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(During this chapter I have made styles that Demi usually wouldn't wear or in her teen days either but I'm changing her a little, I hope you guys don't mind.)

Demi's POV
I wake up the next day and Lauren is sleeping next to me, I look at her and she looks so peaceful! I then see her eyes flutter open, she smiles "Hey" she says "Hey" I reply "Don't you have to get ready to meet Marissa?" She asks "She's not coming till 10:30" I say "What time is it?" She replies "9:00" I say, she smiles and cuddles herself close to me "You made me feel so beautiful" she says "Good, because you are beautiful" I say, she smiles and kisses me "You should shower, you don't want sex smell" she says "Is that actually a thing?" I ask "No, but you don't wanna smell like sex while meeting your best friend" she says "True, I'll go in a second I quite like it here" I say as I look her in the eyes "God I'm gonna have fun pleasing you" she says, I blush "You did so well for a first timer" she says "Really?" I ask "Nobody has ever made me cum so quick and so much before" she says "I'm obviously good with my tongue" I say "I can't wait to try your fingers" she whispers, I smirk "Maybe if you wear something extra sexy tonight, I'll give you something that you'll never forget tonight" she whispers in my ear "Fuck, I need a cold shower" I say, I get out of the bed and go inside the en suite thing, I can hear her giggling, I smile and take a shower, after that I dry myself off and change into my denim shorts, my converse and a crop top, I look real good, I dry my hair and brush it out so it waves naturally, I apply my contacts and a little make up, I smile before walking out and Demi still hasn't moved "Woah" she says looking at me "Do I look bad?" She asks "God no, you look stunning" she says "Really?" I ask "Yeah!" She replies. "We can quickly grab breakfast before you leave" She says, I nod, she gets out of bed and puts a robe on and we go downstairs, I sit at the island "What do you wanna drink?" She asks "Just orange juice please" I say, she nods and pours two glasses of fresh orange juice, she hands me a glass and I drink it slowly "You realise after the break in two weeks we'll have to go back to normal studying?" She says, I nod slightly.. Does that mean whatever we have now we can't have or what..? "But that doesn't mean I don't want you at weekends" she says, I sigh in relief and she smiles.. Maybe she could fall for me a little bit. I doubt it though!

I'm outside 💗

-okay I'll be right there ❣️

"Marissa is outside, I'll be back soon" I say, she nods "Wait, are you coming back in your dress or whatever or not?" She asks "I'll come back in my dress" I reply, she nods and as I'm about to open the door she grabs my wrist and kisses me "I'm gonna miss you" she says smug, I smile before walking out, I see her walk into the lounge and sit on the couch, I get into the car and Marissa looks at me "Hey" I say "Hey" she replies "Fun night?" She asks "Just a little" I reply, she drives away while I smile reminding myself of the events last night, I have hickeys all down my stomach, one on my neck and lots on my boobs/collarbone! "Oh we're meeting two friends of mine who will be moving to our school Monday at 2:30" she says, I nod "What're there names?" I ask "Ally and Stevie" she says "Boy and a girl?" I ask, she shakes her head "Both girls" she replies! I nod, we pull into her house where we go upstairs "So explain everything" she says as we fall onto her bed "Okay so basically we got to her house, we ate food, she's a great cook by the way" she nods "And like after we ate she like kissed me and we made out for like ever, then she said lets go upstairs, so we went upstairs, and like I pulled her blazer off of her and she walked us to the bed where I crawled on top of her and well yeah.." I say "Did she touch you?" Marissa asks "Just a bit" I say pulling my shirt off and showing her my body waist upwards. She shakes her head "I can't believe you had sex with her" she says "To be honest I can't but although she may never love me, it feels nice to have someone in control of my body" I say, she nods "I know what you mean" she says, we sit and talk about everything and nothing until 2:00pm "Come on they're probably waiting" she says, I stand up and we go to her car.

We arrive at In 'n' Out and we walk over to Marissa's friends "Hey guys, this is my best friend Demi, Demi this is Ally and this is Stevie" Marissa says.. Woah that Stevie girl is hot as fuck "Hey " I say, they reply with a hiya and I sit down.

Probably a hour into our meal me and Lauren start texting

Having fun without me pretty girl? Xx

-no😩😩 I'm really bored! Xx!

Aw. Well could it be any more boring than planning lessons? Xx

-Probably not😂 where are we going tonight by the way? Xx

It's a surprise but be extra excited for tonight, I'm so up for a long night of hearing your moans😉😉 xx

-stop😝😝 I crave you already😔😔 xx

Aw poor girl!! I just taste so good👀😉 xx

-fuck yeah! You taste so fucking good😋😋😳👅 xx

Good baby!! Xx

-I gotta go, Marissa will complain! I'll see you later xx

Bye pretty girl xx

I smile and put my phone back in my pocket "Girlfriend?" Someone says, I look up, it's that Stevie girl "Oh haha, no.. I mean i dont know" I say "Why?" She asks "I mean i dont know if we're dating. I dont know what we are" I say "Oh damn. Well anyway, since we're gonna go to school together, can I have your number? Maybe we can hang out next week?" She says "Sure of course" I say, I give her my number.

Me and Marissa go to my house to get my dress and shoes for tonight, she's gonna help me get ready. Once I've showered at Marissa's, I step out in my underwear, we have zero boundaries with each other which is why I love our friendship because I can look like absolute shit and she wouldn't care because she's either look like it with me or made me look like it. I smile at our memories and our friendship. I then hear my phone go off.

Hey, it's me Stevie. I can't wait to get to know you properly;)) xxx

I save her number under 'Stevie👀' and reply to her

-aw!! Hey Stevie, I can't wait to get to know you either Xxx

Maybe we can hang out tomorrow before school Monday, us two could go bowling or something?xxx

-sure but do you mind if it's at like 6pm, I'm busy during the day tomorrow xxx

Of course, that's the time I was thinking :) send me deets tomorrow 💗 xxx

-sure, I gotta go though, talk soon, bye xxx


I could like date her so it doesn't look suspicious.. But Lauren wouldn't really approve.. I'll talk to her about it.

Marissa really makes me look beautiful tonight. I wear a beautiful grey dress with a black leather jacket and my greyish colour stilettos (picture attached) I may not seem like this girly girl but I can dress up well, and I feel confident.. I hope Lauren likes it "Now, I want you to have a lot of fun tonight and tomorrow morning. Text me when your awake and we'll arrange something" she says "Stevie wants to take me bowling at 6 so we can hang out about 2-3?" I ask "Of course, I'll let you sleep in" she winks before pushing me out of the car and towards Lauren's door, she waves and I knock on.. I see the door swing open and all I see is a jaw drop and a...


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