here.. What made her.. Where did she get the gun.. Why is she so brave... !!BANG!!

My heart drops. As soon as I hear it and I run out and I see it coming at me, Demi looks at me and dives for me putting her hands over my head and making us fall right back to the floor "Shh" She says. I look at her and she's got tears in her eyes "Why are you crying?" I ask "Are you okay?" She asks, I nod. She stands up and walks out.. I follow her and he's laying on the floor.. The cops come in and see him "Miss are you okay?" He asks Demi, she looks at him "You're face is cut" he says "Yeah I'm fine. Just make sure she's okay" She says, the cop comes over to me.. "Miss.. Can you come down to the station with us?" He asks me "Uhm yeah.. But can she come?" He nods. I walk over to her and she's staring at his body as he gets pulled into a black body bag.. "Demi.. Come on" I say, she looks at me.. "Please Demi" I say, she nods. I grip her hand not trusting her legs.. We walk down my stairs and into the police car, I look over at her and she's staring out of the window muttering things to herself.. Her hands are shaking! I grab one of them, making her look at me. She pulls her hoodie off "Put this on, it's cold" she says "No keep it" I say "Lauren, put it on" she says, I sigh and put it on. She looks back out of the window, her hands still shaking, I move closer to her.. I grab her hand and bring it to my lips "I'm sorry" I say "for what" she replies not looking at me "Breaking your heart" I say "It's fine" she says "No it's not Demi." I say "Lauren" she says "You said it for a reason.. I forgive you. It's fine" she says "I want to come home Demz" I say, I see tears rolling down her cheeks "I'm not safe for you to be around" she says "You saved my life" I say "I dodged you from a bullet" she says "And if it hit me, it would've been straight in my chest.. The chances of me surviving that are very little" I say "You saved me Demi... I want to come home" I say "Than come home" she says wiping her eyes "Look at me" I say, she turns her head and her eyes are bloodshot, I grab the back of her neck and kiss her lips.. "You're my home" I say as I pull away, her eyes are still closed and she nods "You're my safe place Demi" I say. "Girls we're here" the officer says, Demi gets out and I follow behind her, she closes the door, it's still playing on her mind.. I'm taken in for questioning as is Demi. She comes out and gets her stuff "Marissa is on her way" she says.. My eyes still teary from the questioning, she pulls me onto her lap. "Nobody's going to hurt you Lauren" she says "I'm scared to be alone" I say "You can stay with me" she says "You can move back in whatever as long as you're safe" she says, I nod "Marissa's here" She says. She stands up and I walk out her following behind, me and Marissa hug and she makes sure I'm okay, then her and Demi hug and I swear she fixed Demi's brokenness because she smiled after... We get into the car "I cleaned your house Lauren, me and Jason did it.. But we're both staying there tonight. While you and Demi are at her parents" I nod. She drops us off at Demis parents and Eddie runs straight out and hugs me whereas Dianna hugs Demi and then they swap "The girls are at friends, while you two sort yourselves out, showers etc, clean up from today" Dianna says, we nod and go inside. Demi tells me to shower and wash the swabs from me etc.. she leaves me her favourite sweats and her hoodie on her bed for me.. I put them on before seeing them downstairs "There we made dinner for you both" Eddie says, we sit around the table.. I sit next to Demi and we both eat.. "Girls you both know your safe right?" They say, Demi nods. "Demi wouldn't let anything happen to you. She wanted to make emend of your relationship" Dianna says.. I nod "Thank you, both honestly" I say "You're more than welcome" They say. Demi goes to shower before putting her fresh underwear on and then a oversized jumper, she gets into bed next to me "It's going to take a while for you to trust me again, I know but please all I want you to do right now is hold me" I say to her, she nods "Lauren.." She whispers "Yeah?" I reply "I'm so sorry" she says, I feel a drop on my shoulder "What? Why? Why are you crying?" I ask "I should've come sooner.. I'm sorry, I wish I could've protected you" she says "You did.. You dodged me from a bullet that could've killed me. That's enough; I'll never ever be able to thank you.." I say, I wipe her tears and I kiss her "You saved my life Demi" I say "But I ended someone else's" she says "No, you defended yourself, which is why you can't be charged" I say.. She sighs "I love you so much Lauren.. I really do and I'm sorry you saw that" She says "I love you too Demi.. So much so so much that it hurts..." I say, she opens her arms for me and my head fits exactly in her neck, I kiss her neck a couple of times, not in a sexual way, in a loving way, I feel my eyes close slowly afterwards...  her soft snores were the last thing I heard.

When I'm with you, my nightmares disappear.

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