Thirty Seven

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Demis POV
Okay.. So Lauren lied her birthday is in a couple of days. So I decided that after I've met her father I'll go to the nearest mall and buy her some things.. I'm nervous to meet her father as I don't speak fluent Spanish but she said he knows a lot of English. I wake up and look at her before getting out of bed and going for a run down the beach. Once I return she's awake and dressed "You have an hour babe" she says "Okay" I go into the bathroom and shower before taking my clothes out and putting them on, I leave my hair natural before outing my shoes on "I'm done" I say, she nods and we leave, we entwine hands as we go to the house, Lauren knocks on and her father i assume opens the door "Hola Papi" she says "Hola Hermosa" he replies "Papi English" she says "Ah, sorry. I'm Andres, you must be Demi, who stole my daughter" he says in a Spanish accent "Hi, yeah I'm Demi, it's nice to meet you" I say "and yourself, come in, girls come in" he replies we walk through and Lauren walks over to someone and hugs then "Papa, this is my girlfriend, Demi" she says, I walk over "Hello Demi, I'm Lauren's grandfather, it's nice to finally meet you" he says "Hi, It's nice to meet you too" I say

-after the awkwardness of awkwardness-

"I'm sorry to leave so early but I'm just going to the mall" I say. "Do you need me to come?" Lauren asks "Nope, it's fine, I'll see you back at the shack" I say, she nods and kisses my cheek. "It was lovely meeting you both. I hope we meet again before we leave" I say "and you Demi! thank you for coming" I smile before leaving. Okay what to get her.

I finish up at the mall and end up getting her a promise ring. It's not proper one just that I promise not to leave her if things get tough when I sign my contract and that I promise to love her and never loose faith in her or us, I have "one love" engraved on the inside because lesbian love is one love so it's a inside joke for us. I arrive back at the shack and Lauren isn't back yet, I decide to write her card now..

Dear Lauren...

You've brought so many great things to my life, you yourself is one of them. I never thought I'd fall in love with a girl, you, my teacher but something about you made me stop and say 'This girl is gonna be my everything'.

Your smile in the mornings make my whole day better and knowing I can cuddle you and just have you hold me whenever is amazing you're not just my girlfriend.. You're my bestfriend someone I know will support me in whatever I do.
You make my recovery worth it, nobody has ever done that, and I don't think anyone ever will not like you anyway.. I can't wait for my future with you, by the way I wrote a song for you, I'll play it on your birthday.. :)
But when we went through The rough stage at the start... I knew you were worth fighting for.
Like I said if I can spend two months crying over you, I can spend 8 months loving you.. I love you baby.

But just know loving you is the easiest thing I've ever done.

I love you more than life itself 💜

-Pretty girl 💗

I lick the envelope before leaving it in the drawer next to my side of the bed "Baby I'm back" I hear her say, I put the rubbish in the bin before walking into her "Hey beautiful" she says "Hey babe" I say "How was the mall?" She asks "It was good, how was the rest of your fathers?" I ask "Good, they both love you" She says "Thats good baby" I smile. She laughs "Do you want to go to the beach again?" She asks "I have something else in mind" I say, as I push her into the bedroom, i push her down onto the bed, she looks down at me as I crawl up to her "Hey baby?" I say "Yeah" she stutters "I'm in control, so get used to it" I push her down and put my lips on hers, we make out for a good while until I pull away to remove her shirt, I look and she has no bra on, I bite my lip and look down "Damn baby, you've been working out good" I say, she smiles, she removes my shirt, I move my lips to her neck going downwards and leaving a hickey on her boob, I move myself down till I get to her shorts, I unbutton them and slide them down, revealing her lace underwear. "These would be pretty" I say, she smiles "On the floor" I  pull them off and throw them on the floor, she spreads her legs. I kiss up her thighs teasing her before actually sliding my tongue up and down her folds and inside of her, I add one finger inside of her as I pleasure her, I suck on her clitoris making her moan my name, her legs begin to buck giving me the impression she's going to cum, I remove my fingers before just using my tongue, I go faster each time making her grip my hair and her moans becoming louder "Baby girl" she moans, I smile as I feel her hand loosen its grip once she came, I finish her up by licking her clean, I kiss my way up her body to her lips "You taste so fucking good" I say as I bite her lip, she moans at it and flips us over, she pins my hands above my head "Baby" I moan as her lips move to my neck and she begins returning the favour...

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