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Demi's POV

After my birthday meal, my mom and Lauren walked ahead, while me and Maddie were watching Miranda videos "Apparently she is coming to LA soon, we should go see her?" I say "Can we? Will you take me?" she asks, I nod "Mom" Maddie says running ahead "Yeah Maddie?" She replies "Demi said She'd take me to a Miranda show" she says, I start laughing "Mom, I said she's supposed to be coming here, so I'd take her if she definitely does" I reply "Oh, but yeah, isn't it around the 7th of September?" she asks, I nod unsure, Maddie comes back to me and we continue to watch, my mom and Lauren laughing about something and I just smile and watch her "Demz" I hear Maddie say "Huh, what?" I say "You really like her, huh?" She asks, I blush "To say we've known each other 8 months, I'm falling in love with her" I say "That's cute but I want your phone" she takes it and runs, I'm unlucky I have heels on "Madz" I shout, running after her. "Demi, be careful" My mom shouts. I grab hold of her "Sh. Let's scare them" I say. She nods and we hide behind a corner, we see them walk closer so we jump out and Lauren jumps out of her skin, we high five each other while Lauren has her hand on her heart "Sorry" I kiss her cheek and entwine our fingers. We make it to Lauren's car were we say goodbye to my mom "Bye mom, i love you" I say "Bye sweetheart, i love you too" I hug her! I grab Madz "Madz. Wanna come bowling with me and Dallas tomorrow?" I ask, she nods! "YAS!!" She replies "Okay but be good for mom, okay?" She nods. She walks over to Lauren and whispers something well says "Please look after her and don't steal her away from me, she's my big sister" she says as she hugs her. I smile "I promise I'll look after her and I promise I won't steal her away from you" My dad hugs her "Protect her with everything you have okay" she nods and smiles. He thanks her "I'll see you tomorrow for your meeting Demi" My mom says, I nod and we get in the car "What meeting?" Lauren asks "I uh, have a meeting with Hollywood Records tomorrow" she looks at me "Are you serious?" She says, I nod "Well done baby girl" she replies. I smile and look out of the window as we drive back to her house.

Once we arrive there, I get out and walk inside, she grabs my hand and kisses me, I put my hand on her chest and we walk up the stairs. I push her bedroom door open and push her back on the bed, I crawl on top of her and she shakes her head, she flips us over as I kick my heels off. I squeeze her ass in my hands causing her to moan, I pull her zip down for her dress and she pulls it off of her shoulders, leaving her bare chested, I grab one of her breasts in my hand and she moans "Baby girl. This is about you" she moans, she flips her hair to the side "Tonight's about you" she whispers, my legs buck, she kisses down my neck and I swear my neck will be covered in hickey's by the time were finished, she pulls my dress off and she, kisses down my chest, making goosebumps rise under her touch, she kisses my lips before going down on me, she rest her hands on the hem of my underwear, she kisses my centre through my panties "Mhm" I moan, she drags them down slowly, kissing the same spot, once they're off, she spreads my legs, she plays with my clit before kissing and sucking on it "Fuck Lauren" I moan "Oh my god" I say, I tangle my hand in her hair as I entwine our hands. She then uses her other hand to slowly insert two fingers inside of me "Lauren!" I moan. She pulls her mouth away and inserts another finger, she then looks up at me and I look down at her. Our hands are still entwined together she puts that hand above my head and pushes her fingers in harder. She kisses my neck and I suck on her neck, harder than normal. "I love you" I moan "I love you more" she says! I finally come and she smiles and pulls her fingers out, she then goes down to lick me clean, my breathing hitches again "Sit on my face" I say, she looks at me "But tonight is about you" she says "But I want it to be about you too" I say, I flip her over and kiss my way down her body, before taking her panties off, she's already soaking wet, we swap places and she lowers herself on to my face, I slowly and softly start to lick her, causing her to moan, as I start picking up my pace a little, she grips onto my thighs, she digs her nails in as I feel her start to cum.

She starts grinding her hips with my tongue until she reaches her high. "Fuck Demz" She moans one last time. She pulls herself from me and she goes down on me again.

We have a few couple rounds before, I lock hands with her and lay my head on her chest, I'm still panting from the last round we did "That was.." I say "Amazing" we say together, I look up at her and kiss her lips "I love you so much" she says "I love you so much more" I reply, she smiles and pecks my lips, I put my head in the crook of her neck and she rubs her thumb across my hand as our hands are locked, my eyes are closed and I see a flash, I open them and laugh "Can we add those to the book you got me?" I ask "Yeah. I'm sure there's room somewhere" she says "Okay" I close my eyes again and start to slowly fall asleep... With my love.

I hope I get a record label tomorrow at HWR. It would be an amazing opportunity for me to show my music and be who I want to be not someone else.

Music saved my life.

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