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Laurens POV
"Teach me" Demi says, teach her.. "How am I supposed to teach you?" I ask "Teach me the morals.. Teach me how to love.. Teach me" she says, I look at her "You're my student" I say "And you're my teacher, two wrongs don't make a right" she says, I sigh "I dont know Demi." I say "Is not gonna hurt to try" she says "I know it's not but i dont know what's gonna happen at the end of this year, Demi this wouldn't ever work out" I say "It would if you tried" she replies.. "I want to try but it's putting us at risk, I could loose my job and you could loose your scholarship" I reply "So how would you feel if I kissed you right now?" She says, I shrug and she pushes her lips onto me, my hands immediately finding her neck and her hands on my waist, we make out for what seems like forever "I can't do this" I say "You can't kiss me like that then say you can't do this, Lauren it doesn't work like that" she says "I'm sorry.." I say. She shakes her head.. I want us to work I mean she's extremely hot and beautiful but i dont know what would happen if anyone was to find out.. She gets up "Wait Demi" I say, she walks to the door "Demi!" I say grabbing her wrist and turning her around before smashing her into the door and kissing her lips "Don't go" I say "Don't ever go" I reply "I'll teach you everything you need to know" I say as my lips continue kissing hers "I'll be your personal teacher" I whisper in her ear "If you'll let me of course" I whisper, she smiles and pulls me closer "Of course" she says, she pushes her lips to mine "I need to go home" she groans "I know, but we can just do tutoring at my house now. Although, I'll struggle to tutor you" I smirk. She smiles, I grab my keys and we go to the car. I walk Demi to her side and open the door for it to be closed again and myself being pushed against a body. I put my arms either side of her head "Keep yourself tamed" I say pecking her lips and getting in my side, once she's in and were belted up, I reverse out and speed off down the road.. I dont know where this 'Teach Me' shit is gonna go but I know where I'll take it. I'm prepared to risk it for her.. I smile and keep focused on the road!

"So you gotta go boo" I say, she nods "I'll see you tomorrow in class" she says, I nod and kiss her cheek! "Bye" I reply "Bye L" she replies, I smile and watch her walk away.. Damn that girl has some ass on her.

-Next day-
I walk into first period, feeling confident as fuck. I walk in and I smile "Sorry I'm a tad late class" I say "Don't worry miss must take ages to look that fierce in the mornings" Jason winks, I look over at Demi and she's glaring at him "Anyways, let's leave Jason to his fantasies" I say, I explain what they have to do "Miss, why do you always help Demi?" Jason asks "Jason, enough. I help her because she's new to the school and hasn't done this work before. Enough with the remarks every ten seconds" I say. Before focusing on helping Demi "Thanks.." She says. I smile. I look at my watch "Pack up and put your books to the front" I say "Demi, you know you need to stay behind" I say. She nods, Jason gives her a weird look and I slightly look away "Jason!" I say, he turns around "Here now!" I say he walks over "Sup Miss D" he says "Enough with the looks at Demi. She's trying to fit in. Can't you be friendly. It's ridiculous, she's new, you were new once. Cut some slack and make friends" I say "Sorry miss" He says looking down "It's okay now go to class" I say. He walks out of the classroom.

Inside my classroom, there's a closet, I pull her in there "Just tell me when to stop" I say, she nods as I push her onto the counter, I kiss her lips and she wraps her arms around my neck "You're so beautiful" I say as my hands roam her body. I push her jacket off of her shoulders and she pushes my blazer from mine.

This becomes intense quick, my hands rest high up on her thighs, stroking slightly, she puts her hands on the buttons of my blouse, unbuttoning slowly, I smile into the kiss, once she's on the final button she pushes the shirt to my elbows, she looks down at my torso and smiles "You're so beautiful" She says mimicking me, I smile and she connects her lips to my neck; I moan slightly "Mhm Demi" I moan, I can feel as she smiles on my neck, she bites further down on my collarbone probably leaving a mark. As long as nobody can see it i dont care "We have to get to class" I say. She nods as she kisses me again, I deepen it and slip my tongue in as I pull my shirt back onto my self.She pulls away smiling "Shit" she says "What?" I say "You've got a hickey" she replies "Where" I ask, she shows me and it's just on my collarbone "Oh it's fine there my blouse covers it up" I say, she nods and I fix my hair up and she runs her fingers through hers, she puts her jacket back on and wipes her mouth for access lipstick "Lipstick?" She asks, I shake my head "Me?" I ask, she shakes her head. "You go first, I'll go second" She nods and we leave. She smiles before waving goodbye as she leaves the classroom..

It's about to get interesting.

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