Thirty Five

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Lauren's POV
Have you ever felt so in love that it hurts your chest.. That when you look at someone your whole world turns upside down... She makes me feel some type of way, different to how I ever have, I mean I never imagined myself to take someone on vacation with me, meet there parents, and then see myself with them in 10 years, she's my main source of happiness, she knows how to make me laugh, smile, make me feel better whenever I need it.

I let her drape her arm over me as she rests her head on my shoulder.. "I never thought I'd see myself dating someone so beautiful" she says, I blush and she kisses my cheeks "I mean.. You make me feel different about everything, like my recovery, everything.. It feels like it's finally possible" she says "I love you so so much" I say "I love you more baby girl" She says, she holds my hand and I rub the back of her hand with my thumb she takes a picture captioning it 'I love my girlfriend' and snapchatting it.. Then taking another one for Instagram '@ddlovato my queen👑' that makes me smile, I kiss her temple "I had fun today" I say "Me too, I'm glad you and Marissa get on so well" she says "She's my student it's not that hard" I say, she laughs "Technically I'm not your student anymore" she says "Don't say that" I say "What its true" she says "I know but you haven't left yet" I say "I will have after the weeks ahead" she says "What am I gonna do without seeing your beautiful face everyday" I say "You'll see me probably when you wake up and come home, baby" She says "Okay, fair point" I say "At least I won't be near that maggot anymore" she say referring to Stevie. I throw my head back laughing "I'm gonna die" she laughs. I laugh even more at her laugh, see I love when we have these moments it's beautiful and we have fun "Baby?" She says "Yeah?" I reply "Do you think anything will change after I sign to Hollywood Records?" She asks "Between us?" I reply, she nods "Not at all. I'm gonna be the supportive girlfriend that cheers you on all the time" I say "I just don't want to become to head fucked in work that we fight and end up separating" She says "I won't let that happen" I say "I'm just scared I guess" she says. I look at her "Look at me" I say, she moves her head "I promise you, nobody or nothing will tear us apart" I say, she nods and kisses my lips, I peck them one more time before we go and have dinner with Demi's family because we're leaving tomorrow "I'm gonna miss you Demz" Maddie says "I'm gonna miss you more beautiful" Demi says, I smile. Dianna walks over to me "I literally can see how in love with my daughter you are" She says "I am, honestly and I never ever thought I'd say that" I say, she smiles "Welcome to the family" she says, I smile "Thank you" I reply, she opens her arms to hug me. Eddie hugs me, then Dallas, then Maddie "Have a safe flight, message me to let me know you're both safe" Dianna says "Will do. Bye guys, i love you" she says, I wave as we walk outside "What did my mom say to you?" She asks "Uh I looked at you and smiled and your mom said 'I literally can see how in love with my daughter' and I told her I was and she welcomed me into the family" I say, smiling "You look so happy" She says,  we stand at the bottom of her houses drive and she pulls me in for a kiss, I pull away smiling and we get into the car and drive to my house! "I am really happy. I'm glad they accept me, us" I say "Why? Why wouldn't they" she asks "I was worried because Roxanne's family didn't like me, they never accepted me and it scared me because I just I love you so much and having you family accept me makes me so fucking happy" I say "God baby. You're so amazing. My family already told they accept you and she wanted to tell you in person" She says, I smile "I'm so happy they do. You don't understand" I say "I can't wait to meet your family" she says "You'll meet some in Hawaii" I say "I'm nervous" she says "They already love you" I say "How do you know" she asks "I talk about you all the time, just not in front of Carly" I reply "Aw aren't you cute baby" she says pushing my cheeks together, I laugh and she lets go "You're so cute" she replies, she's sat on my crotch while looking at me, she goes cross-eyed and I pout she leans and kisses my lips, then kisses every part of my face finishing on my nose. I smile "I want a new picture of you" I say "Why?" she asks "Because I want it as my home screen" I say "What about your lock screen" she says, I grab my phone and show her, it's a picture of us, she has her face buried in my neck and I'm pouting. She smiles "I love that one" she says "Me too" I get my phone and she goes cross-eyed as I take it "Let me see" she asks, I show her and she laughs "I look cute" she replies "You look beautiful" I say.

I can't wait to just get away from reality, spend time with her alone and with my family, only my grandparents and father are going to be there, Carly I don't wanna tell her just yet..

I'm just so in love with her and I can't wait to see her grow as a artist and person and as my girlfriend.. I'm in love with my student.

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