Thirty Nine

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Lauren's POV
I managed to fall asleep on Demi, I walk up and she's not here, I look on the table "Wear something casual and meet me down on the beach" it says, I go to the little wardrobe they have in the rooms and change into white skinny jeans, Demi's long tank top and one of her hoodies, I put my converse on and put my hair in a bun, I walk down with my shoes in my hand... "Your date is waiting" the waiter says, I smile and he walks me down "Looking very casual tonight Miss Daiz" another one says "Happy birthday" the last one says "Thank you" I smile, I see Demi and she's waiting by the water, I stand next to her "Happy birthday beautiful" she says, I look behind her and it's a ready set meal with a glass of wine for me and water for her. I smile and kiss her cheek, we sit and the waiters dine us "Good nap?" She asks, I nod "It was great" I smile "Good, that's a good thing that you slept long" she replies, causing me to choke "Problem?" She replies smirking, I laugh and shake my head. She smiles.. Once we've eaten, we walk back up to the shack thing, she pulls her hoodie from me, I kiss her lips... And she grabs my waist and pushes me back, I stumble backwards onto the bed and we both laugh, I pull her face to mine "You're so beautiful princess" I say, she smiles at me "Shhh" I say "Don't tell your mother" she replies, I laugh, she kisses my neck up to my lips, I push her back a little and she sits on my lap as she pulls my shirt up and over my head, I pull hers off too, leaving us both in our bras, my hands roam over her body, like everytime sending shivers down her spine and goosebumps to come on her arms, she rests her hand on my cheek, pressing us closer. My hands find the clasp of her bra, I unclasp it and let it drop from her, she throws it elsewhere as she pushes my down again, her hands then find the button off my jeans, she unbuttons them with one hand while holding herself up with the other hand, she then drops into my crotch area and moves her hands under me, she unclasps my bra and throws it. She moves her lips back to my neck "Don't leave a mark" I whisper "About that" she says, I laugh and she continues to kiss my neck, nibbling on my sweet spot... She goes further down and takes one of my breasts into her mouth, my hands find her hair in seconds, her hairs now short so it's easier to grip, I grip it and she moves her head over to the other breast, once she has finished there, she moves down my body, to the buttons of my pants, since she has already unbuttoned them, she slides them from my legs, she slides up my body to my area, and she kisses up my body, to my lips "Are you ready" she whispers, I smile and she kisses my lips resting her hands on my thigh, I smile into the kiss, I press them closer and she moves her hand to my area where she slowly circulates her hand making me moan, I throw my head back... She moves down and pulls my panties from me, making me groan at loss of contact...

As the night goes on and the more moans are moaned, she drops down next to me "Fuck" she says, I scratched her thigh again (I lean down and kiss her thigh before laying my head on her chest "I love you" she says "I love you" I say before dropping to sleep..

The next morning, I wake up before her so I check my phone and Carly called "Hello" I say "Hey; where are you?" She asks "Visiting Papa with my girlfriend, why?" I reply "And you didn't bother inviting me?" She asks "Okay, first of all mom said you were going on vacation with your friend; secondly I wanted her to meet dad, she's met mom so... Why can you stop complaining for five minutes" I say "For god sake Lauren. Why can't you see I just want my sister around?" She says, I laugh "Now that I'm not around you want me as your sister. You were fine when I was 18 living alone so what's changed now, the fact mom actually gets along with me and she accepts my girlfriend? That you're not miss goody perfect two shoes now?" I ask "That's not what I'm saying Lauren" she says "Well it feels like it" I say "You don't understand I get it" she says "I do for god sake. We'll talk when I arrive home" I say "Okay.. Bye" she says, I end the call and Demi opens her eyes "Are you okay?" She asks "Just Carly" I say "What's going on" she asks, she puts the covers around her body "I just think she's a bit jealous now mom accepts me and a stuff, she had her centre of attention because she likes guys" I say "Oh, but she's the youngest you've got your own life to live..?" She says "Exactly my point" I say, laying back down "I'm not gonna let it bother me" I say, she lays down with me and I wrap my arm around her bare body... "Thank you though" I say "For what?" She asks "Just forgiving me and not giving up on me when I was hesitated at first" I say "I definitely wasn't gonna give up on you but you're welcome" I she smiles, she buries her face into my neck and closes her eyes "Are you tired baby?" I ask "It's 8:30 am, I didn't sleep till 5, yes" she replies "Come on let's sleep" I reply, I make myself comfortable before she puts her head back into the crook of my neck... I then feel her heavy breathing on my neck, I rest my head on hers and slowly close my eyes...

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