Twenty Nine

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Demi's POV
I cope through first period, but that's it. I'm with her every period because I'm isolated with her. I don't want to be with her, near her, she hurt me in ways I never thought she would, promised.. I sigh as I pull my phone out.. "You can go to break" she says, I nod standing up and putting my stuff away, I give her the work and she thanks me before I walk out.. To only later return for the rest of the day.

It hits lunch and I'm not hungry "Are you going for lunch?" She asks, I shake my head and continue drawing "You need to eat". She says, I nod "I will when I get home" I say "Please?" She pleads, I shake my head "I'll even let you go out and get McDonald's" she says, I sigh "I'm to busy okay, I don't want to get food right now" she sighs, and sits in front of me "Look at me" she says, I shake my head "Please" she says "I can't" I say. Tears are brewing in my eyes "Why?" She asks softly "Because I'll fall in love with you all over again" I say, she sighs. I feel a hand touch mine "I'm so so sorry" She says "I didn't want us to end not like this. I was going to tell you. I'm sorry I'm just sorry I fucked up, I'm so so fucking sorry I broke your heart. I don't want to have to leave you, I don't want you to leave me" She says, I look up at her. She grabs my hand and leads me to the closet "Lauren" I say.. "Hm" she looks up at me "Please don't leave me" I sob , she wraps her arms around me "Please don't leave, I can't do this on my own" I cried "I'm not leaving" She says."Please don't go anywhere, I don't wanna face this world alone" I sob, she kisses my forehead "I promise you with my heart and soul combined I'm not leaving you" she says! "I wanna talk about this whole thing when we get home" I say, she nods and let's go off me. She wipes away my tears as I go out and sit down again, she has a half drunken Starbucks, she grabs it and sits it on my desk "It's gonna be cold" I say, she shakes her head and I drink it, letting the warm liquid fill my mouth. I thank her and she smiles "I'm going to grab lunch, are you sure you don't want anything?" She asks, I nod before she leaves. I see her walk down the hall before I run to the canteen, I scan the room for Marissa before spotting her "Hey biff" I say sitting down "Hey.. What's got you happy?" She asks "I've decided I'm gonna sit down with Lauren and sort this out" I say, she smiles "Good, I hope It works out Dems" she says, I smile and steal her fries "Hey" she says, I smile "I've gotta get back before she and the principal notice I left. I love you and I'll pick you up tomorrow?" I say, she nods "Call me later" I say, she nods and I run back and see her but her face is buried in her phone so I run into the class, sit down and act like I'm doing my work. "Hey" she says "Hii" I reply.. I drink my water than continue my work "I have a free period, we can talk now?" She says, I nod and put my work aside. She brings her chair closer, finishing her lunch! She gives me a mouthful of her salad "Caesar?" I ask, she nods "So.. I just wanna know why, after me proving myself that I genuinely love you and I'm genuinely in love with you" I say "I dont know, it was stupid, I was alone. I needed the touch and I know I could've done it myself but I didn't and I know it being her has hurt you the most, but i love you more than anything and I'm so so sorry" She says "I want to forgive you,'all I want is for you to hold me, and at the nights we didn't see eachother or we don't see each other I literally just want to drive over and have you hold me. It hurts okay. To know that off all people you could've cheated on me with you do it with her, her Lauren. Stevie Boebi. I hate you for doing it, but i love you for apologising" I say tears forming again "I might as well just cry" I say as I let them fall down my cheeks "I literally hate you for hurting me so bad but I'm in love with you, every inch of you, from your fucking freckles on your forehead, to your black painted toes. I just I love you and I hate you. But the more I'm near you the more the love is eating me alive and is bringing me closer to you. Every time I see you, I smile or I get butterflies, every time you laugh, it makes me feel so happy.. But you blew my heart into tiny little pieces..." I say "Do you even love me anymore" she pushes me back into the closet, I'm pinned to the cabinet "I do love you, more than you'll ever realise, I don't care about Stevie, I don't love her, she was just something to have, I regret it I regret every second. The fact that I've broken your heart haunts me in my sleep. My nightmares have become real, every bad dream I dreamt it's come true, I don't want you to end this. I don't want us to end. I never thought I'd fall for my 18 year old student, especially in 9 months. It took me 14 months to fall for Roxi! 14 and still it wasn't 100% real. This is, i love you more than a mother loves their child, a husband loves their wife and way more than a celebrity loves their fans. So don't for one second think I don't love you. I do way more than I should this far into the relationship" she says, she lets go off my hands and they fall by my side "I'm sorry" I say, she pushes my chin up "I'm sorry! So sorry, so so fucking sorry. Just please don't leave me" she says, I lean into her slowly, she watching my lips and my eyes, a little how we first properly kissed.. My lips find hers and I push them into her, resting my body onto hers. "I'm not leaving if you swear not to leave me" I say "I cross my heart" she says...

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