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Demi's POV
I wake up to the sound of Lauren's alarm "I'm going to throw that out of the window" I say, she starts laughing "But you actually need to wake up today" she says "I know, I'm just really tired" I reply "You're gonna be tired" she replies giggling "Best birthday ever" I say "I'm glad it was" She kisses my lips "My thighs hurt" I say "Let me see" she says, I pull the covers from my legs "Oh shit" she says "I didn't mean to do that" she says "It's okay" I say "No it's not, I shouldn't of grabbed your thighs" she said. I cover myself up again "L, sh. It's okay! I'll be okay. It's a few scratches, you've done worse to my back" I say "Are you sure?" She asks, I nod and kiss her to reassure her that I'm okay.

I walk her to her car "I love you and I'll see you later" She says "I love you too" I say. I walk to my moms car and get in "Ready?" She asks, I nod.

-after the meeting-
"Maybe next time Demz" she says "What if I don't get in next time mom" I say "You will baby" she says "I'm scared, I just wanna go home" I say, my phone is blowing up, I just ignore them, once we get home I go straight upstairs and fall on to my bed. I break into tears. I get under my covers and all I hear is my phone and nothing else. I turn it on silent. I lay back in my bed my mind switching from the meeting to coming out. My voice wasn't powerful enough. I put my heart and soul into it. Ugh. I don't feel like going back to school. But my mom shouts me "What?" I say "Come on sweetheart" she says I sigh and walk down the stairs.

I walk into school and into my class, I see ally and Stevie next to each other, I roll my eyes and sit next to Marissa "How'd it go?" She asked "I don't have a powerful voice and they told me to try when it's more powerful" I say, putting my head down, Marissa sighs "Miss" I interrupt her "Demi, stop interrupting me" she says "I was asking a fucking question. Don't bite your own ass" I say "Just get out I'm not in the mood for you attitude" she says, I grab my bag and walk out. I start walking around the school and walk past Miss Daiz's class, and she comes out "Demi?" She shouts, I turn around! "How did it go?" She asks "They told me my voice wasn't powerful enough and I should come back when it is" I say, she sighs. "I'm sorry. I really was hoping you'd get in" she says "Yeah maybe music isn't my thing" I say, my eyes filling "It is. I believe in you. I always will" She says "Thank you" I say she smiles "I'm going home" I say, she nods "I'll stop by on my way home" she says, I nod and walk away, I get home and my moms not home. I walk upstairs and Dallas is there, I smile and walk into my room. I lay on my bed and I feel my eyes slowly drop closed.

A couple hours later I wake up to my phone ringing "Hm hello?" I say "Oh shit did I wake you?" They ask "Hm yeah. What's up?" I ask "I'm outside come let me in" she says, it's Lauren "Is the door locked?" I ask "Yeah" She says "I'll be there in a second" I say, she ends the call and I walk down the stairs, and open the door and she's stood, I look like complete shit to her "Hi" I say "Hey beautiful" she replies "Come in" I step aside and my eyes adjust to the light, I slip my glasses on "Do you want anything to drink?" I ask her "No, I'm good thank you" she says, I nod and take a bottle of water for myself. "How was classes?" I ask "They were boring, I didn't get to see your beautiful face last lesson" she says, I blush "Sorry!" I say, she smiles. "I'm so tired" I say "You can sleep and I can go" she asks, I shake my head "No" I say. I take her hand and take her to my room "You weren't lying about us having the same bed" she says, I laugh and she lays on my bed with me "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" I say "I know, but I'm here now" she replies. I slowly kiss her neck as she smiles and bites her lip, I move closer to her lips, but miss them and kiss down her throat, she moans slightly, I then put my lips on hers! I feel her hand travel up my shirt and she grabs my breast in her hand causing me to moan in her mouth, I move my hand to her breasts and massage them, and squeezing them, I hear her moan in my mouth as I squeeze them a little harder. I move from her lips to her shirt which I pull off in an instant, I unclasp her bra leaving her bare chested, I bite my lip at the sight, I pull her breast into my mouth, making her moan in pleasure, her moans are so hot, I start to move down once I've played with her breasts, I move down and unbutton her pants "What if your parents walk in?" She asks "They won't, they're out till 8 everyday" I say "What about Maddie and Dallas?" She asks "Maddie is at aerial and Dallas is with her" I say, she nods and I continue what I was doing, I slide them down and she helps a little. Once there off I throw them elsewhere. I pull her panties down and then threw them in the same direction as her pants, I kiss up her thighs and onto her vagina, making her moan. I then push my tongue inside of her making her grab my hair, I decide when she's wet enough to quickly slide my finger(s) inside of her. I move up to her face and her head is back and her eyes are closed, I kiss her neck and rub my hands over her curves "Fuck, Demi" she moans "Harder baby" she says as she grabs my face, I increase my speed. Her moans are now a string of them "Fuck baby!" I can feel the sweat on her stomach and her forehead. Once she releases onto my fingers, I move my face from hers and go down on her, kissing every inch of her. She's panting and sweating, I lick her till she's stone dry, I kiss my way back up to her and she kisses my lips. She flips me over and works her work on me.

Once she's finished, she drops down next to me and we're both panting "I never get tired of hearing your moans" I say, she smiles, I end up falling asleep with my arm on her stomach and my head on the pillow, while she has her arm under my neck and she's kissing my head.

This was a good end to a very bad day.

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