Seventy Two

692 30 2

Lauren's POV

I wake up my head on Demi's chest and my arm wrapped around her bare stomach (her shirt slid up) The previous day replaying on my mind, however moving right now was not a good idea considering she'd feel it and everything she said was true, I know she'd follow me if I did jump. She'd go downhill completely if I went... I'd never forgive myself but the thought in my mind is replaying on my mind, I feel her touch my back I think to make sure I'm still there, it is 3am by the way, she looks down at me with tired eyes "are you okay?" she says with a raspy voice "Hm, I'm okay baby" I reply "Promise?" She says "I promise, go back to sleep" I say, she nods and I cuddle closer to her "I love you Lauren, I'll protect you, you know that right" She says, I nod "I love you" I say as I bury my head further into her neck, she wraps her arms around me tightly.. If it was any tighter I'd stop breathing but that's what I like she wraps her arms around me and it's like it fixes all of my problems and that's one of the main things I honor for. I mean everything about her makes me love her more and more each day and I know that she'd do whatever it takes to protect me and I'd do the same for her if she needs anything I'll do it for her.

I end up thinking myself into a deep sleep and I'm later woken up by Demi "Baby, come on wake up " she says "I want to stay in here all day" I say "I can't let you drown yourself in your own sorrows, I'm not prepare to let that happen" She says "Please" I hear her say, I look at her and she's make up free and in black jeans "I can't Demi" I say "Look at me" she says, I look at her "What do you hate the most" she asks... I look at my thighs and my stomach, and point to my face. She nods "follow me" She says, pulling me up, I follow her to where our huge mirror is, I stand in front of it "Why am I in front of this" I ask "When I hated my body, Dallas was the only one who knew.. This isn't a sob story.. One time she saw me imprinting on my thighs she dragged and I mean physically dragged me in front of this exact mirror, and she made me write everything I hated about my body on it in a black sharpie and why" She says. She pulls a black sharpie from her back pocket "Do it" She says, I look at her "What?" I say "Here's a sharpie write everything and why" she says, handing me the pen.. I look at her and she nods, I step forward and write the following 

Thighs - they are to big and make me feel self conscious about wearing tight pants

Ass - Stretch marks on it..

Stomach - way to big and scars on it

Face - I'm ugly.

I  give her the pen back and she looks at it.. and she nods "Look at me" she says, she kisses my lips and I feel tears roll down my face as she does, she nods and pulls away "Your thighs, are one of my favorite things on your body, why? It's not because they fit perfectly around my face. It's because they're beautiful and they're not skinny.. Sounds judgmental I know, but I tried so hard to be those skinny vogue girls and I couldn't ever be despite how much I tried to starve myself, ate and made myself sick.. It never worked, I prayed my hardest I'd find someone who was thick, not skinny not Victoria Secret skinny. I found you and your thighs are fucking beautiful. Fucking beautiful Lauren. I'll tell you until you believe it babe" She says, I look down "Your ass.. don't get me started on it" I laugh at her and she smiles "It's by far the best thing to grab. You have stretch, alright who cares, do they make you who you are, not at all. Do they make me love you any less.. Nope! Do they make me want to grab your ass any less... Hell no!" She says, my head continues to stay down "Tell me something" She asks, I look up "How does it feel when I kiss your stomach as I'm going own on you, or when I'm just being a dick and kissing your stomach?" She asks... I look at her "Loved, amazing, like I'm the only girl in your life" I say "Well you are the only girl in my life" She says, I nod "See you know making you feel those things makes me want to remove all of your problems, and if I could I would, because you don't deserve anything but happiness, and I hope I can give you happiness.. but what i'm trying to say is that your stomach isn't big and yes you have scars but looking at them I know they have something behind them, that you haven't shared yet and I don't want you too until you're 100% ready.. I'm gonna love you till you fix yourself" she says, tears run down my face "And your face is the most beautiful thing ever, I feel blessed as a person as a girl, as anyone that I get to wake up next to your make-up-less face in the mornings and I get to kiss those beautiful lips.. I've been dreaming for someone like you all my life and spending these two years with you have made me realize how fucking lucky I am" She says... I stay quite.. I stand up and she follows my eyes and I stand in front of the mirror and rub the ones she's made me slowly start loving.. My Ass, My Stomach and My thighs, she looks at me "It's a start" I say, she stands up and smiles "That' one is the hardest.. but I'll love you till you fix yourself Lauren" She says.. I turn around in her embrace and cuddle myself into her.. "I've been wishing for someone to tell me that all my life" I say "I'll always love you, even when you're fixed, when you're 100% okay, when you're old and in a home, when your giving birth to one of my children, when you're walking down the aisle the day I make you my wife.. I'll love you till the day I die and forever more" She says... I do nothing more than leaning up and kissing her lips, nothing but love filled it and it made my heart melt honestly.

Drama is calming down a little bit now... It will heat up and some exciting new thing to come :)

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