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Demi's POV
I wake up and Lauren is awake watching TV "Good morning" she says "Morning" I say "I'm going to go make breakfast" she says "No I got it" I say "No I want too, it's time I got back into routine if I go back to work next week" she says, I sigh "Okay whatever" I say, I step out of bed and go into the bathroom, I shower and wash my hair before stepping out, I dry myself off before getting my clothes on. I sort my hair out a little bit my makeup artist is sorting my make up out at the radio show. I slip my shoes on and then walk down to Lauren, I swipe my hair behind my ears as i sit at the island "Have you got work today?" She asks "Just press" I say "Okay, can I join" she asks "Sure" I say, we eat breakfast and Lauren goes to change, Max is waiting outside, Lauren walks down the stairs "Ready?" I ask, she nods and grabs her keys, she locks the door and we get into the car! "Morning ladies" he says "Good morning Max" we say "So you've got Ryan again today and then tomorrow your recording for Jimmy Fallon, okay?" He says! I nod "How are you Lauren" he asks "I'm feeling better, thank you" She says "That's good to know" He says, I look at my phone and tweet "@ddlovato Ryan today🤘🏼 head down to the studios for a picture!!" I tweet it and go on my snapchat, it's still private so I don't get spammed by fans etc, I look at Marissa's snapchat story and it's us yesterday, oh my god we look great. I smile I'm blessed she's my best friend.

"Good morning today in the studio we have Demi Lovato" He says "Good morning Demi, now we haven't long had you in but you brought a guest with you today" he says "Good morning and yeah, I did" I say smiling "Shall I introduce her or do you want too?" He asks "I'll do it" I say, he nods "Hi lovatics and other people, today with me I have a very special person and you've probably seen her all over my Instagram but today I have my girlfriend Lauren" I say, she looks at me and smiles "Hi guys" she replies "Now Lauren, I'm glad your here, because we asked Demi how you guys met and she said and I quote 'she just saw how amazing I was and fell in love with me, no I'm just kidding well i dont know ask her' now is this true or is there other reasons?" Ryan asks her, I move over so she can speak "That's partly true, I did listen to the interview" she says "So what made you give Demi a chance?" He asks "Just her compassion and how caring she is, I mean when we met I was like no we can't do this dude I could loose my job and like your to young and she like stopped me and was like its 3 years don't cry about it and who's got to know? And I was attracted to her the first day I saw her I mean can you blame me look at her, but I fell in love with her because of the way she looks at me that's weird but if you fall in love with someone's eyes it's forever and that's exactly what I did" She says, I look at her and she kisses my cheek "Demi what is your response" he asks "I- uh i dont know I can't speak" I say, they laugh "I think we've found our new otp guys, so Demi introduce your new single and we'll talk more after" He says "Lauren why don't you?" I say "Okay, hey guys, I'm Lauren, and here's waiting for you by my girl Demi" She says, I laugh. While the song plays I talk with Lauren! "Do you feel okay?" I ask "Yeah I'm good babe" she says, I lean across and kiss her "Woah guys PDA" Tanya says, I laugh "and we're back so Demi! What's your favourite song from Confident?" He asks "Stone Cold or Yes" I say "Why?" He replies "Stone Cold because I wrote it when I was like sad and it reflects how I felt and Yes I wrote it about Lauren so it like represents us in a way" I say "What does Yes mean like is there a meaning behind it or not?" He asks "There is yeah, it's like I'm handing myself over like here's my body that I'm giving to us, here's my arms that'll hold us up. I'm saying yes, like a marriage proposal, I don't wanna get married yet but for the future in saying yes, and I can't promise that it's going to be fine I really can't but I'll do my best to make it through tough stages" I say Lauren kisses my cheek. "What's your favourite songs Lauren?" He asks "I really like father, Kingdom come and um cool for the summer" she says "Why?" He asks "Because she's explaining everything with her father and I feel that's a huge step to come out and say too, it's like she doesn't have to be this open about her past but she is and that's another thing I love about her. Kingdom come because it's just so upbeat and catchy, and Cool for the summer I'm sure you can guess why" she says, I smile and laugh "Ayoooo" Tanya says "Well then, Times up. Thank you Demi and Lauren for being on our show. We're happy we finally met you Lauren. Look after our Demi, we know her mom" he says, she laughs "Thank you for having us" I say! "Here's Cool For The Summer by Demi Lovato" he says, we take a couple pictures with him! "Have a fast recovery Lauren. Thanks for coming in you guys" He says "Thank you" Lauren says "Thanks for having us" We get outside and I take pictures with fans "Can you read this? When you have time of course" the guy asks "Of course" I say, he smiles "Demi, I tweeted you about my sobriety did you see?" The girl asks "I did, I couldn't reply though, but keep it up, you're such a strong girl, i love you and stay strong sweet girl" I hug her "Thank you so much" She says "Hey don't cry" I wipe her tears "One step at a time" I say, I hug her again.!I wave goodbye to the fans before getting into the car "Ready?" Max asks "Yep"

House shopping.

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