Thirty One

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Demis POV
My heart just flutters every time I hear her name, see her smile. Watch her sleep so peacefully, I'm in love with her and it hurts,'it hurts because I know if she wanted she could break me in seconds, I've fallen head over heels for her and just looking at her makes me smile. The way her hair falls naturally when she puts her head down or when she blushes she puts her hands over her face, even when she's talking Spanish and i dont know what she's saying I still find it cute as fuck, or she hugs me and se squeezes me so tight I just love it. When we're cuddling and her arms wrap perfectly around my waist and she leaves little kisses on my forehead or neck in some situations, she makes me feel so confident and so proud. It's Saturday and I'm really tired, I wake up and I look at the time 9am "Are you serious" I didn't sleep at Lauren's last night,'I'm staying tonight, I walk down the stairs "Morning Demi" My mom says "Morning mom" I say "Sleep well?" She asks "Yeah, I'm really tired though" I say, she nods "How are you enjoying your last break before your final term in school?" She asks "It's just started" I say "I know, but after these 6 weeks you're going to be signing a contract for 6 years for music" She says "I'm so excited!!" I say, she smiles "Can I have some pancakes?" I ask, she nods "Thank you" I say "Can you go and wake your sister up?" I nod and walk up the stairs. I go into Maddies room and get into bed with her. "Maddie" I shout she jumps up "Demi I'm gonna kill you" she says, I jump up and run down the stairs "Mom she's gonna kill me" I say, I run outside "No!" I shout "Demi" Maddie shouts "Maddie stop" I say, she continues running and I jump in the pool "Try get me now?" I say, the water is freezing cold, she wasted no time in jumping in after me. I pull my shirt off throwing it at her, which leaves me in my bra and shorts "I'm sorry" I say laughing "You woke me up" She says "I'm sorry" I say "Fine" I jump out of the pool, and mom hands me a towel! She laughs at our stupidity before giving us our pancakes, we eat them and I go upstairs to shower, before changing into my black ripped skinny jeans, a shirt then a sweater, I put my shoes on and sort my hair out, I add my contacts and then make up "Mom" I shout "Yeah" She replies "I'm going out, I'll see you Monday" I say "Okay, bye sweetheart" she says "Bye" I reply before getting into my car and driving over to Lauren's. I walk inside using the key she gave me. I check every room other than her room. I walk in and she's wrapped in her covers cuddling her pillow. I walk in and pull the pillow from her, her eyes open and I smile "It's 11, get up" I say, she groans and turns over, I go over and sit on the side of the bed "Pleaseeee" I say, she pulls her legs from her covers and goes to her bathroom, she leaves the door open and I can hear her peeing, nice. I make her bed for her, being the kind person I am, before going downstairs and making her coffee and pancakes. She walks downstairs in her shorts, she's put her hair up and her eyes are still adjusting to the light "Good morning beautiful" I say "Good morning Dems" she says. I laugh. "Here drink this and eat these" I say, she does what I say "I'll go get dressed be down soon" I nod and go to her lounge and watch TV. I skim through the channels before landing on a crime show, I drink my coffee while watching it.

After 30-45 minutes of watching crime shows Lauren comes down. She's adjusting her lip liner as she grabs her shoes "Does my lips look okay?" She asks. I forget to answer because I'm to intrigued by the show "Baby?"She says, I slowly turn my head "Yeah?" I ask "Do my lips look okay?" She asks, I get closer and peck them "Now they do" I say, she smiles and pecks my lips "I'm ready" she says "Can we wait till the end of this show please" I say, she nods and puts her legs on me. She plays on her phone and I rest my arms on her legs. The show finishes telling me the woman's son murdered their grandma which is fucked up "That was so fucked up" I say "Why?" She asks "Who murders their grandmother" I say, she giggles and we leave, were driving out of town to go to a huge shopping centre she found and I wanna go. We sit in her car and she drives, I take her phone and take some selfies. I set the one of us as her home screen and one of my dogs as her lock screen. I get my own phone and snapchat myself 'date with babe👑' I laugh and Marissa snapchats me back 'buy me a gift hoe😂💖' I laugh 'obviously I found a matching bracelet to your necklace so I'm buying it you💖' I say, she replies with a 'Bitch I know'. Lauren grabs my hand and I have to take a picture with the way she's holding it 'one and only🔐' I put it on Instagram getting 400 likes from people who watch my YouTube covers. I find it cute.

We arrive at the mall and I spend at least 500$ in the first 3 hours. My hand has been gripped to Lauren's since we arrived! "Hey baby" I say, she looks at me "I love you millions" I say "I love you more than you could ever imagine"

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