Fourty Four

847 34 1

Demi's POV
Okay, we're onto Monday, I'm about to do a TV show then a radio station, first question I know is going to be "Is that really you in those pictures" so basically a picture got leaked of me and Lauren, and it's really awkward. I don't even know how they got it but it's going crazy and it's annoying as fuck. You can't see our faces but 'you can tell its me' i dont know...

I arrive at the place and I sit down "So Demi, you've decided to come today, to chat about your previous experiences right?" She asks, I nod, they dim the lights and I'm very uncomfortable "So you say.. You used to self harm" she also, I nod "How old was you when you first cut?" She alas "11" I hear gasps "Did it hurt?" She asks "Yeah, it hurt.. But it was my release.. It felt good to let the pain go even if it was just for a hour" I say "When did the bullying start?" She asks "Just after my barney.. They signed petitions for me saying they hated me..."

-after that show-
I walk off the stage and my eyes are still teary "Come here" Lauren says, she hugs me and I start crying again.. She pulls back and wipes my eyes "I love you" she kisses my lips. "Girls we have to go to KIIS" max says, I nod and Lauren walks out with her head down and I go out and get into the car but someone shouts "STAY STRONG DEMI" I smile and wave. We get to the studios and I sit down in the chair. "Good afternoon, Demi Lovato here today. Send us some questions" he says, I smile "So Demi, your album is 3rd on the iTunes chart, am I right" he asks "Yeah. Last time I got told it was so yeah" I say "Awesome now we've got some fan questions to ask you, but can we speak out on the alleged picture of you?" He asks "Um, if you wanna" I say "So is it you..? Like is that you and your girlfriend or is it photoshopped" he asks "I'm not gonna lie to you, it is me, but it's kinda invading me right now, I'm a new artist, I'm open, I just did a TV show on my problems, and I can't even have a little bit of privacy with my girlfriend..." I say "We understand but you lost your privacy when you signed the papers" he says "and I completely understand that.. It's the fact that because I'm new to this business my privacy has gone..." I say "Maybe those pictures shouldn't be on your phone" he says "The fact my phone has nothing to do with my business as a singer is horrific. I can't help they were leaked, nor am I going to lie and say they aren't me. It's just a fucked up thing and people need to respect, I'm exactly like everyone else, I just sing for a living, I still deserve as much privacy as anyone else does" I say, he nods. "Fan questions?" I nod "First one @demiismylife what is it like being in the spotlight, is it weird or not?" He asks "It's amazing, I love it, I love meeting fans and it's a little weird" I say "Next is @justdemetria what did you think of the picture?" I sigh "Invasion of privacy... That's all" I say...

I finish up there "Yo Demi dude?" I turn around "I didn't mean anything I get where you're at, they had no right to be in your grill like that, I had a script to read from, you know" I nod "I understand" he smiles and we go back to the hotel... "baby?" She says "yeah" I reply "I think we should come out" she says "but you're job" I reply "You're not my student anymore.. It's not illegal" she says "I googled it" she says, I laugh "If you're sure" I say.. "I am" she replies ...

@ddlovato hey guys, whattup?? You know I've been in a relationship... And if you're my fans or Lovatics as y'all call yourselves I should be open with you. I'm dating Lauren, Lauren Daiz... Some of you who know me personally will know her. But since I'm not in school anymore, nothing can happen about it... Just know that I love her very much & nothing will break us. But also, that doesn't mean she's gonna take me away from music, she fully understands my music and understands this is going to be my life and is 100% supportive and accepting. So if you could do the same, that'd be amazing!! For all who are seeing and meeting me tomorrow, I can't wait to meet you all!! I love you all, stay strong💗.

I post it with a picture where I'm kissing her cheek and she's looking at me... Well I hope this goes down well! "I'm proud of you" she says "I'm proud of myself.. Today has been emotional but incredible..." She smiles and kisses my cheek "@ddlovato and for the picture of me leaked.. Thank you for those who didn't share it on and respect my private life!! But I'm sad to see people were sending it on, however my management are deleting traces of it, i love you💗" I sigh and she lays my head on her chest "@ddlovato I didn't come into the industry for my pictures to be leaked, I came to show you my talent... :(" I don't know how they got it "@ddlovato and for the person that hacked my phone... Hope your parents are proud boo😒😌😌😌" I log out of Twitter and lock my phone, Lauren plays with my hair "I can't wait to see you perform tomorrow" she says "I can't wait to perform Stars" I say, she laughs!! "But come on baby, you've got radio shows tomorrow" She says "I love you" she says "I love you more L" I say as I close my eyes...

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