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Lauren's POV
"I think i love you" I say "What..." She replies "I think i love you, Demi" i say again "No, you can't. Stop I'm not falling into this trap again.." She says "It's not a trap" I say "Prove it" she replies and walks away, I sigh. Do I seriously have to go home and make love to her after a cooked meal.. Because if so I will! I smile and walk out, I grab my stuff and tell the school I have a doctors appointment for Monday and they accept it and I leave, I drive home and set everything up

I need you to find Demi and tell her to come to my house xxx

-uh, okay??xxx

I smile, I continue cooking and set everything up, I home she comes, I really do.

Around 30 minutes later, there's a knock on my door, I walk over to it and open it, I smile at the person "Hey" I say "Hey" she replies "I made you lunch" I reply, she smiles and we walk to the dining table "This is beautiful.." She says, I smile "I don't have any soppy speech to make up for anything I did or to prove to you that i love you but hopefully this will help prove" I say.

We finish the meal I cooked and I tell her to meet me in my room, she nods and walks up there, once I've finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher, I walk upstairs where she's patiently sat on my bed "Demz" I say, she looks up and I smash my lips onto hers, pushing her back onto my bed, they move perfectly in sync together, myself on top of her and her below me. We make out for a while and then I move my lips down to her neck and she throws her head back "Lauren" she moans as I suck her sweet spot, probably leaving a mark "Lauren" she moans "I wanna make love to you" I whisper in her ear "Do it" she moans, I smile and push her plaid shirt off of her and look at how low her tank top is low "Baby girl that shirt is way to low, I don't want any guys checking my girl out" I whisper, she bites her lip "Just take it off" she says, I pull it over her head, I kiss her chest and down her stomach, I kiss my way back up and push my hands behind her back and unclasp her bra "wait, you have to many clothes on" she says, she pull my shirt off and pulls my bra off "I'll never ever get tired of seeing your body" she says as she kisses  my chest, I pull her bra off and throw it across the room, I pull her nipple into my mouth, I'm not rough with her, I just make sure she is pleasured, I hear her moan as I do it again, I give the same treatment to the other breast, I keep my hand on one and massage it as I unbutton her pants with my free hand, I take my hand off and pull them down "You suit black lace so fucking much" I say kissing her area, I drag her panties down with my teeth, and she just watches me, I pull the remainder of them down and put them aside, she scoots up the bed a little and I crawl onto her and kiss her lips, I push my hand to her throbbing centre and she spreads her legs, I start rubbing her slowly as I kiss her neck, I leave a mark on her collar bone, I've left two marks on her neck, so I'll leave them on her collarbone downwards, I start rubbing her faster, and I slowly slide my fingers inside of her, I look at her and her head is back and she's moaning my name "Bonita" I whisper in her ear "Fuck Lauren" She says, my fingers are going quite fast inside of her and she's clawing my back and her head is rested on my shoulder "Fuck" she moans "I'm gonna cum, Lauren! Oh my god" she moans, god they are so sexy "Harder" she says, I go a little faster, she moves her head and rests her forehead on mine, I look at her and "Don't cum yet" I whisper, I keep going, I kiss her lips and she's moaning really loud, she pulls away from the kiss and clenches her eyes closed "Cum for me baby" I whisper and she releases all over my hand "Ugh my god" she says panting, I kiss her lips and kiss down her body again, I push her legs apart again and, slowly lick away the juices, I spend longer than I should licking her clean, and she actually cums a second time! I smile and work my way up again. She pushes me down on my back and rips and I mean rips my trousers off, she kisses and sucks on my sweet spot probably leaving a mark, she pulls my breast into her mouth and sucks on it, making me moan, I hear her phone go off on the bedside table, she reaches over and turns it on silent, she goes back to my breasts before slowly kissing down me, and pulls my panties off, she licks me and eats me out making me moan, she then inserts her two fingers while sucking on my clitoris, I arch my back and raise my hips "I'm tryna eat my girl keep still baby" she says, that was so fucking hot "Demi, fuck baby girl" I moan, making her increase her speed she keeps eating and fingering me, I come close to my peak "Baby I'm gonna cum" I moan "No" she says, I hold myself from coming, I grip her hair and she moves her face from my vagina and comes to kiss my lips "Cum for me" she says, I release and she smiles kissing my lips, she removed her fingers and kisses me, I come down from my high and she falls down next to me, I turn to face her and we continue making out.

She pecks my lips "Stay with me tonight" I ask, she nods, I rest my head on her chest and she runs her hands down my spine and kisses my forehead "You're so god damn beautiful" she says "I don't think I've ever felt physically beautiful.. You give me so many reasons to feel beautiful and I think that's one of the reasons I took attraction to you, not to say that you're fucking beautiful inside and out. I'm so grateful to have you Demz" I say "You're so fucking cute" She says and kisses my head, I smile and kiss her chest. I then feel myself drop to sleep and Demi move more in position, she wraps her arm around me protectively and I feel so safe in her arms..

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