Fourty Nine

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Lauren's POV
She pulls away from the kiss and the doctor comes in "Can I look at your arms?" He asks, I nod and Demi, sits down! He pulls the band aids off and I look down at them "Their improving very quickly, more the left one though, so with the right one we'll put a bandaid on it and the left one just needs cream everyday" he says, I nod. "Can you lay down for me so I can look at your stomach" he asks after he puts a band aid on my right arm, I lay down and lift my shirt up, he peels the huge plaster off and looks at it "Healing just how I expected, okay! Give it at least anther 3-4 days and you'll be at home, okay?" He says. I nod "Thank you doctor" I say "No problem, Miss! I'll leave you too it and get Nurse Jacque to bring your pills later today" I nod "Thank you" I say weakly, he nods and walks out "Demz" I say, she looks at me "Can you get me some water please" I ask, she nods and helps me sit up first, she holds the water to my mouth and I drink it, and she puts it back, she sits on the edge of the bed and holds my hand "Uh you're going to think I'm crazy" she says... "Why?" I ask "When you were taken to surgery... I was crying and I said some stuff and I heard someone say 'she will' I looked around, nobody was there then they spoke again and said 'you can't see me Demi..' And the firsts person that came to my head was my dad and it was and he promised me you were going to be okay and look here you are, okay" She says, I look up from playing with her rings "Woah..." I say, she nods "I'm so glad you're okay baby" She says "Me too. Me too" I say.

-a few days pass-
A few days have past, they said I can be released today, I have a wheel chair though till my leg is okay, I'm just waiting for Demi to sign the sign out papers, I'm on my Instagram and everyone has been commenting on my pictures "#prayforlauren" I smile and then click the hashtag and it takes me to a picture of Demi holding my hand... I read what it says and I smile, she's so damn caring. I find a random picture with a quote on saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" I smile "@laurend_ hey guys!! I'm awake and I'm okay, thank you lovatics for praying for me, it makes me so happy that you're caring about our relationship, it makes me smile to see all your posts and tweets praying for me! I'm okay, what hasn't killed me is only making me stronger :) thank you all so much!❤️" I smile and see Demi walks in "ready?" She asks, I nod. She rests my bag on my lap as she wheels me out "Wait" I say "Can you get the surgeon who operated on me" I ask her, she nods and grabs him "Hey Lauren, I see you're leaving today" He says "Yeah, I just wanted to thank you for saving me basically... I don't think I would've made it if you didn't find come to my house with the paramedics" I say, he smiles "You're more than welcome but I'm not the one you should be thanking" he says, he looks behind him and points at Demi... I look at him confused "She never stopped praying when you were asleep or unconscious, thank her and that guy up there. You've got a keeper, Lauren" He says. I smile "Thank you" I smile "Bye now" He says, I wave "We can go" I say, she wheels me out and I get myself into the car, I asked her to let me do it "You good?" she asks "I'm all good" I say, she pulls out of the hospital "So you prayed when I was asleep and unconscious" I say "Yeah I did... I wanted you to be healthy and good" she says "I'm glad I've got you" I say "I'm lucky I have you" she says "So baby girl. what do you want for dinner" She asks "I'm craving McDonald's" I say, we'll stop by on the way home.

Demis POV
Once we get to Lauren's house, I wheel her inside and she sits on the sofa, I go back to get her stuff from my car... My phone rings and I get it from my pocket "Hello" I say "Hey it's Cammie" She says "Oh hey how are you?" I ask "I'm great, are you free today?" She asks "I'm actually not! my girlfriend just got out of hospital and I'm helping her a lot, so no sorry" I say "That's fine. I send my wishes, call me when you're free" She says "okay, thanks bye now"  I say closing the door "Bye" she says "Who was that" asks as I walk through "Just Cammie asking if I was busy" She say "And I am so I'm not going for coffee with her" I say "You can if you want" I say "No I want to be with you" I say "Demi, go with your friends" she says "I don't want to go, honestly, I just wanna watch movies with you in bed and cuddle okay" I say, she smiles "Okay" She replies, I walk into the kitchen "BABY" I hear her shout "Yeah?" I reply "Your phones ringing" she says "Answer it and tell them I'll call back" I say, I hear her talking "Okay, thank you so much" I hear her say "It was your mom asking how I was" she says, I walk back in "Okay, cool" I say I give her a piggy back up the stairs, and she lays in bed "I'm gonna shower I'll be back" she says pecking my cheek.

Once I come out we lay in bed and watch movies together, until she drops to sleep probably from her medicines...

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