Fourty Five

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Demi's POV
I played my first concert a few weeks ago, Lauren came and it was amazing. I've gotten a lot of new fans hitting 1m on Twitter and Instagram. It's amazing, my leaked picture has been deleted, however it's still spoken about but I'm okay with that. Lauren has been pretty distant lately, she's been busy a lot, whether that's because of school or not i dont know, but my management are sending me off to England, London for 7 days for a intimate show... I leave in 2 days. Reasons I need to see Lauren to tell her. I drive over to her house, I walk straight in, wine hitting my senses straight away, I walk through to the dining room, and she's sat around playing poker, as usual now days, with two other people i dont know and some girl. "Oh my god. Lauren you didn't tell us you were dating a star, that's hot as fuck" the girl says, Lauren smiles "Yeah she's pretty decent" she says, I roll my eyes "Hi and all but Lauren can I talk to you, in private" I say, she nods and stands up, she walks out to me "I missed you" she says leaning to kiss me, I step back "I'm trying to keep away from alcohol" I say.. She nods "What's up?" She replies "I'm leaving, America" I say "What?! Why?" She asks "I've gotta go to London for 7 days and I leave in two days" I say "and you just tell me now?" She says, I laugh "thought of checking your phone?, I messaged you telling you I needed to see you, I called you but you're here getting drunk with your friends to care. What if I had gone into hospital again? What if something critical had happened!?" I say raising my voice "Calm down you're fine" She says "Ha! I forgot I'm just 'pretty decent'" I say, she looks at me "You know I didn't mean it like that" she says "but did you Lauren. I don't even know who you are anymore" I say "I'm Lauren your girlfriend" she says "No, no you're not" I say, she looks at me "then what am I?" She asks "Just a pretty fucking girl who can gamble" I say, turning around and leaving "Demi" She shouts, I continue walking away. I get into my car and hit the steering wheel.. What's next?! My phone goes off and it's my manager "Hey Phil, can I leave early. I wanna explore London for a couple days" I say "Sure you, Marissa and Jason can fly tonight. 10pm" He says "Thank you!" I say "Oh and Demi?" He says "Yeah" I say "Give her time, she'll realise what's more important" he says "I hope so" I say, we say our goodbyes before I drive to Marissa's "Hey biff" I say "Hey Demz" She replies "is Jason here?" I ask, she nods and I walk through "Are you guys packed?" I ask, they both nod "We're leaving tonight" I say "Really?!" They ask, I nod "I'll be picking y'all up at 8 with Max" I say, they nod. "Bye guys" I say, they say goodbye and I go home and tell my parents before packing stuff up and getting ready to leave.


-last day-

I've had none stop messages from Lauren, all that I ignored.. I don't wanna talk to her. I've had an amazing time in London, my British fans are amazing. So so dedicated. "@ddlovato loved being in London🇬🇧 Can't wait to have a tour and come back here🤗 i love you all British Lovatics🇬🇧❤️" I tweet it and go onto Instagram to take a picture of me, Jason and Marissa! "@ddlovato bestest friends a girl could ever ask for! London, England you've been amazing, but I can't wait to get home in my bed and sleep off this jetlag🖕🏼🖕🏼😂" I see Lauren liked it, I ignore it and put my phone down. we sit on the plane waiting for it to take off I hate waiting, when we arrive home it'll be six pm so I can go to bed.

-after the plane journey-
Max drives Marissa and Jason home, while I wait to go home, as soon as I get home I run through the door and into my moms arms "I'm so happy you're home baby" My mom says "Me too. I missed you all so much" I say, I hug Maddie and Dallas, then my dad "I missed you guys so much" I say "We missed you too" They say. "Are you going over to Lauren's?" My mom asks, I sigh "Yeah, I'll go now" I say "Okay, we'll see you in a few hours" she says, I nod and walk out of the house.. It's not rise me ignoring her the past week or so, although she did something bad.

I drive over to her house and see some lights on, I use the key she gave me and walk in, I close the door and turn around and she's stood, arms crossed and a glare on her face "Uh hi" I say "Hi, hi? Is that all you can say?" She says, I look down "I messaged you everyday and you didn't answer not once" she says "I know.. I'm sorry" I say "What did I do" she asks, I look up "How many years have I been sober?" I ask "1, almost 2" She says "Exactly it's still triggering and when I'm near someone who's drinking it's hard. I'm not saying you can't drink but not so much if you're going to kiss me" I say "and as for your poker friends, don't call or text me when you're with them" I say "Why?" She asks "I don't like you when your drunk or gambling" I say.. She sighs "I'm sorry" She says "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of ignored you for so long" I say "It's okay..." She says "I missed you" she says coming closer to me "I missed you too L" I say, she leans in to kiss me and I meet her half way... Oh how much I missed her lips.

I time skipped a lot in this chapter because if I wrote day by day London it would get boring. I'll do flash backs and stuff in the next chapters :)

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