Fifty - Seven

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Lauren's POV
-a few weeks later-
Its been a few weeks. I've been busy with work and Demis been not so busy.. I mean she has but she hasn't.. She hasn't left the state much, a few times but not ridiculous amounts. I've been looking through some things on Twitter and Instagram of Demi and her last boy friend.. Who died, she told me about him.. It was really sad, but a year later I've come to realisation I can't cope with a second hand heart... That sounds hella selfish but it's true...

"Demi, we need to talk" I say, she nods and sits down with her glass of water "Uh, i dont know how to say this.. I think we should break up.." I say, she chokes "What? Why?" She asks "I can't cope with a second hand heart" I say "And you're just realising this now? After almost 2 years" she says, I nod.. "Go, get out" She says. She stands up and grabs her jacket "In fact be gone by the time I get back. You can't cope with a second hand heart okay. It just shows I was really a toy to you and you never was 'in love with me' and everything you fucking said was a lie" She says She walks out of the door.. I sigh, she wasn't a toy. I am in love with her, I just can't deal with a second hand heart.. I dont know why, maybe I just need a break. I don't know what's happening... I grab my stuff and I walk out.. Looking behind at the memories we made.. I sigh and lock up before walking off. I put my bags in the back of my car, I see her car parked which means she went for a jog.. I start my car and drive off. Once I'm back at my old house, it looks weird! It smells weird.. I know I caused this myself, but I guess I had to do what's best for me. I put my bag in my room and take some books out to mark, I turn my playlist on and it's straight to her album.. I sigh and just let it run. I mark all the books before putting them back in my bag. I go and shower before getting into bed, feeling the coldness of not having her near me, I sigh and close my eyes...

Demis POV
I wake up my eyes hurt, my head hurts and my heart hurts.. "I can't cope with a second hand heart" that broke my heart... I go to shower before getting changed, I hear a knock on the door and I know it's Max. I go down and grab my phone and bag "Have you figured a song yet for English, Class B" he asks. I nod "And...?" He asks "Uh! In case" I say, he looks at me "Demi what's going on?" He asks "Did you fight with Lauren?" He asks "It wasn't even a fight. It was her saying she couldn't handle my second hand heart, what does that even mean?" I say "Damn Demi" My eyes well up again as I walk over to fans I wipe them "Good luck with your performance today Demi!" The girl says "Thank you" I smile for the picture "Good luck Demi" He says "Thank you!! Hey, I read your letter. I never got the chance to DM you. Please promise you'll stay off that stuff and you'll stay strong through everything" I say, he nods "I promise Demi" he says "Thank you. I love you" I say "I love you too" We hug and take a picture "Demi we've got to go" Max says. I nod and we walk in. I see all my old classes and stuff.. I see Lauren's classroom "Am I allowed in?" I ask, he nods. I walk in "It feels so long since I've been in here" I say "It's been a while Demz" he says, I chuckle "I mean since I properly studied and before I met Lauren, where I fully focused on stuff." I say, he nods. I sigh.. "Anyways lets go" I say, he smiles "It'll get better Demi." He reassures me.. I pull my phone out and I have messages

I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound mean...

-It did. It really did, you think I can help the fact I have a 'second hand heart' or whatever you said.. Because I can't. Realistically you were/are my first love. You're the first person I gave myself too.

I lock my phone and set up. "You're allowed to sing another song, pick it from confident preferably" he says "Yes." I say, he nods..

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome our ex student Demi Lovato." The principal says "Hey guys. I'm here to sing a couple songs and talk to you about life in this school" I say. I hear screams again.. "I started this school the first term of my last year. I had only been in elementary school, nothing else. I was home schooled due to bullying which caused many mental issues which I don't dwell on, you know the drill Google me... But this school changed my life for better and for worse I guess" I chuckle "For better because I met some incredible people who are still in my life now.. But worse because I met Stevie.. Well the first part of our friendship was cool, until we went down hill and my girlfriend cheated on me with her..." I laugh "But just know that this is a good school, and if you ever need tutoring or help with anything speak with Miss Daiz she'll hit you up and give you the possible chance of A*s I mean I struggled so much with Maths and she tutored me, even if it wasn't normal tutoring, I still got my A and I'm so grateful that she tutored me" I say, I look at her and she's already watching me, I turn my head away and continue with it "But here's a song from my last album Demi... called In Case " I say ..

Once I've finished In Case I start Yes. "Questions for Demi?" The principal asks "Jack, you?" He says  "Can you take me on a date" He asks, I blush and start laughing "That won't be appropriate  Jack" Lauren says, I see the jealousy in her eyes.. Why? I laugh "As Miss Daiz said, I'm not on your team dude" I say, he laughs. "Me either but it was worth the try right?" He laughs "Oh my god Yes!" I run down and Hi 5 him .I walk back to the stool and let students ask a few more questions. "Thank you Demi for coming and Miss Daiz for setting it up" The principal says "Demi can't stay for signings however she has given you the whole English people who are here now tickets to her show next Saturday. Sign the papers if you're able to make it." He says, I smile and Max escorts me back to the changing room area "So where to next?" He asks "I dont know what's my schedule" I ask "It was lunch with Lauren but.." He says, I nod "Uhhh! I dont know" I say he laughs "Thank you so much Demi for coming back in today, it's great to see how your career is going" He says  "Thank you sir, for having me" I say. He smiles "Demi.." I hear.. I sigh "I'll wait outside" Max says, he takes sir with him. "Yeah?" I say "You did great.." She says "Thank you" I reply. I put my phone in my bag "I didn't mean it like that y'know" she says "I got your text, I know" I say "I just I think I needed a break from everything" she says "Then why can't I take you on vacation, like you did me.. Or is it because I got my heart broken before you don't wanna" I say "No.. Actually I'd like that.." She says "Then I'll book it just don't tell my my heart is second hand when you're my first love.. I am the one who I took my purity ring off for..." I walk to max "Let's go" I say...

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