Twenty Eight

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Lauren's POV
We arrive at my house, she dropped Marissa off first then she drove here. She walked in, hating the smell of anything related to me.. I sigh "Did you sleep with her" the first question that slipped out "What?" I say "Did you or did you not sleep with her, if you did it in your bed I fucking hope you burnt the sheets" she says, I did but I can't tell her that I'll blow everything "Lauren I just want the truth" she says "I did.." I say looking down, I can hear the sobs in her voice which makes my heart break "fuck!" She says "Of all people Lauren. I thought you were on my side for this, I blurted my problems out to a class full of judgmental pricks because of her, maybe this is why you did it because you saw how fucked up i am" she says "No, that's not true, I didn't do it because of your problems" I say "Then why, did you just think one day, oh yeah I'll go sleep with Demi's worst enemy and her ex best friend?" I say "I needed the touch" I say, she laughs "I'm done, there's other ways of getting the touch then sleeping with someone you could've fucking done it yourself, or is it different because it's someone else's fingers inside of you" She says "I didn't mean for any of this to happen Demi. It was a huge mistake, a mistake I'll forever spend making up to you.. Please don't leave me again" I say, she looks at me "You expect us to still be together after this" She asks "I dont know I really don't know" I say "Well if you did, you thought wrong" she says, she stands up and goes to the door "Demi, Please don't go" I plead "I can't stay here. I can't be with you knowing you cheated, I dont know how long this could've been going on if Ally didn't show me" She cries. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I love you; please don't go" I say "Maybe even your i love you'd were a lie" she says as she walks out of the door.. By then I knew I'd buried myself to deep and I had broke her heart, the one person. I never ever wanted to hurt, the person I love and care for with everything I have.. Is gone and I let her slip from my fingertips... I can tell things are gonna get worse before it gets better. I sit down at my dining table and I feel the tears flow from my eyes.. I don't stop them, I delete Stevie's number, block her even. I knew she wanted to do that to fuck up our relationship, and she did. The one person I never wanted to hurt I did and I don't think she's ever going to forgive me, she gave me her heart and I jeopardised it. I sit and think of what happened the day she came back, how passionate she was towards me. The way she made sure she kissed every inch of my body. It hurts that I hurt her. I sigh and grab something to eat, before going upstairs, it's clear that I spent to long on my thoughts, that I forgot to mark the work from English class, I sit at my desk in my room and go through it and mark it, leaving comments on how to improve or how it's good enough, etc. I finish and it's 5 minutes to 12am, I change into a long shirt and get into bed, instantly remembering I hadn't changed my bed sheets since Saturday, meaning they still smell of Demi, I know I fucked up a lot, but technically I don't have a right to cry, she has every right to hate me, hit me, punch me.. But I don't have any because she didn't cheat on me, I cheated on her. I close my eyes and breathe in, and out before letting sleep control my thoughts.

Waking up the next day for school was tiring, considering I only had around 5 and a half to 6 hours sleep. I shower and put my hair in a high ponytail, I put my make up on, I change into my work clothes, which is simple black trousers and a nice shirt with my blazer, I keep my shoes as converse. I grab my bag, and walk out of my door. I drive to Starbucks and grab a coffee before going into school, I smile at Kate and the principal "Hello, Lauren. Can I have a word?" He asks "Of course, fire away" I say "Demi Lovato, she's still isolated in your classroom, am I right?" I nod "We're removing her from that on Thursday, if she shows up that is. We want her to calm down before she's in normal lessons again, her mother agreed before she was in Dallas that you'd be the best for her to be isolated with" he replies "Okay, that's fine" I say "Are you still tutoring her?" He asks "No sir, that ended a few weeks back" I say, he nods "Okay, thank you, enjoy your day" he says, I smile before entering my classroom for English. I hear the door open and slam closed and someone sit down, I look up and it's Demi, she looks very angry. She looks up and my eyes meet hers, I sigh and look back down at my phone, she's tapping on the table "Can I go home?" She asks, I shake my head. She groans and her phone is thrown on the floor "Are you serious?" I say "You've just smashed your phone because you can't go home?" I say "How do you know that's the reason?" She says "I don't but that's not the point" I say, she shrugs and I pick it up and put it down on her table "Can you be trusted with it?" I ask "I'm not 3 and I don't need to be supervised by you" She says and takes her phone and puts it in her jacket, I see Marissa walk in "What did you do?" She asks me "I didn't do anything, she smashed her phone so I put it on her desk" I say, she nods "Demz, what's going on?" She says to her "I want to go home" I hear her say "You can't, you need your education even if you guys have broken up or fighting. She's still your teacher and your best chance at A's" she says, I hear her sign and sit up.. "Okay whatever" she says, I look at Marissa and she smiles. I smile back before standing and teaching the lesson .

This is going to be harder than I though.

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