Sixty - Eight

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Demis POV
I wake up to someone licking my face, I open my eyes and I'm met with batman "Hey baby" I say, he continues to lick my face while I talk to him... I take a picture of us and Lauren's back is in it 

@ddlovato woke up to this champ licking my face!! (Feat. Lauren sleeping in the back ground😂)

 I post it before getting up "Come on let's go out", I let him out the back bit (we got the garden area) he runs out and does his duties as a man, lol. I walk out with my coffee and watch him, he watches me and I grin at him "Wanna go for a walk boy?" I say. I walk inside and change quickly, I grab his leash and put it on him before walking him around the huge field park they have near our apartment. I watch him carefully as he jumped around, etc. We spend around an hour there before walking back, I let him run into the apartment and he goes straight for the water, I see Lauren standing facing the sink area "Hey beautiful" I say wrapping my arms around her "Hey baby.." She says turning around I lean in and plant a kiss on her lips, I smile into the kiss and she deepens it , she walks backwards with me and lifts me onto the table, she kisses my lips and rests her hands on my thighs, I pull her closer to me, she leans and kisses my neck "Are you about to fuck me on our kitchen island" I whisper, she smirks at me "And if I was?" She asks "Then I'd say go for it.. Make it exciting" I reply.. She leans up and kisses me and I smirk at her, she pulls my shirt over my head and she smirks down at my body, she kisses my chest as my hips ride up, she pushes her hands behind my back as she unclasps my bra, she pulls my breast Into her mouth, I tangle my hands in her hair "Baby" I moan, she finishes up with my breasts and she goes down my body, she leaves butterfly kisses down my body till she reaches my shorts.. She looks up and I look down at her, I just nod and she slides my shorts down, she kisses my thighs and then back up my body.. "Baby you look better with no clothes on" she whispers before kissing my neck and probably leaving a mark.. I moan at her touch.. It's so addicting. She pecks my lips before going down again, she slides my panties down and I move down the island a little, she wraps her arms around my thighs before licking up my length and then pleasuring me making me moan and grip her hair.. Until she swipes me up.. She has her two fingers inside of my and my hands are in her hair. She walks into our bedroom and she lays me on the bed, as she goes between my legs again, she sucks on my clitoris.. While her fingers still work in me "Lauren" I moan "Baby" I play with my boob with one hand while the other grips the bed sheet "Lauren I'm gonna cum fuck!" I moan, she sucks a little harder causing me to release all in the mouth, she licks me clean.. "Fuck oh my god!" I moan, I come down from my high. She comes up to my face "Hey baby" she looks at me "I think I enjoyed my breakfast" she whispers "I hadn't even begun on mine yet" I say flipping her over... The morning went on anyway...

I drop down next to her, "And good morning to you baby" I say looking over at her, she looks at me "Healthy breakfast, huh?" She smirks, I rest my hand on her cheek "You have no idea" I say as I lean in to her and kiss her lips "I don't want to go out today!" I say "Me either, we can just stay inside if you want too" she asks, I nod. I lay my head in her neck "i love you" she says.. "I love you too baby" she replies, my eyes dropped closed for the second time, however I don't get awaken by Batman, well that's because we shut him in the living room, I get up and look outside.. I see little drops of snow.. In LA? "BABY?" I shout, she opens her eyes "it's snowing" I say "WHAT?!" She replies "YEAH, COME LOOK!" I reply, she puts her robe around her "Oh my god " She says, I walk out of the room "Batman! Come boy" I say, I open the door and he runs out I follow him and pick him up "Your paws are so cold baby" I say to him, little snowflakes falling on his fur, I see Lauren walk out and wrap her arm around me.. "Gosh this is amazing" I say, she smiles and leans in to kiss me.. I try to deepen it but batman licks Lauren's cheek so she pulls away, I giggle and she takes him from me! "Come on we don't wanna get sick" I say, she grabs my hand and we walk in "I'm going for a shower" I say "Okay babe" she replies, she goes to the island to I assume wash it down :/ HAHAH! I shower and wash my hair, I walk out in my shorts and a shirt "Oh my gosh! The new episodes of Orphan Black are on" I run to the TV and switch it on!!

About half way through the episode Lauren asks "Would you like any tea babe?" She shouts "Herbal please" I reply, batman lays quietly next to me "Here you go babe!" She kisses my head as she sits next to Batman, he crawls onto her lap and settles himself "Fuck she's so hot man!" I reply, Lauren looks at me "But not as good as you baby" I reply, she smiles and I kiss her lips "I mean if she offered a threesome with you and her I wouldn't decline" I reply, Lauren laughs at me "So we need to finish Batmans jabs tomorrow, is that okay?" She asks "Sure, then I have a an interview with Ellen" I say "Okay. I'll make dinner?" She asks "What's on the menu?" I ask "I dont know yet, I'm not on there though" she replies "Damn. I was hoping you would be " I smirk, she laughs "Have you heard you mom? Close your ears boy!" she says in a baby voice, I take a picture 

@ddlovato my two favourites! (She's talking to him about me😂) i love them both 

 I post it and Lauren gets the notification "Really?" She says "What? It was cute okay!" I say, I send her the actual picture "Okay that's pretty cute" she replies "Anyway it's 11:30, let's go to bed I'm tired" she says "Hm, same!" I reply, I walk into the bedroom with batman, while Lauren locks up! She walks in closing the door, she lets Batmans head before getting in next to me and cuddles up to me "I love you baby, sweet dreams" she whispers "I love you more baby girl! Don't let the bed bugs bite" she kisses my shoulder in response... I then feel Batman bury himself into my chest, I smile "Goodnight batman" I whisper:..

I manage to fall asleep with my two favourite people.

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