Thirty Two

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Demis POV
Once I had finished shopping, we walked back to the car "What do you want for dinner?" She asks "Oo, we could go to the Japanese restaurant. It's around 3 miles out of town! I mean it looks amazing, please" I say, she laughs and nods "Whatever makes you happy, baby" She says. I lean over and kiss her lips.

We arrive back home and I remove all off my make up, I put some sweats on with a shirt, I lay next to Lauren. Her hand immediately finds my back and begins stroking it, I look at her and she smiles at me "God I'm so in love with you" she says "I love you more" I say, I push her shirt up and go between her legs, I kiss on her stomach and up her torso, I reach her neck and kiss behind her ear, I peck her lips before falling down "By the way you're invited to my sisters 25th, Sunday evening" I say "Okay, dress code?" She asks "I'm wearing a dress, so whatever you want" I say "But I don't wanna be underdressed" she says "Baby you'll look fine whatever you're in" I say "I just I'm really self conscious when I'm with you're family" she says, I look at her "What? Why?!" I ask "Because they expect so much given to you, which I would with my child and I'm scared I can't give you what they expect" She says "But I don't expect anything, and it's what I want isn't it, to them anyway, and if I want to date you, marry you and have children with you, I will. I don't care what they expect you to do, nor should you. All they should expect is for you to make me happy and you make me more than happy, don't worry baby girl" I say "Okay, but you're sure I make you happy" she replies "More than happy! You make me feel like I'm the only girl in your mind or the only girl you think off when you wake up, you're so passionate towards me, I just i love you so much more than anyone could ever know. When we cuddle or were laying like this and you wrap your arms around me, I feel safe, like you're the only one who can protect me, I love everything about you Lauren, everything" I say. Her jaw drops open. I lean forward and close it before kissing her lips, I go to pull away but she puts her hand behind my neck, I smile into the kiss and she slides her tongue across my bottom lip, I part my lips and her tongue enters my mouth, exploring every inch of my mouth, sliding across my own, I pull away when air becomes an issue, she closes her eyes and bites her lip. I smile at her. I put my hand up her shirt and rest it there. She smiles at me and I smile back "You're smile is so beautiful" she says, I feel my cheeks heat up and she laughs "Stop" I say..

I just finished putting my clothes on for tonight, I completely changed my outfit, I decided, booted heels, a buttoned up shirt half black half white/creme, and black silk leggings, my hair is curled nicely and my make up is to a minimum. Lauren is wearing heels, a beautiful dress that I haven't seen before so she must've bought it at another time, her hair is straight and her make up is beautiful. I smile when I see her, how did I end up so lucky? I stand in front off her "You look beautiful" I say "So do you baby girl" she says, I smile at her "But wait a second" I say, she looks at me "What?" She says, I pull her dress up near her boobs "uh no, nobody is looking at or down there" I say, she throws her head back laughing. "God there's so many reasons i love you" She says, I laugh. "Let's go"

We arrive at the venue and my hands immediately connect with hers "I look okay right?" She asks, I nod "You look beautiful" I say kissing her hand. We walk in and everybody looks slightly tipsy. I breathe in and out "Are you okay?" Lauren asks "I'm good" I say "Remember your sobriety Demi. I say to myself. We walk over to my mom who's sat with some family friends. "Hey mom" I say, she turns around "Demi, Lauren. Hello girls" she says hugging us "Hello Mom." I say "Hola" Lauren says, I smile before letting go off her hand to talk to some family friends "Hey Demi" The say "Hey, how are you" I say "We're good, how are you?" They ask "We're great, who's your friend?" They ask "This is is Lauren, she's my girlfriend" I say, Lauren waves "Nice to meet you, Lauren. I hope you're treating her well" They say to her "I'm doing my best and she seems happy, so I think I'm doing good" she says, I smile at her. We walk over to Maddie "Mads" I shout "Lauren" she runs straight past me and hugs Lauren, I turn around and laugh, Lauren sticks her tongue out at me "Gee thanks Mad" I say, she laughs and hugs me, I go get us some drinks and give Lauren hers. Once she's had a glass of wine she pulls me onto the dance floor, a song comes on and it's slow motion by Trey Songz.. I put my arms around her neck and she puts hers around my waist, I look at her, I smile "Girl I just wanna see you dance in slow motion" I sing to her, she smiles at me "We can take take take our time baby, in slow motion" I say she laughs at me. "Girl I wanna give you something that you won't forget baby Oooo, I just wanna get you out them clothes. I just wanna see you dance in slow motion" I sing, she shakes her head, I remove my hands from hers and Sex comes on "How do you know this" she asks "Because I'm Demi Lovato" I say, she laugh. "Shawty come here, I wanna grab your body lay you on the sofa" I say pulling her close "And as I pull your hair, I wanna stroke your body, wanna make you bend over for me" she smirks "And you've been waiting patiently for me to break you off, your clothes still on but imma rip em' off with my teeth yeah, yeah, yeah" I sing! "But girl imma whisper this into your ear" I go close to her ear "How deep do you want me to go, do you want me to speed it up, speed up or go slow, start from the bed now we out here on the floor, girl your really in for a treat now, but don't fall in 'cause" I stop and she just stares at me "We just having sex, I'm gonna get you wet, we not making love tonight. Hickeys all over your neck, kissing all over your body baby" I start laughing and she smiles, I wrap my arms around her neck "I love you" I say kissing her lips "I love you too" she says. We dance a lot with Maddie and I dance with Dallas. "Demz" I hear someone say, I turn around "Yo" I say "Come dance, bring your girl" they say, I look confused. I grab Lauren's hand and we go up to dance. The song comes on and I laugh. As it gets into it, I roll my hips with her and we grind together. My butt is against her and she has her arm on my waist "You're doing so well turning me on right now" she whispers, I smirk "Good baby girl" I say. I roll my hips with her more until the song ends "Mom, we're gonna go okay" She nods and hugs Lauren. I go to hug her and then Eddie and Dallas and Maddie. I grab Lauren's hand and we walk out. I drive back to her house, and we go inside. "I'm taking you anywhere" she says before pushing me into the sofa. She drops on top off my winding her hips on my as we make out, she's right against my area and boy does it feel good, she moves her leg between mine and starts to push on it, making me moan. I grab her butt "In fact no we need more room" she says, she picks me up wrapping her legs around her, we go upstairs and I'm biting and nibbling her neck in process. She throws me down onto the bed and crawls onto of me, she rips my shirt off "I'll buy you a new one" she says before kissing my boobs and chest, she is so dominant, she pulls my leggings down and my panties with them, she waists no time before getting into me making me moan out loud, she comes up to me and I unzip the back off her dress, I rip it from her body and throw it elsewhere, I push my lips onto hers occasionally moaning in her mouth from her current procedure. She's so dominant tonight, I love it. She pulls away with my lip between hers! She lets go before going down on me again... Tonight is going to be a very long one.

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