Fifty - Five

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Demis POV
I have a random interview today. It's more fan questions. I'm excited to see my fans questions. I leave Lauren in my bed while I go to the interview. "Good morning Demi." He says "Good morning" I reply "Well today is more questions from yours fans than anything else, shall we get straight to it?" He asks, I nod. "Okay first question is from 'umdemetria' and she said what's it like having an album that's done so well, compared to the lasts 4" be says "Um, Demi, did okay, to say I wasn't in the spotlight. But it feels amazing, it makes me so happy knowing people know who I am for my music not for my sexuality, my private moments or even the leaked things" I say "Good answer Demi. Next question is 'lauremi' and he said. What's the main thing you love about Lauren" he replies "I can never say anything to compliment her because she's so loveable and easy going. Probably her sense of humour, she's really funny." I say, we laugh "That was an awkward answer Demi" The girl says in there, I start laughing "Next is from 'justcallmedemisbitch' she said if Lauren had a bad accident and had scars on her face would you still love her the same?" He replies "No doubt about it of course I would, I never fell in love with her because of her looks, she's extremely beautiful and she can move her body but her beauty is the bonus, it's what's inside that I care about, I never fell in love with her body, that sounds weird I mean her body is beautiful but I fell in love with her eyes, that's crazy I know but she said something to me last night, your eyes never age, so if you fall in love with someone's eyes, it's forever & I've fallen for her eyes" I say, I smile "That was beautiful, Lauren's very lucky guys" I smile

The interview finishes with my acoustic version of Stone Cold, Max drives me home "See you on Wednesday" He says "Thanks max, have a good few days" I say, he smiles and I get out, I unlock my door and I don't see Lauren, I check my phone and no messages, but it's 12:30pm, I go into my bedroom and Lauren is fast asleep still in my bed. I smile "Baby girl wake up" I say sitting next to her while she sleeps "Lauren!" I say "Baby it's 12:30, come on" I say, I kiss her cheek "Please" I whisper, she eyes flutter open and I smile, she smiles at me "Hey beautiful" I say "Hey babe" she says in her raspy voice, I lean over her and lay next to her, she has her body bare still, she wraps her body around me, and my arms go around her "What time did you wake up?" She asks "I got a call at 9:30, I had an interview at 10:30, and got back at 12:20" I sag, she nods "What are you doing?" She asks "Taking a picture of how beautiful you are" I say, she buries her head in my neck. "I'm going to shower" she says as she kisses my neck, I nod. She gets out and goes to my EN suite, I get out of bed and change my sheets and make my bed, nice and neat! I go into the kitchen area and make some breakfast for Lauren but lunch for me. I wait for her to come out but I'm the mean time I post the picture of us on Instagram "@ddlovato i love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you're yet to be" I post it, She comes out shortly after and she sits facing me and we eat "What're we doing today?" She asks "I don't mind!" I say "We could go to the mall, or i dont know" she says "I don't mind baby, you decide" I say taking our plates to the dish washer. I sit on the sofa next to her "We can just hang out here" she says "Sure if you want, or we can go for a walk on the beach?" I say, she nods. I get my shoes and she grabs hers. We walk out and she entwines our fingers, she smiles at me "What're you smiling at?" I ask "You're beauty" she says, I blush and look down "Ha! I got you" she says "Sh be quiet" I say, she laughs and I laugh with her, I see a few people look at me shocked but I ignore them and we continue to walk. We reach the end of the walk and go back into my apartment. I wash the sand from my feet, and Lauren does the same, I relay want her to move in with me.. It's closer to the school and the beach "Lauren?" I say "Hm" she says "What would you say if I asked you to like move in with me, I mean I know it's weird and crazy but it's closer to the beach, school and it means I don't really have to drive out of town pretty much to see you, you don't have too, I don't mind but I just want yo-" she blocks me with a kiss "I'd love too" she says "What?" I reply "Yes I will move in with you" she says "Seriously?" I say, she nods and smiles. "This is crazy" I say "I love you" she laughs "I love you too" I reply "I'll move my stuff over next weekend when we're free" She says, I nod and she rests her head on my shoulder while we watch my crime shows..

It gets to around 12am, and Lauren fell asleep on my shoulder "Baby, come on let's go to bed" I say, she rubs her eyes and walk to my room, I turn the lights and tv off. When I get to the bedroom, her clothes are on the floor, I laugh. I put them on the dresser and get in next to her, she cuddles into my side "I love you Demz" she says "I love you more L" I reply.

I wake up the next morning and Lauren isn't there "You looked exhausted so we can do the school thing another time, I'll see you when I get home. Love you" she leaves me a message 'I'll see you when I get home' wow, that's so surreal, she was my teacher almost two years ago, yet I'm feeling like it was yesterday I first met her.. Wow, we started dating almost two years ago, and that's just crazy. Wow. I smile at the thoughts!

Let's hang out I missed you Biff.

-Sure hit me up Rissa

I laugh and within the next twenty minutes she's at my door, I open it and invite her in, she sits on the couch in her sweats while I'm in Lauren's tank top "So what's been happening?" She asks "Uh, i dont know nothing just interview new state, more promo, new state. I got a few days off, but it's tiring" I say, she nods "It's all worth it though, right?" She asks, I nod "Of course it is yeah" I say "How are you and Lauren?" She asks "We're good, she's moving in over the next weekend" I say, she smiles "Wow. You guys are nearly at your two years right?" She asks, I nod "I remember when you told me she took your virginity and I wanted to kill you" she says "Oh my god!! I remember that, in your car, and I asked you to cover for me" I laugh at our memories "God I missed you Marissa" I say, she hugs me and I kiss her cheek.

My best friend is my whole life, without her I don't know where I'd be today.

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