Twenty Two

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Demis POV
I wake up at 6 again to Lauren's alarm,'I roll over and turn it off for her "Why are you awake?" She asks "Alarms" I laugh, her raspy voice is so perfect, I stand up and walk downstairs and take my medicine, I stand facing the sink area, with a shirt on and my panties, I feel arms wrap around me and I turn around "I think I have every good reason to skip work today" she says,'looking down at me and then back up. "I think you do too" I say, I push her back against the wall and look at her, I push my lips onto hers, and she moves them in sync with me.

Before you make assumptions, no we didn't have sex. We took pictures most of the day. I have a favourite and its the one where, she's holding the phone and she's looking at the camera but I'm looking at her with a silly pout. It makes me laugh. A lot of them are my favourite but that's my main. The other one I like is where I am next to her and she is looking at me, and I'm looking at her but my eyes are like glancing at her so they're to the side! "These are cute" I say "True, I like this one" she says, I'm laying down and she is next to me and we're looking at each other "I didn't even know you took this" I say, she winks. Her phone goes off and it's her mom and my mom is calling me too.

-Hey mom.

Hey Demi, are you coming home tonight or are tomorrow?

-is it okay if I come tomorrow?

Of course sweetheart, are you taking your meds?

-yep, I'm due to take them now so I'll get lunch and take them after

Okay baby girl, I'll see you tomorrow, after school!

-Okay, I love you, mom!

I love you more Demi!

I put my phone down and Lauren walks through "Hey babe" she says "Yeah?" I say "So my mom accepts" she replies "Seriously?" I ask, she nods smiling massively "And she can't wait to meet you when you're 100% recovered" She says, I smile "What if she accepts the relationship but doesn't like me..." I say "She will like you, if she likes me, she'll like you. I promise baby" She says, she comes to sit next to me and I put my legs on her "There's over 7 billion people in the world but still you chose to fall in love with me.." She says "Because i dont know, I fell in love with you way before you even looked at me, I saw you across the ground of school on my introduction day, but I saw how beautiful you were, when you smiled at me, I was very pissed off that day" I say "Why?" She asks "I guess it was because my mom thought I was ready for public school, I wasn't.. I just acted like I was okay and ready" i say "Are you feeling ready now" she asks "If I'm honest no, I've never been ready to come back to public school, I had such a terrible time in Texas at school it saddens me that I could go through that again" I say, she nods "But if I didn't come to public school again, I wouldn't of met you and I wouldn't of fallen so hard for you" I smile, she smiles back. My phone goes off and it's my mom!

Just confirming were heading back to Dallas for a week, Saturday night, I've cleared it with school! X

-WHAT. Why? I don't want to go back there mom.

Sorry sweetheart, we want to get out of town for a while!!x

-mom, that's the last place I want to go for a vacation! It reminds me to much of everything!

I'm sorry, it'll be good for you to go back x

-uh. Whatever.

I lock my phone and throw it on the table "What's wrong?" Lauren asks "My mom wants to go back to Dallas for a week, expecting me to be fine when that's where my biggest bullies live and I don't want to see them ever again" I say, she comes closer to me "Baby, it's going to be fine. I promise. I'll call you every single day and night before you sleep" she says "But the time zones are different" I say "I'll wake up earlier to call you" she says "Okay" I say, I bury my face into her neck "I don't wanna leave you though" I say "I know me either but it's going to be okay" She says, I lay with my face buried in her neck and her arm tracing shapes on my arm.

-the next day-
I kiss Lauren goodbye before getting into my car and driving to Marissa's. She walks out and gets into my car "Sorry I didn't come by yesterday, my mom and I were busy" She says "No problem" I smile. She laughs "How are you feeling" she asks "I'm good, I just I was in a lot of pain" I say to her "I bet you were, I was so worried Demz" she says "I know. I'm sorry I worried you Mar" I say "Like bitch don't ever do that again" she laughs, I laugh with her and we pull into school "I'm going back to Dallas for a week Saturday" I say "Really?" She asks "Yeah, it's pissed me off a lot" I say "But now you can show them you're better than them and stronger and you're not going to let them bring you down again" She says "I guess you're right" I say we link arms and walk through, Jason comes over to me "Babe why have you got to go to Dallas the day of my 18th" he whines "I'm sorry boo" I say "I'll buy you something extra nice though" I say "Fine that's okay" he laughs, I smile and me and Marissa walk to first period, I sit in my seat and Stevie keeps looking at me "Why does she keep looking at me" I say to Marissa "I dont know she was pretty worried too" she says, I roll my eyes "Do you have a problem or something?" I ask her "Um, I was just seeing how you were" she says "Looking at me every 3.2 seconds isn't seeing how I am, I could be fine on the outside and dying on the inside" I say, she sighs "I just wanna be friends again Dem" she says "My name has a I at the end and I don't think we should be friends" I say "I'm a danger to you remember" I reply, Marissa calms me down "Breathe Demz" she says, I follow her breathing and calm down, Miss Daiz walks in and she smiles at the class, her eyes meeting mine and looking worriedly at me "Good morning class, today is a recap of last Monday, you've got to write you're assignment and hand it in by the end of today, or stay after school" she says, we get on with it very quickly, she walks over to me and gets a chair "What's wrong?" She whispers, we have covers in front of the tables so nobody can see her hand on my thigh "I had a anxiety attack" I say "Why?" She whispers "Stevie" I reply, she sighs "Just keep out of her way, okay" she says "Okay" I reply. She gives my thigh a rub before standing up and walking to the front of the class. I wipe my eyes and continue with my work.

Once it gets to last period, I'm extremely stressed and sleepy. I drink some of my water! I sit listening to the teacher blabber on about how this year must count! I go in and out of concentration! "Okay things to the front and I'll see you all tomorrow" she says, I stand up and take my stuff before walking to Marissa's class, she has Miss Daiz for science right now, I stand outside and wait for her to come out, I'm scrolling through my phone when she comes out "Hey, ready?" She asks, I nod "Miss Daiz said she'll call you later" she says, I smile and thank her. I drop her off at her house telling her I'll see her tomorrow before going home for the argument of I'm not going to Dallas.

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