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Demi's PoV
It's a brand new day and I'm feeling really good today. It's probably yesterday.. I dont know whether that was supposed to happen or not but it felt great and I hope she doesn't avoid me now..

Don't forget to ask your parents about this weekend🙈 x

-I'll tell them now 😊 x

I really enjoyed last night😉 x

-me too, it was.. Creative😏👀 x

Very creative. Hopefully you can return the favour this weekend🙈😊 x

-only if you teach me Diaz ;) x

Of course beautiful! Now I've gotta go, but I'll see you later today! And if you can I'll pick you up from Marissa's x

-okay! Bye!!  X

I smile and lock my phone before shooing down the stairs "Hey mom, can I have a sleepover with Marissa at her house like tonight and tomorrow?" I ask "Of course" She says "Awesome thanks" I say. I run upstairs before grabbing my school bag and going out to Marissa "Later" I say my parents say goodbye. I get into her car "I need a huge favour" I say "What is it?" she says "So basically me and Lau-miss Diaz have gotten really close and god you're gonna hate me" I say "I won't hate you" she says "She kind of took my virginity" I say "WHAT THE FUCK DEMI!" She shouts "I'm sorry.." I say "WHAT ON EARTH MAKES YOU THINK THIS IS OKAY" she says "Nothing makes it okay but i dont know, she's just" I say "Just?" She replies "Perfect.." I say "You've known her 2-3 weeks and she's took your virginity. What is wrong with you. I'm not angry, I'm sad. But I'll stand by you" she says "Thank you" I say "I know what we did was wrong but it felt right" I say "If you say so.. Now what do you need?" She says "To cover for me" I say "You wanna stay over at Miss Diaz house and you've told your mom you're staying at my house for the weekend and you want me to confirm it if anyone asks" she says, I nod "I got your back" she says "Thank you so so much" I say hugging her "Okay ew get off of me" she says as we walk through the halls, I hear a slight giggle and its Miss Diaz, I look down and blush slightly "Morning girls" she says "Good morning Miss Diaz" Marissa says "You're glowing today Demi" She says "I wonder why" Marissa mumbles, I nudge her "I had a busy night" I say. She nods smirking "See you in 20 minutes" she says "Bye" we reply "What were you thinking" I ask "You did have a busy night" she says "No shit Sherlock but you don't need to make it obvious that I was with her" I say "Fine fine. I'm sorry" She says "Come on we have her first for Math" she says dragging my hand. We get into class and sit down. "We have a mini maths paper for today should take around 45 minutes and then I have something else planned" Miss says handing the papers out! "This is just on theorem so don't like have a bitch fit because it's all based on Theorem" She says, she gives me and Marissa the paper before going to the front of the class and sitting down "Miss?" Someone says "Yes?" She replies "Do you have a spare pen?" he says "Yes, can you catch?" She says "Your number?" He winks, Marissa looks at me while I grip my pen. Marissa gives me the eye "I'd rather you didn't have my number because your like a horny 16 year old and plus I swing the other way" she says, I smile "Hm! Perfect" I say a little louder than expected "Problem Miss Lovato?" She says, I shoot my head up "Oh no, just thinking about the answer" I reply quickly, she nods "If you need help shout me over and I'll come read it and help you understand it" She replies

It's lunch and Marissa is sat with me while we're sat with Jason and Curtis. "Hey party tomorrow, you two coming?"Curtis asks "We're going out of town" Marissa is quick to respond, I smile "Yeah we're visiting Demi's grandparents in Wisconsin" She says "Oh damn. That's a shame maybe next time!" Curtis says. We smile. I take my tray to the trolley thing, I quickly turn around almost spilling my drink "Woah dude" I say "Oh, sorry Miss" I say as I help her up, she brushes her trousers down before thanking me.. That teacher is a bitch.

-end of the day-
We've just been to collect my stuff before driving to Marissa's house! "Thank you so so much for this" I say "You're welcome but we're hanging tomorrow before your other day with Miss Diaz and you're spilling everything" she says "I promise but she's here and I've gotta go" I say hugging her "Thanks for the drinks of tea Miss C" I say "Bye Demi" She reply. I walk down the drive and open the door "Hey" I breathe out "Hey pretty girl" She says pecking my lips "Marissa is basically eyeing my every move so we better drive" I say "Does she know?" She asks "Well the only way I could've stayed with you is if I told her but she has my back, and knows my crush on you so she's cool with it" I say, she nods "She won't spill will she?" I shake my head "I wouldn't let that happen" she says.

"So let's go" I say

"Just so you know, you're under my control now" she says before pushing her lips onto mine...

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