Fourty One

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Demi's POV
It's now Friday.. I don't wanna out is cause Lauren can still loose her job.. I post a picture where I'm smiling and the back of her head is to the camera.. "@ddlovato extraordinary things happen when you live life, you fall in and out of love.. However she is my love💗 it's been one whole year since I laid eyes on her, for the first time in 3 years, I finally found my closure, someone who can adore me and love me exactly how I love them.. That's not everyday life. She's changed my life in so many way. I can't wait to show her off, I can't wait to show how proud I am to be her girlfriend. Happy One Year baby👑💗" I post it and she likes it "@laurend_ Happy One Year beautiful💗 i love you." I smile, I quickly change and tell max to get me from Lauren's leaving the address underneath, we agreed to no gifts and just a nice meal tonight where we can just relax and enjoy our one year. I walk into her house and she's probably still in bed, I go to her room and she's laying with her back to the door, I quietly move near her, before jumping on her "hey baby" I say "Hi baby" she replies "Happy one year" she whispers to me "Happy one year" she rolls me onto my side and I push my lips onto hers, we make out for a good, 10 minutes before I hear the door go "I've gotta go but I'm in for last class" I say, she nods "I love you baby girl" she says "I love you more baby" I peck her lips before going downstairs and opening the door "Hey Max" I say "Good morning Demi" he says. We go straight to Ryan Seacrest, obviously with my mom being a Dallas Cheerleader, she and I know Ryan "Hey Ryan" I say walking in "Morning Demi" He says "Oh my god" I hear someone say "You're Demi Lovato" I turn around "Hey, yeah" I reply, they scream "Can I have a picture?" She asks "Of course" I smile and she takes the picture "Thank you so much" She says, I hug her before situating myself in the seat and putting the headphones on "Good Morning I'm Ryan Seacrest and here with me this morning is rising star Demi Lovato" I smile "Good morning" I say "Now let's get straight to it, you have been doing covers for a couple years now right?" He asks, I nod "And you've been planning this album for how long?" He asks "Almost a year and a half" I say "Wow, okay and you literally got signed, recorded took the shots for the album cover and released it right" He asks "Not exactly" I say "I tried to get signed last year but obviously I'd just recovered from some personal things that effected my throat, which caused me to be rejected, that knocked my confidence a little so I stopped and worked on myself, with help from my family, my best friend and Lauren.. I got myself back to myself, decided I want to sing for the rest of my life so I started recording little bits and sending them off, until I got a reply from Hollywood Records agreeing to see me again, so me and my mom went down to the records and I sing again and they were shocked of how much my voice had grown stronger and signed me that day, and I've spent ever since working on Confident" I say "Wow. We're extremely proud of you. Now what's your most relatable song?" He asks "Probably father" I reply "Why?" He asks "I didn't have the best relationship with my father, he had a lot of mental health issues, which sadly caused his death earlier this year, it hit me hard how I didn't get to spend a lot of time with him, I don't hate him for it, he's made me who I am today. But it just explains a lot of what happened" I say "Thank you for sharing that. Now your Instagram and Twitter followers are going up by the day" he says "They are, it's crazy how I've got fans and I never thought I'd see life like this, it's so surreal, i love each and everyone of you" I say. He smiles "Now guys, Demi has a girlfriend" he says in a high school tone "I do" I reply "Her names Lauren and it's their one year today" he says "It indeed is" I reply "What is it like... Falling in love for you?" He asks "It means a awful lot to me, I mean.. I made the first move of course and she pushed me away like she was like 'nope, too young' and I was like its 3 years don't cry about it, then I guess she realised how amazing I am and fell in love with me, I dont know if that's true" I say, he laughs "Well one day when we meet Lauren, we'll ask her ourself" he says, I nod "Now you guys, you mentioned in the KIIS FM last year when you came with your mom, you and her were very complicated" he asks "We still are, it's incredibly hard to keep it on a low, from some people.. I mean we both want to show each other off, but we can't, not yet anyway" I say, he nods "Well thank you for coming on the show. We hope to see you soon on tour hopefully and please come back Tanya loves you" he says "HAHAHA. I will & I love you too Tanya" I reply, she laughs "Download Confident it's out now" Tanya shouts. I start laughing

I return to school with Max getting me through the doors "Thank you Max" I say, I get a couple days break before press again "You're welcome" He says, I walk through and he leaves. I enter class "Sorry I'm late" I say, I sit next to Marissa "Wait Demi?" The teacher says "Yeah miss?" I reply "Can you see Miss Daiz for a 30 minutes to complete the paper we have done?" She asks, I nod "Of course" I reply. I take the paper "Sorry to interrupt your class but Miss Burl told me I have to sit in here to complete the paper" I say, she nods "Take a seat at the back" she smiles at me, I nod and put my bag on the table, as I'm completing the test paper, someone leans over, I look up "Can I have an autograph please?" I look up "Okay" I say, he gives me a marker and I sign it "Thanks" he says "And me" someone says "Okay enough. She's not here to sign your papers or CDs, she's here to complete a test paper, she still needs education and grades, sit back down" Lauren says "Thank you" I mouth...

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