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Demis POV
I wake up to my phone ringing "Hello?" I say "Hey Demi, were just calling to see how you are and how Lauren is" my mom says "Oh hey mom. I'm good, Lauren's getting better slowly" I say "Awesome so can you both make it to lunch today?" she asks "Um yeah I'm sure we can. Where at?" I ask "Just Olive Gardens around 12:30" she says "Okay cool, I'll see you there!" I say, we say goodbye and Lauren wakes up "Good morning beautiful" I say kissing her cheek "Good morning Demz" she says "Is it cool if we go to olive gardens with my family for lunch my mom called" I say "Yeah okay..." She says, she steps out of bed and is walking fine "Lauren" I call out "Yeah" she says "Your walking" I say "I kn- oh my god, I'm walking" she says, I smile and she comes to peck my lips, she can hardly bend over to straddle me so she pulls me onto her a little and we make out she bites my lip until I pull away "I'll be back in a second" I say "Okay, sure baby" she replies, I shower before changing my clothes and fixing my hair, I walk out and Lauren's putting her shoes on "Baby I've got it" I say, she slips her converse on and I tie them for her "Thank you" she says, we stand up and grab our stuff before leaving, I drive to olive gardens and Paps must've followed us, I help Lauren out and we entwine fingers, they make room for us because Lauren is sick but they're constantly taking pictures "Demi how are you?" "Lauren how are you feeling?" Etc I ignore them and walk in "we're meeting family" I say he lets us through and I see my mom and everyone around the table, we walk over to them and she stands up "Hi guys!" We say! "Hey mom" I reply "Hey Dianna" Lauren says "Hi, how are you?" She asks Lauren as I go to Maddie and Dallas "I'm okay, I'm getting there" she says, Lauren sits next to me and Maddie on the other side of her, Eddie is next to me!

As we eat lunch we share small talk "so Demi, tour any plans for it?" My mom asks "maybe I'm not sure, I want Lauren to be recovered properly till I make any plans for touring or different states" I say, Lauren smiles. I rest my hand on her thigh "Are you okay?" I ask, she nods "It's good to be out" She replies kissing my cheek "Guys can we take a group picture?" Mom asks, we all nod "I can get out of it" Lauren coughs "No, you're family now" my dad says, she smiles to herself. I smile before looking up, Lauren leans close to me and the waiter takes it "Thank you, Demi can I get an autograph for my little sister please?" He asks "Sure of course" I say, he hands me my album. I write on it and sign it before giving it back "Thank you enjoy your afternoon guys" He says "Thank you for lunch guys" I say "Yeah thank you, it's been great" Lauren says "It's been good seeing you both" I say. We get to my car, and we drive back to Lauren's house, once were sat down "I think I want to move out" I say "I want my own place where I'm free to roam round naked" I say, she looks at me and laughs "You're crazy baby" She says "But you lurveeee me" I say as I lean closer to her "You're right about that" she says closing the gap between us, I smile into the kiss and she pulls away "Can we go look at houses, I want a house I think yeah" I say "Of course. Let's go" she says struggling "If it's to much I don't mind waiting till tomorrow" I say "Okay, is that cool my arms are aching and my stomach hurts" she says "As long as you're okay" I reply, she smiles "How about I go run you a hot bath?" I say "That'd be lovely please" she replies, I stand up and go upstairs to the main bathroom where the bath is, i got more of a jacuzzi fitted while she was in hospital, I run it and make sure it's warm "Baby it's done" I say, I go down and re lock the doors as we'll be upstairs! She meets me upstairs "Will you join me?" She asks "Of course beautiful" I say, she takes her shirt off and I look at her scar, I lean down and kiss it, before kissing her arms... I strip and step into the bath, she gets in and leans her back against me... I put my arms around her waist "You're so beautiful" I whisper in her ear "I love you" she says "I love you too baby girl" I say, she smiles and rests her head on my shoulder I kiss her cheek...

Once we finished up in the bath, we lay in bed next to each other "I really enjoyed today" I say "Me too, I really did" she replies "I need my mom to send me that picture" I say "and me" she replies... I hold my phone up and she has her head rested on my chest, I take a picture "@ddlovato so glad my babe is getting better😌 i love you baby" I post it and watch my lovatics go crazy. "Look at the comments they loveeee me" Lauren said "Who's the singer?" I say, she looks up at me "Hey" She says, I laugh "You're funny babe" she rolls her eyes, she rests her head on my chest "Can you sing to me?" She asks "Sure, what song?" I say "Lionheart" she says "Sure.." I say...

Your light is inside of me..
Like a raging roar
Like an ocean born
You're in my veins

Your voice is serenity,
When the sun goes down,
And the strength I found,
Is in my veins.

Our story binds us
Like right and wrong
Your hand in mine
Marching to the beat of the storm

And we walk together into the light
And my love will be your armor tonight
We are lionhearts
And we stand together facing a war
And our love is gonna conquer it all
We are lionhearts

I look down after singing those parts and her eyes are closed and soft snores are coming out of her... I smile and take another picture "@ddlovato sang her straight to sleep💗 mi amor👑" I post it before putting it on my bedside table and falling to sleep...

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