Seventy - One

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Demis POV
I wake up and Lauren's face is buried into my neck, I smile and kiss her head, then her nose and her eyes flutter open "Hey baby" she says, I smile "Good morning beautiful" I reply, her smile immediately grows, she buries her head into my neck more and I feel light kisses on my neck "I miss these moments with you" I say "Me too babe" she replies "What are you doing today?" She asks "Um, i dont know Max hasn't told me I had to be anywhere so no where I guess" I reply "Okay so we can go out and be in love" she says, I start laughing "Hm, okay. I wanna go to the beach" I say, she nods and gets up but I pull her down "I'm cold" I say cuddling into her "And I don't wanna go yet" I reply "Okay babe" she says, pushing her head into my neck, I giggle at her "I love you way to much baby" she whispers "I love you way to much more" I whisper "That made no sense but it was cute" she says "I agree" I reply.

We arrive at the beach and I take a few pictures with fans before they leave us alone, I go into the water and Lauren follows behind me, we swim around a little until she swims over to me and kisses my lips, I wrap my arms around her neck, I rest my head on her shoulder and I know paps are having a field day about this... I look at her and she looks at me "I love you" I whisper on her lips "I love you more" she whispers, I smile as we share a passionate kiss.. She pulls away and she swims to shore, I stay in the water and she looks at me, I look at my bathing suit and I smirk "I'll take it off" I shout, she raises her eyebrow "No you won't" she replies laughing, I take it off and show it her, her eyes widen "Put it back on" she says, I start laughing and put it back on adjusting it correctly, I walk over and she looks pissed "I'm sorry but you can't do that" she says "I told you I would" I laugh, she laughs and pushes my shoulder "I have to do a Fresh Face Friday, wanna join?" I ask her, she nods and we take a picture of our makeup less face

@ddlovato Happy #FFF w/ my baby👑. Send me your #FFF and I'll RT them 💗

I post it and we change back into our shorts "I miss batman" I say "Let's go see him then" she replies, I nod and we walk back to the car where we get in and drive back to the house, I smile when Batman comes running to me, I feel someone back into me and she stops "Baby" I say "What?" she replies "Hey.. What's wrong?" I say, she looks at me tears brewing in her eyes "I can't do this anymore" She says, I look at her and she throws her phone on the side before walking out "Lauren" I shout, she doesn't turn back. I grab her phone and put my finger print on it, I look at what it opens on the picture of us. I sigh and look at the amount of hate they sent her because of a minor scar on her face and the amount of freckles she has... And that her cheeks are a little bigger than there normal size. That really irritated me... Maybe she went for a walk.. I decide to drive around looking for her, on bridges etc. I look at North Highway Bridge... Where I see her, she's leaning over, don't tell me she's even thinking about it. I mean she's the most beautiful girl in the world. I jump out of my car and run towards her, as I get closer I see one of her legs slowly stepping over, please don't do this I think to myself. I get closer to her and she's edging closer and closer... just as she's about to drop, I grab her and pull her back "No, no, no" I say as I pull her into me, despite her urges to push me away "Let me go, Demi" she cries.. I hold her closer "Please don't do that" I say "I can't do this Demi" she cries "You can baby, you can please don't think this is the answer" I say "I can't Demi, let me go please" she says "You can Lauren, you can. I know you can. Just at lease consider our future, or how we met. The day I came into that music class and I knew you were one I wanted to have something with, then when you first told me you loved me I forever will remember that day, now look where we are now, perfectly happy in our two year relationship. Our two year anniversary is next week... Do you really want to go before that, leave your family, my family who love you dearly. Maddie who idolizes you, Batman, without his mom and me without the love of my life. Someone who I one day want marry and have children with. I won't be able to live without you" I say, she buries her head into my neck "I'm so sorry" she whispers, I pick her up and carry her to my car I sit her in the passenger seat and she straps herself in. I get in next to her and lock the car, not trusting her. I grab her hand and entwining our fingers, tears still coming down her face. I sigh and try not to cry.

We arrive home and she walks inside, I lock my car and walk inside "Please talk to me" I say "I'm not blaming your lovatics but the people who claim to be your fans are fucking ridiculous, not once have I wanted to do that to myself, I never wanted to leave someone who meant so much to me, never, ever. But I did, Demi. I did, and if you didn't find me I wouldn't of been sitting here now" She says "I'm so sorry" I say, I sit next to her "I'm sorry they said the things they did, you're so important to me. You're so beautiful. You're the one I'm prepared to give my whole career up for, if I had to choose between my career and you, it'd be you every fucking time. I'll tell them we've broken up if you want me too... I'll tweet or I'll do whatever just don't ever fucking scare me like that again, I swear if you had jumped I would've been behind you" I say tears pouring down my face "I don't want you to tell them we've broken up but please tweet and tell them to stop because it's affecting me, a lot and it's scaring me to the max" She says, I nod "Anything you want I'll do" I say "I want you to hold me" she says, I scoot over to her and pull her close to me "I'm so sorry" I say, she leans up to kiss me an I meet her half way and we share a passionate kiss. She falls asleep in my lap with her head resting between my legs on my abdominal area. I pull my phone out and tweet.

@ddlovato: Hey.. guys, Lovatics. Today I witnessed something ridiculous, something I never ever wanted to experience before...My girlfriend, the love of my life... She attempted suicide, because of the #FFF I posted of us. Some of you fake Lovatics, you posted some horrible, disgusting comments that I'll never forgive you for, she hasn't gained weight around her face, and even if she has she's still as beautiful as she was the day I met her, the freckles on her face I count them everyday because she's beautiful with them, she's gorgeous and the first day I woke up next to her and she had no make up on, I was in a trance with how beautiful she was, she is. The scar on her nose is almost invisible, picking her up about shit that you don't need to worry about makes me wonder why I do this job. I know my real/true Lovatics wouldn't do such a disgusting thing as to bully my girlfriend to the point where I have to drag her back and hold her so tight that she can't move out of my arms. The only time I should be doing that is at night when she's cuddling close to me or because she is cold and needs me to keep her warm, that is the only time I should hold her that tight. If any other bad shit is said to her I swear I will pick her over my music. She is my main priority and commenting about her is something you don't do. I love you all my TRUE Lovatics

I carry her through to our bedroom and I strip her into her underwear, I put my underwear on too. I get in next to her and I feel her cuddle close to me and I feel her wrap her arm around me, I smile and kiss her cheek. I hug her tight and make sure she's comfy "I love you so much beautiful" I whisper "I love you more" she says kissing my neck...

Please give us closure.

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