Sixty - Three

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Demis POV
I've had none stop meetings all week, literally my brain can't function.. But today's a new day with guess what..More meetings, well it's just one today about the AMA's. I sit down with my makeup less face on and sweats "Good morning" I say, Phil laughs and says good morning. I laugh "So AMA's who's gonna walk the carpet with you?" Phil asks "Uh, I want Lauren too" I say, he nods "Is she up to take a call?" He asks, I look at the time "Yeah" I say, I call her "Hey baby" she says "Hey, so I'm in a meeting about the AMA's and I was wondering if you're up for walking the red carpet with me on Sunday?" I ask "Are you serious?" She asks "Uh yeah" I say "Of course I'll walk the carpet with you" She says "Thank you. I'll be home soon, i love you" I say "Okay. I love you too baby" She says, I end the call "Okay.. So what song?" He asks "Confident?" I ask, he nods "So we just need to run through the stage and rehearsal shit but they can start Thursday!" He says "Okay. That's settled, you can go" he says "Thank you" I walk out and drive home. I walk in and see Lauren sat with a cup of coffee and she's watching daytime TV "Hey" I say "Hey Demz" She replies "How are you?" I ask "I'm sick" she says "Why?" I ask "I have a fever" she says. I sigh "Aw baby" I reply, I go sit next to her and she cuddles into my body "I missed you" she sniffles "I missed you too baby" I say "Can we go to bed?" She asks, I nod and we walk through to the bedroom, I slide in next to her and she pulls the covers up "I love you Demz" she says "I love you too Lauren" I say.

None stop rehearsal's and today I've been told I'm to do a song with Halsey. Okay not gonna lie she's my wcw everyday other than my girl.. But man she's hot. I laugh to myself, I see her and we've met before "Hey Demi" She says "Hey girl" I reply "So what song are we going to perform" She asks "I dont know what song are you thinking off" I ask "I wanna do Cool For The Summer" she says "We could yeah" I say "Okay, sure" I say.

We run through it and it sounds great "Final rehearsal tomorrow. Before the show, after Demi you'll be walking the carpet with Lauren, then with Halsey" I nod "Wanna go for coffee?" She asks, I nod "Sure I've been dying for a Starbucks all morning" I say, she laughs. I walk out and we get into her car "So I know we met before but what's happened since?" She asks "Work, planning the tour and more work. I've been in and out of LA for the past 6 months, what about you?" I say "Similar. I recorded my track with Justin. Oh my god I saw your cover of Love Yourself. I fell in love with your voice" she says, I start laughing "Thank you. I love your song with Justin, I mean when you performed it you got pretty close with him, huh. What's happening?" I ask, she chuckles "You and I both know he has total eyes for Selena and Selena only, he's dope. He's a great guy and such a powerful mind but i dont know he's not my type I guess" she says "Yah, I get you and yup I mean although he's the reason I don't talk with Selena anymore he and her are great together" I say, she nods "Couldn't agree more" She replies. We walk out and we're surrounded by Paparazzi "Demi what happened with you and Lauren?" They shout "Are you dating? Answer!! Girls" I sigh "Where's the privacy, huh?" I say, she laughs. I order my coffee and she gets a pumpkin spice latte exactly what Lauren gets, extra cinnamon! I smile "I'll remember your order then" I wink "Why?" She laughs "It's the same as my girlfriend's" I laugh "Oh god yeah. How's Lauren I heard about her hospitalisation a few months back what happened?" She asks "She got in a bad way with gambling and drinking and obviously I didn't mind she can drink as long as she doesn't come near me after I'm a recovering alcoholic girl" I laugh "But um, she wanted to leave her gambling posey to repair our very broken, basically broken up relationship and they didn't like it so they like almost broke her jaw, slit down her wrists causing huge scars which she's insecure about right now and they paralysed her left leg which is fine now" I say, she looks at me "Wow. Your relationship is bumpy right?" She asks "There's been worse trust me" I say "What happened? Sorry i shouldn't ask" she says "No you're all good as long as you don't leak it anywhere haha" I say "I wouldn't ever" she promises "Thank you!" I say "So basically the night of my big show at staples centre, I planned to go to Lauren's and emend our very broken relationship, she said she couldn't handle my second hand heart bla bla, we broke up anyway, I went over to her house and what I saw was woah, she uh" I feel my eyes tear up "It's okay" she puts her hand in mine "She was close to being raped and uh.. He left a weapon downstairs and I picked it up and it was self defence I wouldn't of done it otherwise, I shot at him and at the same time he did me and I dodged it from Lauren and he died" I say, my eyes are streaming with tears "It's okay" She comes round my side and hugged me "It's okay" she says "I promise" she whispers. I nod and wipe my tears "Sorry it gets me everytime" I say "Don't worry. I'm here for you." She says "Thank you honestly" I say "Here's my number, call at anytime" she says "Thank you" I say "I'll drop you home" she says, I smile and we walk out! Again bombarded by paps but we make it out alive.

We arrive at my house "Thank you" I say "Don't forget I'm here for you" She hugs me "Thank you, bye" I say "Bye" I step out. I walk into the apartment, I sigh, I look at my phone 

@itsohsodemi Demi Lovato & Halsey seen in Starbucks facing Microsoft stadium.

@itsohsodemi Demi & Halsey were seem getting cosy

 @ddlovato: Wtf. Am I genuinely not allowed female friends, she was comforting me, if you saw I was crying. She was helping me with some personal stuff.We weren't getting 'cosy' we were hugging. Don't jump to conclusions. 

I tweet "Babe?" I hear Lauren say "Hey" I say "What's going on I saw your tweet" She says "I was out after rehearsal's with Halsey and she was comforting me and now I'm cheating on you and we're getting cosy. I'm not allowed female friends without them thinking I'm cheating on you!" I say "You wouldn't cheat on me I know, I know you wouldn't so don't let it dwell to much baby girl" She says, I nod "There's going to be more rumours tomorrow, she's performing cool for the summer with me" I say "Then after me and you have walked the carpet I have to with her. I don't even wanna go anymore L" I say, she comes and hugs me "Baby woah, Slow down. It's okay, remember when we said rumours wouldn't ever come between us, you're letting them. We're so much stronger than them and we love each other dearly Don't let them twist the real story" She says, I nod "Okay. I'm sorry" I say "Don't worry. it's going to be okay" She says "Now let's post a really cute picture to show that we're still going strong" She says, I nod. She dries my eyes, we go into the bedroom and I lay with my head buried in her neck "Here you go" she says 

@ddlovato my love💗 

I rest my head back in her neck and my eyes slowly start to close again...

I hope she's right, the rumours won't affect us in anyway, I pray that they won't but if they do I know we can get through it if we want it. Halsey is cute and all but nobody will ever compare to Lauren.. She's just my girl and I mean i dont know what to say I could write bibles about her. Halsey is my friend and my friend only, and if Halsey wanted to expand on that then I can't be as close as we are now because it'll affect mine and Laurens relationship.. No Go For Me.

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