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Demis POV
I wake up and it's Sunday, Lauren is reading something on her phone "Hey pretty girl" she says, looking up from her phone "Hey have you been here all night?" I ask, she nods "You should get some sleep" I say "I'm okay" She says, I nod "I wanna go home" I say "I know but they have to make sure, you're okay" she replies "I'm more than fine" I say "Uh. I'll go talk with the doctors" She leaves her phone on the bed, so I pick it up and play a game..

She then gets a message from her mom

I hope your friend is okay. She seems strong & will be fine. You're a great friend to her! x

I'm not even introduced as her girlfriend, I sigh and put her phone back down. I turn so my back is to her, and go on my own phone.

Hey bestfriend, I heard you're in the hospital!! I'm on my way to visit you. I bought some stuff, hope you're okay. Love you x

I decided to reply with a simple 'thank you, i love you too x' Lauren walks back in "They said you may be able to leave tonight" She says, I nod "Marissa's coming so you can go home and change if you want too, and catch up on sleep or something.. I know you have class tomorrow" I say "Are you going to be okay?" She asks "Yeah, I'll call if I die again" I smile, she glares at me "Sorry, but I'll call if anything is wrong" she nods and leans to kiss me,'I turn my head so she gets my cheek.. She frowns but drops it, I see Marissa as she walks in "Hey best friend" she says "Hey Mar" I reply "How are you feeling?" She asks giving me the flowers "Aw, they are so beautiful" I say "Thank you"'she hugs me and I kiss her cheek "You're welcome. How are you feeling" she replies "I'm weak, what about you?" I ask "I've been worried about you" she replies "I'm okay" I say, she smiles "So how's Lauren?" She asks "Oh I'm her friend" I say "What? You guys broke up?" She asks, I shake my head "She hasn't told her mom were dating, she doesn't even have to classify me as her student.. She could just call me her girlfriend she met ages ago" I say. I roll my eyes "I understand. Now move over" She says, I move over so she can get in "I'm just I'm not up for liars anymore" she nods "I won't let her hurt you" She says, I rest my head on her shoulder "I missed you Mar" I say "I missed you too Demz" she replies, I smile and close my eyes.

-Day Of Release-
Finally I had to stay till Monday, but Marissa skipped school to spend the day with me. It's around 3:30 and Lauren is on her way. I stand up and hold my rib area "Ugh" the doctor comes in "Final dose before you've got to do it alone" He says "Ugh, okay" I say, he giggles. I sit back down and he gives me the medicine "No friend today?" He asks "She's on her way" I say, he smiles. I see someone walk in with a big bunch of roses and some other things "Oh my god" I say "Hi" she replies, I stand up "These are so beautiful, thank you" I say, I kiss her lips and she smiles into the kiss "I love you" I say "I love you too" she replies "Now Demi, I don't ever want to see you back here, unless it's for check ups" he says "Okay, promise" I say! He smiles "And for being so brave, here's a sticker" He laughs "Thank you doctor" I say laughing, Marissa has my bag and Lauren has my flowers, I hold my pillow. She puts them in the back seat alongside my bag "My moms over there,'I'll come see you tomorrow after school" She says "Okay, thank you for coming i love you Mar" I say hugging her "You're welcome,'i love you more Demz" she replies. I kiss her cheek before she walks over, I wave at her mom and she waves back. I get into Lauren's car "I told your mom I'd bring you home and she said its okay for me to stay" Lauren says "Okay" I reply, I look out of the window.

Once we get to my room, I lay on my bed and Lauren comes next to me "I know you saw my text Demz, and I will introduce you as my girlfriend, I just have to be careful of Carly, she's in our school and might spill and I don't want you to loose your scholarship there and I don't wanna loose my job" She says "I'm waiting till tomorrow morning okay, and I'll tell her you're my girlfriend,'ignoring the fact you're my student as well" She says, I nod, I rest my head on her chest "I won't ever hide you from my family" she says "Thank you" I say, she kisses my forehead, I lean up to her and kiss her lips, I haven't kissed her since we got in the hospital this is the first time! "I missed your lips" she says, I smile and peck them one more time. I rest my head in the crook of her neck and fall asleep.. The medicine makes me really tired and lethargic...

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