Sixty - One

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-a month later-
Demis POV
I smile at her as she sleeps, she looks so peaceful when she sleeps.. Like nothing's bothering her, however when she wakes up its a whole new story, I sigh before I feel her head move onto my chest, I start playing with her hair, I see her eyes flutter open and adjust to the light.. "Good morning" she says "Good morning beautiful" I say "Can we go out today.." She asks, I nod, I stand up to go and pee, I shower and brush my teeth before walking out in my towel, I get a long sleeved black crop top, with black ripped skinny jeans and black ankle boots. I change into them before walking out and putting socks and shoes on. I sort my hair out and put my contacts in then lastly putting my makeup on "Come on we'll go to your house so you can change" I say, she nods.

Once she's dressed, we go to the mall "Oh my god" I say as I'm scrolling down my phone "What?" She replies "Isis bombed Paris, killing 132 people and injured more than 200" I say "Are you serious?" She asks, she rubs her thumb on the back of my hand.. We sit down for lunch and I show her.. She's just as shocked as I am.. Innocent people died because of them. I shake my head, our food comes and we eat making small talk, until a couple of my Lovatic's come up to me "Hey Demi. Can we get a picture please" he asks "Sure of course, sweetheart" I smile for the pictures before taking individual ones "Thank you Demi" He waves and I sit back down. "Sorry" I say, she smiles "It's cute how happy they make you" she replies "Aw thanks babe" I say, she laughs. I smile at her, once we finished eating we make our way to my apartment where I make tea, I take her green tea to her "Here you go" I say "Thank you" she replies. I have no pants on and my legs are resting on the coffee table. I sigh and put my tea on it, I continue to watch TV, I see Lauren's hand resting on my thigh, she starts moving it up slightly "Baby" I say "Yeah?" She replies "You know we can't do this" I say "Why?" She asks "You know why"'I say "But I need to get over it, it was a month ago, I need you" she says "You know I'd take you here and now" I say "Then do it" she says coming closer to me "Please" she says.. I sigh, she kisses my neck "Please" she whispers.. "Take me" she says between kisses on my neck, she moved up my jaw line and on to my lips "Make me cum for you, Demi" she says..I give in and pick her up, she smiles at me before I put her onto the bed. She scoots up the bed as I crawl on to her, she pushes her lips onto mine, I slide my tongue against her bottom lip, and she parts her lips letting my tongue slide in.. After making out for eternal life, I move my lips to her neck and leave butterfly kisses up and down each side before kissing up her throat, I hear her soft moans as I kiss her neck, I leave a mark on her neck before lifting her shirt over her head, I look down at her "Are you sure you're ready" I ask her, she pulls me down on top of her "Make love to me, Demi" She says, I kiss her lips again, before pushing my hands underneath her to unclip her bra, she pulls it from herself and throws it, I smile down at her "God you're so beautiful" I say, she smiles at me and I pull one of her breasts in to my mouth, I swirl my tongue around her nipple and suck on it before doing the same to the other one "Fuck Demi" She moans, I then kiss down her stomach and stop at her panties. I look up and she just nods at me, I pull them off before throwing them elsewhere "Promise me you're okay with this and you're ready" I say "I promise" she says, I nod and I kiss up her thighs before reaching her centre and I kiss and lick down her folds, I wrap my arms around her thighs keeping her in place, her moans are music to my ears. Fuck she's so hot. Once I've made her cum, I go up to her face and kiss her "Please don't stop" she says,
I nod before pushing my hand down and rubbing her slowly, I move my hands down and her body tenses, I kiss her cheek "I'm not gonna hurt you, it's okay" I say, I kiss her lips as I slowly add two fingers inside of her, she moans in my mouth, I feel the wetness between my legs become more as she moans and groans my name. "Fuck Demi. Harder" she says, I curl my fingers inside of her making her grip my back, I smile and kiss her neck, she has her hands tangled in my hair and I go a little harder, I can feel her walls tighten around my fingers, and her hands grip my hair harder "Fuck" she groans throwing her head back "Don't stop" She moans, I keep going until she cums and I slowly pull my fingers out of her, I again go down and lick her clean, I come back up to her and she rolls us over "Fuck... have I missed your body" I say, she smirks. She starts on my body and I swear I've missed her touch so much.. But I understand why we didn't have sex, make love, etc. But it feel good to have her back to the Lauren I know...

She drops down next to me "I've missed that so much" she says, I move into her side "I've missed you" I say, I rest my head on her chest, like every other time we made love "I love you" were the last words I heard before I fell into a deep needed sleep.

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