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Demi's POV

I sit down on the floor, and Lauren slides down next to me "I feel so weak" I say "I know, but you're not weak, you're so strong. I'm so proud of how far you've come" she says, I rest my head on her shoulder, she kisses my head "Do you wanna go to my house and i'll take you out tonight" She asks, I nod. She gives me her keys and i stand up, she wipes my tears and kisses my lips "Don't do anything, please" she asks, i promise her and get my bag, I get to my car and drive out. I go home first and my moms in "Demetria Lovato" she says, i sigh and walk through "I don't need another lecture from you mom, i'm sorry I hit someone who told me nobody would ever love me. I'm sorry i spoke back to someone who got the story wrong" I say "Demz, I know you and Stevie fought but baby girl, calm that temper of yours, okay?" I nod "But we need to talk about this girlfriend" she says "Uh. okay" I sit down "I need you to tell me up front, are you and Miss Daiz hooking up/dating?" she asks, my head shoots up "What?!" I ask "Are you and Miss Daiz dating?" she asks, I look at her "Uh..." I say "I wouldn't necessarily call it dating..." I say "Demi, I wont be angry just tell me" I sigh and nod my head "You realize that it's illegal right?" She asks "I know, but we are extra careful" I say "I'm disappointed that you couldn't tell me straight away, but I am happy if she makes you happy" she says "She does, and she understands me" I say, she nods and kisses my head and I grab an over sized shirt and fresh underwear "I'm going to L'S, BYE" i say, she nods and I walk out of the door! I unlock laurens door, I grab some soda and walk to her room. I slide into her bed and take a nap

I then feel someone leave soft kisses on my neck! "Baby girl, wake up" she whispers, I flutter my eyes open "Hey beautiful" she says, she's resting on her elbow "Hm!" I say "Are you tired?" She asks, I nod "I missed you" I say "I missed you more" my eyes fully adjust to light and I sit up "How are you feeling" She asks "I'm going to get shamed so much for hitting her" I say "Well i'll stand up for you and you know that" she says, I smile and kiss her lips.

-my birthday-

So they extended the time I'm isolated with Lauren. Even on my birthday. I told my parents I'd open my gifts over our birthday meal, which my mom actually invited Lauren along. She made sure it was out of town too. So we could be ourselves which i think is so amazing and caring for us. I haven't told Lauren yet but I will when I see her at her house in 20 minutes. We wanted time to ourselves before school. I arrive at her house and walk in, where she's in the kitchen. She turns to look at me "Hey birthday girl" she says as she walks over to me "HEY" i say enthusiastically "I made breakfast and you're card and gift is on the island" She says "You know you didn't have to get me anything" I say "You're my girlfriend, i wanted too" She says, I look up at her and smile and she smiles back. Girlfriend... nice. I sit at the island and she brings plates over, I open the card and read what's inside.

Dear Demi.

Happy 18th Birthday, this is a big one! I'm so, so happy I met you, you've brought so much happiness into my life and so much joy, I honestly don't know what I'd do without you.

We've known each other almost 8 months and I've fallen head over heels for you. Your eyes bring so much love and compassion, when you're writing in class, I look at you and I think to myself 'Damn, I get to cuddle her when I get home' you're body is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, and also the other thing is your face, when you first wake up, and your make up is off and I see all of your beautiful freckles, it warms my heart.

I want you to have a brilliant day with your family & I'm taking you out Saturday, I did have a little thing I wrote for you, but I thought I'd use a metaphor from my heart.

I counted every individual star in the sky to try and compare my love for you to something, but it came nowhere near how much I treasure you. You're so beautiful and sometimes when i wake up next to you, I pinch myself to see if this is a dream. I have been messed around a lot in my 20 years of living and I never, nor did I ever think I'd find someone that loves me for me and cares for me as much as I do them.

I wish you everything successful in life and I will help you and support you every step of the way.

Have a brilliant day, pretty girl;)!

I love you more than you'll ever know.

-Lauren x

Tears are pouring down my face, I walk round to where she's sitting and she hugs me, I pull away and kiss her lips "I love you" I whisper, since she told me she might be in love with me, I haven't said 'i love you' she said it all the time but I never said it back I think I was just scared, but she looks at me and wipes my tears "I love you too, so so much" she says, I kiss her lips again and she smiles into the kiss "Okay, open your gift" she says "I know we both love our pictures, so I made a collection of when we first took a picture to the one yesterday. I also got you a necklace, and i got it personalised for you" she says "Thank you so much, I really really really am thankful" I say, she smiles really big. We eat the breakfast she made before I ask her to put my necklace on for me "Thank you" I say, she kisses up my neck before resting my hair over my shoulder. "Oh baby?" I say, she looks at me "My parents invited you to my meal" I say "What? seriously, do they know..." she asks, I nod and she smiles "Are they okay with it?" she replies "My dad took a lot of convincing but he said if you make me happy it doesn't matter" I say, she smiles at me "You can be here at 7, then I'm coming here" I smile "Birthday sex" she smirks, I start laughing, she comes round to my chair "I'm serious, you're so lucky it's a Thursday and you don't have to be in class till 11 tomorrow" she whispers, she kisses her way up my neck, on my jawline and to my lips "Oh would you look at the time, lets go" she says, i groan "I hate you" I say, she laughs and gives me my bag and card to put in "Thank you, I'll see you 3rd okay?" she says "Byeeee" I say "Wait" she says, i turn around "I love you" she says, i grin "I love you moreeee, bye" I say.

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