Thirty Three

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Lauren's POV
I wake up and Demi isn't next to me, I look up and there's a little note "I'm at the gym. I made breakfast it's in the fridge! I'll be at your house soon, i love you x -Demi x" I smile and pull the sheets from me, I go to the bathroom and shower, I put on some black jeans, I put a sweater on, I spray perfume on myself before fixing my hair, I walk to the kitchen and get the food from the fridge, I look at it "She's so vain" I say to myself it says "Made with love from the best person ever" I laugh, I warm them up before adding some syrup. I begin eating them while scrolling through my Facebook page, my phone goes off and it's my mom. "Hola" she says "Hola, cómo estas mama" (hello how are you mom)"I reply "Estoy bien cariño, cómo estas?" (I'm good sweetheart, how are you?)she replies " Estoy bien mama" (I'm good mom) I reply "Llamé porque tu padre y yo hemos decidido a sentarse a comer con tu novia , Demi , Domingo" (I called because your father and I have decided to sit down for lunch with your girlfriend, Demi. Next Sunday.) she says, I choke "Mamá, ¿estás seguro de que está listo para eso? Usted no tiene demasiado" (mom, are you sure you're ready for that, you don't have too?) I reply "Estoy seguro , debo Para embargo" (I'm sure, I must go though. I love you) she replies "Te amo" I reply (i love you) I end the call and Demi comes rushing through, sweat dripping from her forehead, she's panting "Okay ew" I say "What?" She says laughing "You're all sweating and ew" I say "You shouldn't be complaining" She says "Why?" I ask "I was very sweaty last night and you were fine with it so don't come to me complaining about being sweaty" she winks and walks upstairs.

She comes out with her hair dry and she's not so sweaty anymore. She kisses my cheek "So you kinda can't be busy next Sunday" I say "Why?" She asks "My mom and dad want to meet you" I say "Okay, cute" she says. I smile. She sits next to me drinking some water "We can go to lunch with my family now if you want too" She says "Sure" I say, she puts her shoes on and she drives over "Mother" she shouts "Demetria" she replies "Me and Lauren decided to join y'all for lunch!" She says "Okay, we're about to sit down and eat so hurry" She says, we walk through and I sit next to Maddie and Demi sits by my side.

We finish eating and I help Dianna clear up while Demi goes upstairs, I finish up and go to her room, she's laying on the bed on the phone "Hm.. I understand" I hear her say "Hm.. I'll let her know thanks Grandma" she says! she rushes past me "Mom!" I hear her say "How could you not tell me my dad died" She says "What?" I hear her mom reply "Mom! My dad died today and I only just found out" I hear her say "Oh my god" I her her come back upstairs, I look at her and she comes into my arms "It's okay" I whisper. I sit down and she crawls onto my lap "I never ever said goodbye. I haven't seen him for about two years. He said he wanted to be part of my life but he never made the effort. I always wanted to be close to him like I was Eddie!! But I can't" she sobs "I know but he's gonna watch over you and when you sign that contract at the end of these weeks, he'll be watching and thinking of how proud he is and how he should've made an effort" I say, we lay back and she moves off of me "I'm here for you" I say to her "Thank you", she sniffles "You can sleep. I'll be here when you wake up" I say. She closes her eyes.. I think of a plan.. I slowly get up and walk downstairs "Hey Lauren" They say "Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask "We're doing good, we need to stay strong for Dallas, mainly Demi in this situation" she says, I nod and smiling weekly "Can I ask you guys something. I completely understand if you don't wanna let her, I just thought she could use it" I say "Of course, go ahead" they say "Can I like take Demi on vacation, just to take her mind from it.I mean you don't have to let her, but I thought it'd be good for her" I say "Since you asked us yourself, you can. Just make sure she takes her medicines, and she's safe." They say "Of course. Thank you, I'll get her to call you everyday" I say "Thank you. You know I wasn't so certain on y'all dating and all, but you're basically her just 2 years older and Spanish" she says, I laugh "I suppose, we just connected" I say "I'm glad she's got you, Lauren. Please take care of her" She says "I promise I will" I say, she smiles and I go back upstairs for when Demi wakes up again. I walk in and she's sleeping but she's crying. I sigh "Demz" I say "Demz, wake up beautiful" I reply. Her eyes flutter open "I miss my dad Lauren" she says. I nod "I know baby, but he's gonna watch over you and keep you safe from heaven, okay?" I say "Promise?" She asks "I promise" I reply. "Can I borrow your laptop?" I ask, she nods and goes to shower, I book two tickets to Hawaii for us and I book a hotel. I hope this takes her mind off of things, were there for ten days. Okay, we leave in 3 so I better tell her to pack. Once she comes out in a towel, she goes over to her closet and pulls her clothes out, I look towards her door and it's locked. I smile to myself. She turns around and looks at me, she smiles "Come here" I say, she walks over to me "You've gotta start packing tomorrow" I say "What? Why?!" She asks "Your parents are allowing me to take you on vacation, to get away for a while" I say! "Seriously?" She says "Yep" I reply, she smiles and walks back to her closet, she drops her towel and my eyes widen "Like what you see?" She says before turning around "Huhm what" I say, she crawls onto the bed "Demi we're going out, don't do stupid things" Her mom shouts "Okay, bye" she says. She crawls up my body "Wow" I say looking down at her "You're so beautiful" I say to her "Sh, don't talk" she replies before pushing her lips onto mine, she unbuttons my pants, and unzips them, before sliding her hand down them "Baby" I say, I pull away from the kiss "Damn" I say throwing my head back. My hands find her hair and untangle them in it, she pulls her hand out before coming up to kiss me, she then slides down, but removes my sweater, she slides down to my pants and slides them from my legs...

The afternoon went on 😏

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