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Lauren's POV
I keep leaving little kisses on her back and shoulder, she turns over and pulls me closer to her "You're so beautiful" I say, she smiles and rests her head in my neck and leaves little kisses on my neck, I smile and I straddle her "I am so happy you forgave me" I whisper "I couldn't not forgive you" she whispers back "Your raspy voice is so hot" I say "Hmm" she says, I kiss up her neck, across her jawline, up to her lips. She rests her hands on my ass, she squeezes it, slightly, making me moan briefly. She smiles into the kiss, I pull away and she moves down to my neck, she turns over so she's on top of me, she kisses her way down my neck, her touch is so addicting, I moan slightly and she tugs on the hem of my shirt, I pull it off for her and she starts kissing down my chest and she pulls my breast into her mouth, I moan and tangle my hands in her hair, she does the repeat to my other breast. I bite my lip and push my head back, she looks up at me and she looks down at my panties and she slowly pulls them down, I smile at her and she looks up and licks her lips, my heart race starts increasing, she slowly licks my clitoris, my back arches, she grips my hips and eats me out. My moans are increasing by the minute and I feel my self wanting to cum, she swaps her tongue for her fingers and she comes up to my face and watches me "I'm gonna cum" I moan, she kisses my neck and pushes her fingers deeper inside of me, I moan as she starts curling her fingers inside of me. I grab her hair and kiss her lips, I start moaning in her mouth "fuck oh my god" I moan, I grab the back of her neck "Demz, fuck!" I groan. "Ah baby girl" I moan as I release, she smiles and falls next to me "That was so fucking sexy" she says "Hm, I'm sure it was" I kiss her lips "We should sleep" I say "Hm, yes" She replied, I rest my arm across her stomach and my body is cuddled to her side! She's playing with my hair as I slowly close my eyes.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, I look over at Demi and she's groaning "Dude, it's like 2am" she says "It's 6:30" I reply "I do not get up till 7:30 so I have a hour left" she says as she puts her head down, and closes her eyes "Demzzzz" I say "Hm" She says "Please wake up" I say "Why?" She asks "I dont know" I say "I'm tired though" she says "Hm, fine but be awake for when I get out of the shower" I say "Hm" she says, she closes her eyes again and I take my shower, when I walk out, she's still sleeping "Demz? Seriously" I say, she groans and gets up, she takes her bag into the bathroom, I laugh and she showers. She comes out in black high waisted jeans, a white crop top, showing her slightly toned abs, she has her hair in a high ponytail and she sits on my bed, while she puts her shoes on! "What time is it?" She asks "7:45" I say "I gotta meet Marissa. I'll see you in school" She says "Okay" I say "What time do you have to meet her?" I ask "Uh 8:25" she replies "You have 15 minutes" I say as I step closer to her, "Your right I do" she says as she brings her lips to mine "We make out to much" she says "No te quejas cuando estoy gimiendo en la boca" I say, she laughs! "I know what that means" she says "What?" I ask "You're not complaining when I'm moaning in your mouth and you're right I'm not but I bet I have scratches all over my neck and back" she says, blush and put my head on her shoulder "I'm sorry" I say "Woah I never said I didn't like it, besides it means I'm pleasuring you well" she replies "You're good at that boy are you good" I say "And you're even better" she winks "Anyway, I gotta go. Crazy best friend waiting for me" she says "Okay, bye! I'll meet you at my house tonight?" I ask "Yup, Byee" she says and kisses my cheek. I laugh and she goes, I leave for school so I can set up.

Demi's POV
Once I park my car outside Marissa's, she quickly gets in my car "You guys made up?" She asks, I nod covering my neck slightly, I see her smirk and I laugh "What about Stevie" she asks "Nothing ever was going on with us.. She likes me and I just thought she was attractive I mean come on you can see Ally has the hots for her" I say, she nods "Fair point. We should set them up" She says "Yes" I reply, I pull into school and Lauren is walking and I didn't see her I break instantly "Sorry" I laugh, she smirks and rolls her eyes. "Be careful next Demetria" she says, I nod, laughing "The way she looks at you, what the fuck" Marissa says "She told me she thinks she loves me last night and she didn't just have sex with me she told me she wanted to make love to me, so I let her" I say "OH MY GOD!! IM IN LOVE" she shouts, I burst out laughing "This is so cute AHAHAH" she fan girls "I have a meeting with someone from Hollywood Records on Monday" I say "Serious?!" She asks "They want me to sing and they might sign me" I say "Oh my
God Yes!! That's so amazing" she says "Thanks Riss" I say. I step out and we walk to class "Sorry I'm late" I say "Talking about something after trying to run me over?" Lauren asks "Something like that" I say, she laughs and shakes her head. I sit next to Stevie "Hey" I say , no reply.. Uh "Uh hello?" I say "What Demi?" She says "I was saying hi, don't bite my ass off about it" I say, she sighs "I know you were making your girlfriend jealous and you never actually meant any of the kisses" she says "I'm sorry" i say "That can't cut it Demi, I don't want us to be friends anymore" she says "Fair enough, if that's how you feel" I say, she shakes her head "Why are you such a bitch,'you stood me up last night, to be with your girlfriend who won't even let you stand up for her, healthy relationship" She says louder than I expected "Hm, you'd know about the relationship if you weren't constantly asking me on dates. I had a fight with my girlfriend, woah. You seemed to want to get the fucking popcorn and watching rather than help" I say "Girls" Lauren says "You're oblivious aren't you. It's obvious she doesn't love you I mean come on who does" she says, I slap her clean across her face "You weren't saying that yesterday when you asked me on a date were you, no. So quit with your lame fucking comments. You think they're going to hurt me anymore." I ask,
She looks up at me "I'm over people. You want to judge me go ahead because you're never going to be my 'friend' if you do" I say "Demi, Stevie. Outside now!" Lauren says, I stand up and look at her before walking out, she stands up, and I see her walk outside "Demi.. I didn't mean that" she says "You still said it Stevie. I didn't fucking stand you up, I went to sort things out with my girlfriend. I don't have to message you every 20 seconds. I wanted to fix my relationship" I say "But I mean I didn't mean to say anything about people not loving you" she says "Whatever" I walk away and go to the bathroom, I slide to the floor' maybe she was right.. Nobody does love me. What if Lauren is stringing me along' I text Marissa

-Come to the bathrooms in English please 😭 xxx

I'll be there soon xxx

I put my phone beside me. I hear someone unlock the door, I see Marissa's shoes! She sits next to me "Demz what happened" she asks "Me and Stevie had a fight and she said nobody would love me, and then I looked at Lauren and what if she doesn't love me, what if she's stringing me along. Marissa I'm falling in love with her and what if what Stevie said was right she doesn't love me" I sob, she pulls me close to her "You can see with the way she looks at you that she loves you. Stevie just wanted the satisfaction but she didn't get it. I promise she loves you" she says, I hear my phone go off, she grabs it. She reads it out "It's from Lauren" I say, I look at it

Don't listen to her beautiful. I do love you, and I'll always love you. Please stay strong ❤️

I smile and push my phone in my bag "I'm so grateful for you" I say, she wipes my tears "Best friends for life" she says, I laugh and stand up, she grabs my bag. I wipe my face down and walk out with Marissa. We walk to the canteen. We sit down and Ally joins us "I heard about what Stevie said, that was wrong dude" she says "Never mind, I'm not gonna make her out to be in the wrong when I did wrong too" I say, she nods and I start eating! "Demi" I turn around and see the principal stood there "Yeah sir" I ask "You've got to spend the rest of 4 periods with Miss Daiz" he says "What the fuck. Why?" I ask "I was told about your outburst and you're a danger to Stevie" he says "What the fuck. She wanted that to happen, and I'm a danger to her?" I ask "Sir you got it all wrong" Marissa says "Just follow me please" he says "This is so fucked up, I hit my plate making it go everywhere, I stand up and get my back no wonder people fucking leave this school. I should've stayed in homeschooling" I say "I will be contacting your mother" he says "Honestly, I couldn't give two flying fucks" I say "Enough with cursing Miss Lovato" he says "Whatever" I say "Miss Daiz, Demetria is here" he says "My names actually Demi, and yes I am here. She can see you know" I say "Demi.." She says "She's in here 3 days straight" he says "What? for one incident that I didn't even cause" I say "That's correct. You're a danger to Stevie" he says "Well if I'm a big fucking danger why don't you exclude me?" I ask "Because we need you in school, it's an important year" he says "But I'm being in isolation when it's such an important year? Missing out on important lessons, what the fuck? Are you actually retarded? Like that's a serious question, I genuinely want you to answer it are you an actual retard?" I ask, he sighs "Demi! Enough! Your in here for 3 days. If you continue I'll have you out of this school in no time" he says "I'd rather be in homeschooling than being in here with people who start arguments because of little things. Fucking pricks" I walk into the classroom! "I don't fucking get it" I say! Lauren closes the door! "What the fuck was that about" she asks "I was calmly eating my lunch and that fucking sick head takes me to isolation because I'm a danger to Stevie? How? She caused the argument. She wanted me to hit her. She was testing me. Fuck I'm so stupid" I say, she pulls me into the closet room and she pushes me against the door and kisses me, I instantly calm down "Sh...Calm down. it's okay, I promise" she says.. I just start crying "I'm so stupid, everyone knows everything now" I say "you're not stupid you're an incredibly strong girl"

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