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Demis POV
"Does this mean we're okay?" She asks "We're not 100% okay but I'd say we're a good 90%" I say "Okay.." She says, she day did end quickly, I went to her house and we spoke some more about how we're going to overcome this, we both agreed to just let it go to the flow. I love her to much to just let her leave like that.. I lay next to her and in my panties and a shirt. It feels nice to be near her and cuddling her, she's just laying there her eyes closed and my hand between her boobs, her arm is wrapped around me protectively. I smile and take a picture of her, she opens one eye "What're you doing?" She asks "Videoing you, why?" I say laughing! "Baby no" She whines and pushes the camera from me.. I push it back and she crawls on top of me, she kisses my lips and keeps pecking them "18+ only" she says ending the recording and kissing my lips again, her mouth is leaving butterfly kisses on my neck, she kisses my jawline and I lay my head back "That feels so good" I moan, she comes back up to my face and kisses my lips, she moves her hands between my legs, kissing my lips and rubbing my clit slowly. I let out a throaty moan in her mouth causing her to slide her tongue into my mouth, I explore her mouth with my tongue, I pull away and throw my head back once she moves her hand further down and into my panties "Hm. Baby" I moan as I grab the back of her neck "Baby" I moan "I'm gonna cum" I say "I'm gonna cum so hard" I say causing her to smile! My head is thrown back and I'm biting my lip. I feel my self releasing onto her fingers, my chest is rising and falling at a fast pace as I start to slow my pace down. She pulls her fingers from me and comes to my face "I only want you" she says, I grab her face and kiss her with so much love and compassion. I bite her lip and pull away with it, I look down and let it bounce back. I flip us over so i'm on top, I remove her shirt and she already took mine off. I lean down to her breasts and pull her nipple into my mouth, I'm gonna make her wish she never cheated. I'm the dominant one and she's gonna see it and like it, she WILL be cumning in minutes. I hear her moan as I suck on her breast, I pull away and move to the other one, I kiss down her body and leave hickeys, I get between her thighs, and pull her panties off and throw them across the room. I start off slow and then pick my pace up with my tongue and her moans are increasing as I am, I stop her from cumming by telling her not yet, she holds herself before I allow her too. I swag my tongue for my fingers! "Demz?" She breathes out. I look up at and she's got her head back, her back is arched and she's biting her lip. "Baby, let go off your lip you're gonna pierce it" I say, she releases it but she grips the bed sheets, I increase my speed until she's not cumming but practically dripping before I tell her to cum again. She releases again and I move up to her lips after taking my fingers from her "You know not to cheat again" I say "Not if I get this everytime" she breathes out "Exactly, now who's better me or her?" I say "You by far. You're the most dominant fucking most beautiful girl ever and I love it like I love you" I smile "You got the right answer baby" I say, I lay next to her and she puts her head in the crook of my neck. I lay back and think as I rub patterns on her back. God I'm so in love with her "I love you too" she mumbles! I smile and kiss her glazed forehead. I can hear her soft snores and her warm breath on my neck. "I love you L" I say before closing my eyes..

I wake up and Lauren is still sleeping! I go on my phone and Marissa texted me

Hey Biff!! How are you? & are y'all back together? Xxxx

-hey biff, & I'm good, yeah I think so xxxx

Good! I'm glad & aw!! Yeah, I'm happy for you both! Love you xxxx

-i love you more Marissa xxxx

I view some snapchats before snapchatting Lauren "Baby girl" I make sure her hair covers her face a little before sending it to my story. I then lock my phone and realise Lauren isn't gonna wake up anytime soon, I rest my head on hers before turning the TV on low and watching Paper Towns.

She wakes up near the end of the movie and I ask if she was that tired "You got me so good" She says in her raspy voice "I know but I was done good and I wasn't this tired" I smirk "Your tongue and fingers must be to much for me to handle baby" she says "Maybe that's from playing the piano and guitar" I say she smiles and kisses my lips "I'm hungry" I say "Me too, I don't wanna cook can we get pizza?" She asks "Sure" I order it and we spend the evening eating and watching movies "Baby?" I say "Yeah?" She replies "You promise you won't hurt me like that ever again..?" I say, she looks at me dead in the eye "I promise" I nod and lay my head on her chest "I miss cuddling with you" I say "I just missed you" she says.

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