Sixty - Four

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Demi's POV

-Two Days Later-

I Played the AMA's last night, boy it was amazing. The crowd loved that I brought Lauren with me and that we walked the carpet together, however when me and Halsey walked it the crowd were ridiculous, I smiled anyway and we took some pictures with fans. Then our performance was good and my solo performance I felt so confident for it, ha see what I did, no...okay. I wake up its Tuesday and my eyes are sore, I stand up and go to the bathroom, I wash my face and sort myself out, me and Lauren had a fight last night, she slept on the sofa, I offered the bed. I change into some clothes before walking to the shoe rack by the door for my shoes "Where are you going?" She asks as I put them on "Out" I say "It's 7:30am Demi" she says "To the gym" I reply, I open the door not waiting for her reply and leaving. I get to the bottom of the stairs and leave the block of apartments. I start my jog to the gym, slow pace but my metabolism is high.

I do my work out before taking a fast jog back! It's 9:30 when I arrive back. I walk in and Lauren's probably at work, I take a shower after my phone starts ringing "Hey" I say "Hey it's me" she says, it's Marissa "Hey Rissa" I say "Hey, I was wondering if you'd take a tour of the school with me for my blog and my YouTube video" She asks "Sure of course. Hit me up, when?" I ask "Around a hour or so" she says "Sure I'm down, I'll pick you up?" I ask, she replies with yes and I go and change for the day, I wear black ripped skinny jeans, my timberland boots, a white crop top and a leather jacket. I finish my hair up and then put my glasses on. I grab my phone before leaving for Marissa I message her with 'X' to not call me because I'm driving. Once I arrive at her house I pap my horn twice and wait for her, I check my texts in the mean time

Ash (Halsey)
Hey, you all good! Hmu when you're free :) xxx

-Hey!! I'm all good now! I'm free at around 3-4 ish if you wanna hang? Xxx

Have a good day, i love you.

That makes me want to forget all about our fight but I can't, she still cares about my day even when we're fighting "Hey biff" Marissa says "Hey Mar" I reply "I'm just replying to Lauren then we'll go" She nods

-Thanks, you too. & i love you too.

"Let's go!" I say, I give her my phone and she takes a snapchat my snapchat is now viral, so I have fans on there and everyone can see "So we're making our way to our old high school because Demis almost 20 and I'm 21. So we're gonna film" It stops and I laugh "As I was saying we're filming a YouTube video for my channel." She says I smile. She puts my phone down, then I get a message "Should I check that?" She says, I nod "It's Lauren she said are we okay?" She says "Just reply with i dont know you tell me" I say, she nods and puts my phone down after replying "We're here" I say. Her camera men are behind us "Hey guys I'm Marissa obviously but I've got my best friend with me today, Demi Lovato" She says, I wave "So basically today were showing you a tour of our high school, and some teachers" She says "So let's go" I say. The camera men follow us in "You got permission right" I laugh "Yeah" She says, she laughs.

We start walking the English block, we walk passed Lauren's classroom and the doors open, she looks at me "Oh my god it's Demi Lovato." I smile "Hi, how are you." I say "I'm oh my god, you're talking to me" She cries "Yeah. Haha, do you want a picture?" I ask "Please oh my god" She says "Why is she crying Demi doesn't like her" I hear whispers "Okay is there any need to be so rude?" I say "I was just saying" He says "So making a girl who's excited to see me upset is normal? Do you actually have any self respect?" I ask "Here you go sweetheart and don't listen to them. I love you okay, stay strong" I kiss her cheek. "Thank you Demi" Lauren says "Wait miss don't you and Demi date?" He asks "That's her private life, keep out of it." I wink before walking out closing the door. "Life lessons from Demi Lovato guys" Marissa says, I laugh "Don't bully guys" I wink.

Once the video was over I drive her home "Thank you for participating" she says "You're welcome Mar" I say. I get a call "I walked to school can you pick me up please" Lauren asks "Yeah I'll be there in 10" I say

Ash (Halsey).
Sorry I have to pick Lauren up!! Maybe another time xxx

-Sure, let me know, I miss you;) xxx

I delete the message and pick Lauren up. "Thank you" she says. I nod and rest my hand on the arm rest "I'm going to see my parents you can come if you want, I'm sure Maddie wants to see you" I say "Yeah, we could pick her up" She says, I nod "Can you call my mom please" I ask, she nods "Okay, we won't be long byeee" She says "Maddie's not home yet so, we can go" She says, I nod and drive to Maddie's school. Once we arrive. Lauren gets out and we walk over to Maddie's class, I sit on the bench and she looks at us, her smile grows and she collects her stuff together, before running out "Demi LAUREN" She shouts running over and hugging us! she kisses our cheeks "Come on baby girl" I say, we walk to my car and Maddie sets her things in the back. "Demz, when does your tour start" She asks "March 2nd why?" I ask "Is Lauren going with you" she asks "Yup. For the first leg anyway" I say "Okay, will you go to Texas and stuff?" She replies , I nod "So can I come and see Braedan and everyone?" She asks "You don't have to ask baby girl" I say! She smiles "Lauren!" She says "yeah mads" she replies "Why are you writing in Spanish?" She asks "When I'm working out a math question it's easier for me to count in Spanish" She says "Can you talk in Spanish?" She asks "Now?" Lauren replies, Maddie nods "
Hola mi nombre es Lauren , im veintitrés, y estoy enamorado de tu hermana" she says, I smile "What did she say, Demz?" She asks "Hi my name is Lauren, I'm 23 and I'm in love with your sister" I reply "Awww. That's so cute" Maddie says. I laugh and we share dinner with my family before going home and working out our differences.

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