Sixty - Seven

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Demis pov
I wake up a pain I've felt before burning through my wrists. I pull my sleeves up and look at them and I sigh.. I go to get out of bed when I get pulled down and pulled into Lauren.. I smile into her and hug her back "We're all good, okay?" She says, I nod "It's just a bump okay? A little one that we can get over easy" she says kissing my cheek "Promise?" I say "I cross my heart babe" she replies. I get up "I need to clean my wrists Lauren" I say "Let me do it" she replies, she pulls my hand into the bathroom and i sit on the toilet seat, I pull my sleeves up and watch her every move "Its going to sting okay?" I nod resulting back to when this was basically an everyday thing for me. I look at her while she gets the cloth and puts warm water on it before genitally cleaning them. Once she's put antiseptic cream on them, she kisses them individually leaving goose bumps up and down my arms, she grabs my hand again and we walk back into our room "I love you Demi, okay?" I hear her say, I smile and hug her from behind "I love you more Lauren" I say more in a promising tone than an admiration tone. I go and change into my clothes which is a long sleeved shirt, my white and black cardigan, black jeans and my ankle boots, i leave my hair down well I can't exactly do anything with it because it's so short. I mentally laugh to myself. I walk out and Lauren's not there, I walk into kitchen and she's sat at the island "Here I made breakfast" she says, I nod and sit facing her. I eat what she made which was a traditional Spanish breakfast called Desayuno, her papa taught her how to make it when she was younger, it literally is delicious "I said to myself I would find a partner who can cook because I cant cook for shit and look i found you, with your amazing cooking skills" I smirk, she laughs at my stupidity "God I love you" She says "I love you toooo" I say.

We end up spending the day at Monkey World, we basically walk around while the monkeys are free and you could watch them be fed and see the little baby monkeys, if I could have a pet monkey I would "Oh baby" Lauren says "Yeah babe?" I reply "I have a surprise for you when you get home" she says "OO!! What is it?" I ask "Uh babe, the whole concept of a surprise is that you have to wait" she says "Ugh" I groan "Come on we'll get Chinese food and then go home" she says, I nod as we connect hands as we reach the entrance two people come up to us "Hi Demi.. Sorry to bother you but can we have a picture?" The male asks "Sure of course" I say "Will you take it babe?" I ask, she nods and I stand in the middle of them "Thank you so much and thank you Lauren for taking it" He says, we smile before going to the car, she drives us to the Chinese place where I get sushi and other Chinese food and she gets similar.

We arrive home and I'm eager for her to unlock the door, I walk through "Oh my god" I say "Is this for me?" I say running over to the little black puppy "Oh my god" I say picking him up "You're so beautiful" I say, he licks my face. "I'm gonna name him batman" I say "That's cute baby" She says as she sits next to me. I take a picture of us three and post it 

@ddlovato my little family🙈

 I smile before posting a picture of batman 

@ddlovato so Lauren got me this little bundle of joy and look at him!! GUYS MEET BATMAN!🐶

 I post it and my fans comment how cute he is "I love him so much" I say "Babe food" She says, I walk through "Look he's buried himself in my sweater " I say "Babe is this puppy gonna take my place" she laughs "Never ever baby" I kiss her lips. I lay him on the couch and he falls straight back to sleep, I eat and drink my drink while making small talk with Lauren about random stuff, work, etc. "Ohh. I have dates for my tour and stuff" I say "When does it start" she asks "March 9th" I say "And finishes?" She replies "Exactly 3 months later" I say "So you can travel the world with me" I say, she smirks "I can't wait to eat in all those different countries" she smirks, I blush and shake my head, I put my leftovers in the oven area before returning to my pup! I see Lauren already has him on her lap, so I sit down and he crawls onto me "Favouritism" she says, I stick my tongue out at her "Hey put that away" she says "You're not complaining when it's in you boo boo" I say, her eyes widen and I laugh, she blushes and lays her head on my boobs "So comfortable" she says, Batman lays in my lap so I take a sneaky picture of them both 

@ddlovato I must be a comfortable person?😑

 I post it before I hear soft snores from Lauren "Babe come on let's go to bed" I say, she stands up and goes into the bedroom, I put batman at the bottom of us "Sleep well batman" I say as I kiss his head, I get in next to Lauren feeling her cuddle next to me "Goodnight baby" I say "Wait Demz" I hear her mumble "Yah?" I reply "I got batman to draw closure for our 2016 together, whatever happened/happens for the rest of this year at the end is left behind a new chapter okay?" She says "Of course baby girl" I say "A new adventure for us to take on" I say, she nods and cuddles into me again "Goodnight i love you baby" she says "I love you more beautiful" I say, before closing my eyes...


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