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Lauren's POV
Summing up our relationship so far with one word would be 'unbreakable' ever since we got Batman we have been unbreakable. We took him on long morning walks together and late night walks together, sometimes we were both so exhausted that we only let in the garden area, which he clearly is fine with. He's a happy chap:). The best part of being with her is waking up next to her the morning after the night before, if you get me ;). When our limbs are entwined and she's resting her head either in the back of my neck, the crook of my neck or on my chest. Just the warmth of her makes me happy. If I could make a video of all our pictures and videos... It'd be a lifetime. That's something for the future. There's one thing I regret doing and that's hurting her... I could forgive her thousands of times but I know when I said I couldn't handle a second hand heart it broke a piece of her and it broke me to say it but I needed a break to figure out what I wanted and when I wanted it and just a night away from her hurt me and we weren't together for a week.. I've never had so much lack of sleep before. She just makes me so happy. Meeting her was the best thing I did. Taking her up on her offer of teaching her the morals was amazing and I'm so glad I did because I've fallen in love with someone who although is 3 years younger than me she's still perfect and I honour every moment. Even now I'm finding new things about her that make me fall even more in love with her "Baby, I miss you" she says through the phone, she's in New York "I miss you more but tomorrow we'll be together" I say "Yeah.. Is batman okay?" She asks "Yeah he's laying next to me, he misses his mom too" I grin "I miss him too" she replies, I smile at her baby voice "What time is your show?" I ask "I go on stage at 9:55 and it's 7:45" she replies, I nod "Baby, I'm really tired" I say "Go to sleep baby, I'll be home when you wake up" she says "I love you baby" I whisper "I love you more beautiful" she replies, we make kissy noises in the phone to each other. I smile before putting my phone on charge and falling into a sleep much needed. She's been gone a week and a half travelling for the Jingle Bell Ball. I love it when she's on stage... She looks so at home and in peace. The way the crowd are with her is phenomenal.

I wake up the next morning and I see a Demi next to me "Baby. Your home." I say jumping on her "Uh. Baby I'm tired, I got in a hour ago" she whispers "What time is it?" I ask "5:30" she replies "Oh shit I'm sorry.. " I say "I'm ridiculously tired right now" She says "I know you are, sorry! go to sleep" I say, she cuddles into the front of my body and I feel her soft snores echo through the room, I laugh and rest my head on hers before closing my eyes. I wake up and it's 10:30 and Demi's out of bed, I groan and walk to pee before going to see where she is and she's laying across the sofa with batman on her stomach and she's watching orphan black "Morning babe, I made you coffee and breakfast, they are in the normal place" I hear her say "Thank you baby" I say to her, I walk over and she lifts her legs up and I sit down she rests them on me and I put my food on her legs and she continues to watch her show, she's so intrigued by these sort of shows the amount of crime shows and ID channel shows we have in our 'My Shows' section is ridiculous woah. I mentally laugh to myself and she hears it "What?" She asks "Nothing I'm just laughing" I reply, she laughs and shakes her head "You worry me Daiz" she says "Um... Lovato" I reply "What?" She says "You've been here since 4am and haven't even kissed me" I say, she laughs and moves batman and leans to kiss me... I smile into the kiss... Once we've finished I pull away and I rest my head in her shoulder "I missed you so much" I say "I missed you more beautiful" She replies "You sure? Batman missed you a lot" I say "I know and my little boy got lots and lots of kisses when I came in didn't you" I say patting his head and he gets excited "Gee the dog has more attention than I do" I say "He can't do what you do" she winks, I stop dead in my tracks "You're right there babe" I laugh... She laughs with me. She runs into our room and I follow her "Come lay with me I'm cold" she says, I get in next to her "I love you so so much Lauren" she whispers "I love you so so much more Demi" I say, she smiles and we share a cuddle together before going over to Demi's family house to see her parents and so Demi can spend some time with them. Me and Maddie spend the day watching Miranda and talking like her. She asks me to help her with her Spanish homework which obviously I agree too and it was hard for a 12 year old to do, to be honest. I never did this in Spain. Eh! I guess it's the process, we don't even teach this in 11th graders class. I dont know ill talk to my friend to get her a tutor or something.

This was a boring chapter but drama is heading this way. Calm before the storm:)

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