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Demis POV
I wake up and I feel warmth on my neck, then I remember events from yesterday... The break down, the near seeing my girlfriend get raped.. This hurts. I hate how bad things happen. I feel her eyelashes flutter against my neck, I smile and she kisses my neck "Good morning Demi" she says "Good morning Lauren" I say, she smiles "How do you feel?" I ask "I feel sore, you?" She asks "I'm still shocked I did what I did and you will feel sore... I'd make it better if I could" I say, she smiles weakly "What happens now?" She asks "We get on with our lives" I say "I'm scared" she admits.. I bring her closer to me "Don't be scared, I'll protect you and at every show they'll be double the security, I promise you. Nobody will hurt you .. What happened was wrong and nobody should experience it but it's going to be okay, he's dead" I say biting the insides of my cheeks "Demi.." She says "Yeah" I reply "I meant what I said about you being my home.. I feel safe when I'm with you" She says "Home is where you heart is" I say, she buries her head in my chest, I put my hand on her lower back.. I hear a faint knock "Come in" I say, in walks my mom "Good morning girls, I know you're most probably going to be in here all day  and that's fine, just we want to take you both away from here for a while.. After yesterday's events we want Lauren to be safe and if she's on vacation with us we feel it's for the best! Of course if you don't want too that's fine but we'd love it if you came and joined us" My mom says, Lauren looks at me, she turns to my mom "I don't want to intrude at all, but I'd be more than happy to join you. Thank you, so much" She says "You're part of the family, whether you and Demi have called it quits or not, I'm still going to class you as my daughter-in-law and you're welcome anywhere with us" My mom says "Thank you, Dianna. I really appreciate it, I honestly do." She says, my mom leans down and hugs bed, she hugs back "Breakfast is ready when you are" she says, smiling and closing the door. Lauren puts her head back on my chest "Shall we go get breakfast?" I ask her, she nods and we get up, I slip some shorts on and run my hands through my hair, Lauren puts hers in a messy bun. I let her walk in front of me.

We sit at the island and we make small talk "We're going to the mall for Dallas's birthday present, do you need anything?" My dad asks "No I'm good, Lauren do you need anything?" I ask "No I'm good, thank you though" He smiles before leaving. I grab Lauren's hand making her look up "You're safe" I say, I kiss her hand and she smiles. "Come on I'll run you a hot bath" I say, she follows me up the stairs, I run her a hot bath with bubbles "Will you come in with me just don't look at my body" She says.. That broke me literally, she's ashamed of her body.. The girl who didn't care if she went skinny dipping in the sea.. Most confident as bitch who taught me to love my body, worked out always shown me her abs, now she won't let me look. I respect her wishes and step in, she quickly gets in and rests her back against me.. I sigh "Lauren.." I say "Hm, yeah" she says "Are you ashamed of your body" I ask "I uh my" she stutters "Please talk to me" I reply "My confidence has gone.." She says "I don't want you to be ashamed of your body, your body is beautiful, so so beautiful. I'll never ever get tired of seeing it" I say to her "I'm just ashamed Demi.." She says "I know you are.. It will take time but just remember who wasn't afraid of skinny dipping in the sea, constantly showing me your abs and not afraid to hide your body from me" I say "I'm sorry" she replies "Your body is the most beautiful thing beside your face that I've ever seen, I'm gonna help you love yourself, I will love you  until you learn to love yourself" I say "Promise me you won't leave if I get to much" she whispers "I cross my heart princess" I say, I see her blush, I wrap my arms around her waist. I kiss her cheek "It's gonna be okay" I say.

We get out and she wears some of my shorts, she puts a long shirt on of mine and we get back into bed.. I turn my TV on and I watch The Hangover III I love this one it's the funniest, plus Lauren likes it so she'll laugh. By the end of the movie she's in tears from laughing! I smile and roll over to her side, I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her "You're so so beautiful" I say as I squeeze her, she starts laughing. I smile "See look how beautiful you look with that smile" I say, I lean up and peck her lips, Lauren being Lauren deepens the kiss, she puts her hand behind my neck as we make out... Her lips are so addictive, I dont know why she makes me feel this way but every kiss we share still blows me away, I pull away and rest my head on her shoulder "Demz" she says "Hm" I reply "Are we good?" She asks "I don't kiss Marissa like that so I assume so" I say, she laughs "Good because I missed you" she says "You broke up with me" I say, she giggles "You're my number one girl, I missed you more than anything" She says "And girl your dancing, you did that on purpose didn't you?" She asks, I nod "It got you good though" I say, she laughs "It sure did. I was secretly praying you were thinking of me when you were dancing on that chair" she says "Of course babe, I always think of you" I say, she laughs, I kiss her neck before rolling rolling onto my pillow and she's facing me "God you mesmerise me" I say "What's gotten into you, all these compliments" she asks "You're just so hot. I'm so lucky." I say "I'm the lucky one look at you, woah. Girl is it me or are you on fire" She says "Ooo tss" she replies, I smile at her "God i love you" I say "And i love you and i love your heart even more"

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