Thirty Four

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Demi's POV
She's moaning in my mouth as we follow out the same procedure, my hand is gripping her neck keeping her close to me, while two of her fingers are inside of me and one of her hands is on my stomach/hip holding me in place "Demz" she moans, I reach my high and pull her fingers from me, she looks at me and I smile before pushing her backwards and taking my fingers from her "Why the fuck did you stop" she asks "Baby,'I'm not done" I say, I go down on her, and immediately begin to lick her folds. Making her stop talking and start moaning, her hips ride with me and I hold them in place, her hand  in my hair and the other is connected with mine, she's gripping my hand, as she begins to cum "Demi. I'm gonna cum" she moans "Demz" she says as she grips harder "Baby ah" she releases and I lick her clean before going back up to her and falling down next to her "I love you" I say , she kisses my temple "I love you more" she replies, we end up falling asleep together.. Our limbs entwined.

Around 7:30, I wake up and my arm is over Lauren's stomach, I move it up to her face and stroke her cheek, and just admire how beautiful she is, her hair falls perfectly on the pillow, and her eyes closed. Although shortly after her eyes begin to flutter open, she looks over and smiles at me "You're so beautiful" I say, she blushes but doesn't look away "How do you make me feel this way" she whispers "I love you, I'll always love you" I say, she smiles and we lay there just looking at each other I'm admiring her full beauty and how beautiful she really is.. I smile at her "We should get up" I say, she nods. I move my hand from her cheek before going into the shower to only come out 10 minutes later, she walks in and I change, after that. I put my hair in a messy bun thing before changing my bed sheets, and laying on top of them, she comes out and changes in front of me.

We're staying at family friends, Maddie is at Bea's and Dallas is at Rob's! Love you xxx

-okay... X

I sigh, I look at a picture of me and my dad.. Damn I really wish I got to know him properly... Like where we could've connected like me and Eddie do.. I sigh sadly "Baby, try not to think about it" she says, looking at me through the mirror "Sorry, I just wish I had gotten to know him properly" I say "I know. I understand that." She says as she comes to lay next to me "He's gonna be watching you when you sign those papers, to when you play your very first live show" She says "He's going to be so so, proud of you and how much you're gonna achieve" she says, I'm really grateful she's here in times like this, she knows what to say. She's always making me smile or making me feel better... "Thank you,'for being here right now" I say "I'm not leaving ever, okay?" I nod and she kisses my temple.  We go downstairs and eat something to keep us going before we go back upstairs and watch a movie, which I fall asleep half way through.

We wake up the next day and start packing, i take my suitcase over to Lauren's. I smile before kissing her lips and we go to a theme park for the day, on rollercoasters, Marissa comes too. It's really fun and I'm blessed for these people around me. We just step off of a ride and I walk down to Lauren, she smiles and hugs me! "I love you baby girl" I say, she smiles and pecks my pouted lips "I love you more beautiful girl" she replies "It's your birthday pretty soon" I say "It's in like a month" she says "That's soon, what do you want?" I ask "Just you" she says "No I'm serious, what do you want to do or what do you want" I ask "I literally want us to sit on my sofa, order chinese food and watch movies in sweats" She says "I love it" I say "And what do you want?" I ask "I dont know surprise me" she replies "Hm, okay" I say "Come on guys, I wanna go on space mountain, well the other version that's like it here" she says. We entwine hands and walk to the ride, I sit next to Lauren and Marissa is the other side of me! I hold onto the bars but Lauren removes my hand and holds it "I love you and I'll protect you" she says kissing my hand "I love you and I'll always protect you" I say, she smiles. The ride goes and we're still connected hands. Once the ride is done, I remove my hand from Lauren's while the safety bars go up "That was fucking awesome" I say "I agree" Rissa says "Can we get food I'm hungry" Lauren says, we nod and go to the nearest café/restaurant. We sit down "I want something big" she says "Can anything get bigger than that hickey Dems?" Rissa says, Lauren blushes and puts her menu to her face, I laugh "Probably not, but I don't care" I say, I put my head around Lauren's menu "What're you having?" I ask "I want the pancake deluxe" she says "Hm that looks good but I want a mix grill type thing" I say "Okay, Mar what are you having?" I ask "Same as Miss Diaz, wait can I call you Lauren. Miss Diaz makes you seem like 67" she says, Lauren laughs and nods. I smile at how well they get on.

Life is good.

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