Sixty -Nine

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Demis POV
I wake up and Lauren's arm is wrapped over my stomach and our fingers are entwined, Batman isn't near me anymore, I look and he's peacefully sleeping next to Lauren "Baby wake up" I say turning over to face her, she groans and I kiss her cheek "Baby I miss your eyes!" I say, I kiss her lips and her eyes flutter open "Fine" she groans and buries her face in my neck "i love you baby" she groans "I love you more" I say "Nope, I do" She whispers "I love you more baby" I say, she kisses my lips and then batman barks "Come on then boy" I say, he jumps of the bed and I get out my shirt riding up "Damn.." Lauren says, I turn around and she's biting her lip.. I smirk and walk out.

A week later
Lauren has to have some tests today about her head i dont know what it is but I'm going with her. I drive us to the hospital.. "It's going to be fine baby" I say "I hope so Demz" she replies, I kiss her hand and we walk in, only a few paparazzi surrounding us but they make way so we can get in. We sit down and wait for our name to be called.. A few minutes later I hear her name "Baby come on" I say as I entwine our hands.. she sits down on the chair "Hello, Lauren and Demi I assume" he says, Lauren nods "So we realised your mind hasn't been set right and it's different your loosing a little memory, right?" He asks "Yeah, it's been quite frequent" she replies, I entwine our hands. He smiles "So we can take some blood samples and I'll test them myself they get back to you today" he says, Lauren nods and she sits on the bed, I sit next to her, her fear of needles is horrible "Shh, calm down baby it's okay" I whisper in her ear, I rest my head on hers and kiss her cheek "Everything's fine" I whisper.. "And we're done" the doctor says "Thank you.." She gulps, he puts a bandaid on it and she leans her head on my shoulder... "I'll be back in around 5 minutes" he says, I nod. I wrap my arm around her "Are you okay?" I ask, she nods "I think so" she mumbles "Everything's going to be okay" I reply "I really wish he'd hurry up" with that he walks in "Nothing major so don't look so pale" he says, she giggles "You've got a mild stress disorder, due to a long time anxiety problem.. Have you felt yourself get light headed and sometimes feeling anxious?" He asks, she nods "You've got a mild stress disorder which was caused from your anxiety but we shall give you the same pills as Miss Lovato and you're all good" he says, I nod "Thank you doctor" she says. He gives us her prescription and we walk out. "See I told you everything was fine" I say, she leans and kisses me "I'm sorry" she says, I giggle "Don't worry"

I'm performing at the Jingle Bell Ball tonight for IHeart Radio. I haven't performed in a while so I'm excited. My arms are healing properly which is good everything is just falling into place as I like it. My family are coming to watch and Lauren's mom, and Carly. Marissa is coming and I'm just excited to perform. I get my hair and make up sorted before my wardrobe artist walks in "Are you okay with showing your arms and legs?" She asks "Yup!" I say, she holds up a crop top and some high skin tight shorts "I love it" I say my show starts in 40 minutes "Okay" I say, I pull the shorts onto my legs and to where they should be "Baby can you zip me up?" I ask "Sure" she comes behind me and zips the back of the shorts up. I put the crop top on and adjust it to the right place. I then have a choker and this outfit looks amazing. To conclude my outfit I also have some knee high boots which go well with my fishnet tights. I slip my confident jacket on and I turn around "Damn baby" Lauren says, I laugh and she stands up "You look straight up... Sexy" she says, I smirk "You think huh?" I say, she nods "Wait till they're on the floor" I whisper kissing the corner of her mouth and then walking away.

"Rising star, made her album No1 in its first week of release... Demi Lovato" I walk on to the stage and stand at the Mic stand... Cool for the summer backing track comes on and I begin singing. Once my set is over I say a few words before exciting the stage! I hear them cheering my name and I laugh as I walk again to my dressing room. "We have literally no time to change, it's incredibly crowded in the arena and you closed the show so we need you out asap." Max says, I nod. Before we leave I get a bunch of thank you's from family and management. "Demi dear" Lauren's mom says "Hey. How are you?" I ask "I'm really good, your performance was amazing by the way" she says in her Spanish accent "Thank you, so much! It means a lot" I say "You're more than welcome, I'll hope to be seeing you before or on christmas?" She asks "Of course, yeah I'll come over with Lauren!" I say "Okay! That's great. Bye sweetheart" she says "Bye" I reply, Lauren connects hands with me "Let's go home" she says, I nod and we get into the car, I wave at a few fans before resting my head on Lauren's shoulder "Tired?" She asks, I shake my head "After every performance I'm full of adrenaline" I say "Baby you're so cute" she says "But your performance was amazing, was Mr Hudges about the guy you told me about?" She asks, I nod "Yeah it was about him" I reply, she nods, I look out of the window.. It's different now.. How my life is, I have a beyond beautiful relationship.. My girlfriend loves me really this time, no falseness. I love her so much.. My sister she's doing great in aerial, Dallas is doing amazing, all of my family are doing great.
My career is taking off so much, I have my tour starting March 9th which means I get to travel the world with my girlfriend for three months. I doubt I would've made it through properly anyway without Lauren, she's someone I know I can rely on, someone I adore and I'm willing to one day marry her... "Demz, we're here" I hear Lauren says "Oh. Okay, thank you Max" I say, she smiles. We get inside and I've become extremely tired, and so has Lauren, I change into my night clothes while Lauren sorts batman out.. I jump on the bed and just fall into deep sleep dreaming about my thoughts in the car earlier.

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