Sixty - Five

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Demi's POV
I get home and I unlock the door throwing my keys down "I'm going to shower" I say before walking into the ensuite "Demi, wait" She says "Yeah" I reply opening the door "Can we just talk about this" She says "There's nothing to talk about you don't trust me I get it" I say shutting the door, I hear her groan and sigh "Can you just stop for 5 minutes, I never said I didn't trust you. I do, I fucking do. I just don't trust Cammie, you saw how close she got to you on Monday. Do you think I like seeing someone basically sat on my girls lap, I don't. I don't fucking trust her, I don't care if you're friends but I promise you if she does anything else that causes me to doubt our relationship I will fucking say something I won't regret" she says. I roll my eyes "It takes two to hook up" I say "So you've hooked up?" She asks, I open the door "Yeah you know I fucked her so good. No of course I didn't. I'll never fucking cheat on you" I say "Okay.. I'm sorry I overreacted. But you know you could have anyone right now fucking anyone and ever since I've started to doubt myself it's like you don't want me anymore, because I'm not confident or because I'm not the best sexiest girlfriend anymore. I'm sorry okay, im sorry but the thing that terrifies me the most is that one day someone better will come along and you'll break up with me and I won't have you anymore and I'm scared of loosing you, fucking terrified" She says "You know you're not going to loose me Lauren. You know this. I won't find anyone better, you're all I want" I say "I want you, you're my fucking girlfriend" I say walking out "I'm sorry" She says, tears down her face "Come here" I say, I pull her into a hug and she cries on my shoulder "It's okay babe" I say, we sit down on the couch and she sits on my lap "Lauren. Calm down. Everything's going to be okay" I say "Please don't leave me" she cries "Never, Lauren I promise" I say, I kiss her temple "I love you so much. I'm not leaving ever" I say.

She manages to fall asleep in my lap "God I wish you knew how much I loved you" I whisper knowing she can't hear me. I lay her down on the couch and take my shower, I spend longer than expected in the shower but when I come out I change into some sweats and walk out towel drying my hair "Hey" I say "Hi" she says tiredly "How are you?" I ask "I'm better, thank you" She says, I go over to her and hug her "We're going to be fine baby" I say "Promise?" She says "I promise baby girl" I say, she kisses my lips and I deepen it, she moves her hands to my cheek and I walk forward with her and she falls back, I start laughing, and she does too, I put my forehead on her shoulder and I'm still laughing "God we're funny" she laughs "Promise we'll be okay Demz" she says "We can get through anything baby girl anything" I say "Good because loosing you will be the worst thing that ever happens to me" she says "You're not going to loose me never ever baby" I say, she leans into me and pecks my lips "I love you" I say "I love you more Demetria" she says, I smile. I hear my phone go off, I grab it and look at it

The more you avoid me, the more pictures I'll leak.

-What? What the fuck are you talking about?

The pictures you sent, the sex ones.

-Um? I have no idea what you're talking about.

*picture attached* are you sure?

-How the fuck did you get those.

I took your phone in London.

-Don't do this. Don't ruin my relationship.

Hahaha! We'll see.

I sigh "Babe" she says "Yeah?" I reply "What's wrong?" She says "She's going to ruin my life?" I say "My career, all the work I worked for.. I just I don't want to be here anymore" I say "Baby.. No stop. What's happened?" She asks, I throw her my phone.. She skims through "Who were these sent too" she asks.. I keep quiet "Who were they?" She says raising her voice "Cammie" I say "And?" She replies "Halsey" I reply.. She stands up "Lauren wait" I say, she ignores me "LAUREN STOP" I shout, I move in front of her "Stop!" I say "Why? Why should I. I fucking told you, if she does anything else I'll destroy her, I fucking will" she says, she pushes me off her "Please just don't leave me" I say, she chuckles and walks off. Tears down my face "Wait just answer me this" she says, I look at her "Did you hook up with Cammie?" She asks "no!" I say "Halsey" she replies.. I stay quiet "It was one time, I relapsed but it was only one time and I haven't spoken to her since please just don't do anything Lauren" I say, she bites her lip and turns around I follow her, she gets in her car. I sigh, I get in my car tears rolling down my face. She can't, she's Hispanic you know how they cuss. I follow her.

I arrive at Cammie's and she's jumped out I switch my car off and follow her "Lauren stop" I say "Oh look come to protect your little girl" she says "Just stop! I never fucking slept with her or kissed her" I say "It's not like it's gonna hurt less Demi, you sent her pictures" She say "I had no choice" I say quietly "What?" She replies "You just won't listen" I say "I had to do it, she got me drunk Lauren, she drugged me. Would I relapse after so long? Would I?" I say, she shakes her head "I wouldn't ever send pictures unless it was to you or I was being forced, I promise you" I say.. She nods "That doesn't stop me from hurting her.." She says.. She walks in, I stay outside and I see her walk in.. Let's just say she doesn't return for about 10 minutes...

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