Thirty Six

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Demis POV
It's 4am and Lauren's alarm went off again, indicating we had to get up for our flight, I lean over her and turn it off "Baby" I say, she flips over. She pulls herself into me. She wraps her arm around me and puts her head on my chest "Hate early morning starts" she says "Don't we all baby?" I say, she laughs.

-at the airport-
We arrived about a hour ago and Lauren is ridiculously tired, I mean she did only get 3 hours sleep so I understand. I got 6 because I don't stay awake watching Family Guy till 1 am. I mentally laugh at myself, she rests her head on my shoulder and I see her eyes drape closed, I smile and lean my head on hers. About 45 minutes later they allow us to board "Lauren, wake up baby" I say, her eyes slowly open and she stretches, she stands up and she entwines our fingers, and we walk to the plane. As soon as we've boarded, and taken our seats Lauren's head falls onto my shoulder and she falls to sleep. I kiss her head and open my phone.

'Hey girl, wondering how's it going, we haven't spoken in a while. I miss you x'

-'hey whattupppp. I miss you too, we'll catch up when I'm home :) x'

'Of course. Have a great vacation;))) love you. X'

-'Love you too boo😊 X'

I look at my phone and then at Lauren, I get a photo of her and send it to Marissa I lock my phone and try sleep, it's gonna be a long vacation.

When we arrive at the shack/hotel, Lauren takes the bags to our room, I follow her and she's laying on the bed! "My head hurts" she says "Take some pain killers" I say as I get her some from my bag. "Here you go" I say, she takes them, I lay next to her "I already love it here" I say leaning over her to put my phone down from texting my mom that we arrived safe "Me too" She says. I lay my head in the crook off her neck and leave little kisses, until I slowly feel my eyes drop closed...

To be later woken up by Lauren... "Demz.." She says "Yeah?" I reply "Are you cheating on me." She asks, my eyes widen "What?!" I reply "Are you cheating on me?!" She asks "Of course not, why?" I ask "Your phone was going off and all from that Cammie girl saying she misses you and can't wait for you guys to 'catch up' are you like with her?" She asks, her eyes brewing "because if you're doing this for payback, I get it but you can stop now, I messed up okay and I deserve everything I get but please tell me you're not cheating on me" she says, her voice breaking. I stand up and go to her "Lauren!" I say "Lauren!" I repeat, she looks at me. I dry her eyes "I'm not cheating on you" I say "But she's saying all this stuff I'd say" she replies "Baby, she's my old old best friend from elementary, she has a son with a man and has been with him since she was 13" I say "A girl can change y'know" she says "Of course I know but if I was gonna get revenge on you I wouldn't ever do it this way" I say "I'm sorry.. For assuming and going through your phone" she replies "I trust you, if I had anything to his I wouldn't of told you my password or let you on my phone at all" I say, she nods and I kiss her lips "I love you" I whisper to her "I love you" She replies. We walk out onto the balcony and we can see the water, it looks so beautiful "Baby look how beautiful the water is" I say "I'm looking at something way more beautiful" she replies, making me blush. She smiles and wraps her arms around me, I turn around and she sits me on the edge of the balcony her hands tightly around me so I won't fall, she leans up to kiss me and I meet her half way, I smile into the kiss because this is cute, I pull away and she moves her lips to my neck "Baby"I moan "I'm worried for the neighbourhood" she says, I laugh "Why huh?" I reply "There gonna need ear plugs, because I'm gonna make you sweat and make you moan so loud" she says, biting my collarbone "Fuck baby girl" I say, she smiles and lifts me down "I'm hungry, come on" she says dragging me through. How did I ever become so lucky? What normality is it to fall in love with someone in the space of 10 months.. Wow.. Our one year is in around 2 and a half months.. That's really quick, her birthday is two days before Halloween and we've decided to have a Halloween party, Lauren is dressing up as a slutty zombie, however I'm dressing up as something creative but it's gonna tease the shit out of her.. Just how I like it. She uses some ingredients to make another Spanish dish, that I have never had. I really can't wait to meet her family, if they cook like her, I'm gonna die. Her cooking is basic heaven' it tastes so good and I love it; to say I can't cook for shit I'm doing pretty well with my partner.

Once we've eaten we go back to the bedroom, where we change into bikini's because we're 10 minutes from the beach, we take a slow walk down to the beach hand in hand and I run down to the sea, I wait for her to meet me before lifting her so she's resting on my knees "I'm in love with this place" she says "and I'm in love with you"

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