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Demi's POV
I walk into school the next morning and see Marissa "Hey" she says "Hey" I reply "Stevie was asking all about you on our group chat. Why weren't you responding?" she asks "I was just spending the night with Maddie and Dallas" I say, she nods. I hear someone shout my name, I turn around and Stevie comes running to me "Hey" She says Hiya" I kiss her cheek. She smiles. "I have Science with Miss Diaz" Stevie says "Me too" I say, Marissa smirks. I roll my eyes "We have Math, so I'll see you a 3rd period" she says, we nod and hug each other, we start walking towards Science.. I smile "So like I was wondering, if you wanted to go on a date with me.. This Saturday" she asks.. We arrive at the classroom and sit down "I mean I'd love too but" I get cut off by Lauren "Today is project day, now I apologise for my absence yesterday, I wasn't feeling well but I'm good now" she looks over at me and smiles. I put my head down. She gives the assignment out and she smiles! "About that date.. Do you want too.." Stevie asks "I mean I want too but i dont know if I'm free Saturday" I say, I say "Of course I mean you're busy with your girlfriend, sorry" she says "No! It's fine!, we can go Sunday Evening?" I say! "Really? Will your girlfriend be okay?" she asks "Yes!" I say uncertain as if Lauren will be cool with it, she smiles "I'll text you what time and stuff" she says "Sure. Miss Daiz" I say, she looks up from her desk "Yes Demi?" She replies "Can I go to the bathroom please" I say "Of course" she replies smiling before putting her head down again, I leave the classroom.. I sit down to pee "What the" I was only on my period for two days.. I guess that's a good thing but it's weird.

Pretty girl hurry back, I miss seeing your face. xx

-I'm coming!xx

Later you will be😏 xx

-can't wait😘 xx

I arrive back at the class and take my seat next to Stevie. I smile, I look down at my phone and see a message from Maddie telling me she passed her Aerial Exam. As I'm just about to message back congratulating her Lauren stands above me "You know the rules" she says, is sigh and turn it off "Collect it at the end of the lesson" she says, I nod and Stevie looks at me. I smile bluntly.

"Papers and books to the front" she says, I take mine and Stevies books and paper! I go back to my seat! "I'll see you next period Dem" Stevie says, I nod and she kisses my cheek. Everyone leaves "You know about the no phones policy" she says as we go into the closet thing "But my sister passed her Aerial Exam and I wanted to congratulate her" I say "I'm sorry.. It's the rules" she replies. I nod, I lean close to her and my lips skim her, she pushes me back onto the cabinet and stands between my legs "That was so fucking hot" I say, she smiles and we make our for what seems like forever.. I get her lip between my teeth and pull away with it letting it then bounce back, she smiles and I grab the back of her neck. I jump down and we swap places. I put my hand slowly up her thigh and to the button of her trousers "We can't do this here" she says "Live a little. Like you said if we're gonna do it lets make it somewhere exciting, just keep quiet" I say, she's about to say something to stop me but I push my hands down her panties and slowly start to rub her clitoris in circles "Hm" She moans we have a like 35 minute break time and that's not lunch, we have around 25 minutes left.. That's enough to make her cum. She's moaning a lot and I smile, I slowly slide my fingers inside of her and this is the first time I've ever fingered her.. She grips my back and throws her head back. I smile and slowly pump my fingers, with her almost cumming by me rubbing her it takes her around 10 minutes to come. Which gives me another ten minutes.. I smirk and she looks down at me, I slide her trousers from her legs and she smiles down at me "You fucking bad girl" she smirks. I smile and work my tongue making her cum again and me probably having rips in my back. I stand up and wipe my mouth, she pulls herself back together and makes herself look presentable, I put a piece of gum in my mouth and wash my hands in the sink they have in the closet thing. I turn around and she pushes her lips onto mine "I've never had sex in school nor in a closet.. It was pretty intense but I loved every second" she whispers "Me too pretty girl" I say as I walk out "See you at 3:30" I say walking out of the classroom leaving her there watching me. I go find Marissa "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She asks "Nothing, nothing" I smile "Talk to me" she pulls me aside "Uh.. I just had sex with Lauren in the closet" I say quietly, Marissa looks at me "Seriously?" She asks, I nod. She smiles "Nice one dude" she high fives me "Your not angry?" I ask "No, now you need to do a public restroom and a hospital and you're done" she says, I laugh. "Maybe just maybe" I say "Haven't you got a date with Stevie Sunday?" She asks "Yup.. Although I haven't ran it through L yet" I say "I'm sure she'll be cool with it" she says "Yeah I guess. Anyways come on we gotta get to third period" I say!

The day's moves quickly.. I'm just excited to see Lauren, I hate Tuesdays I only have her 2 lessons a day. It bothers me because I wanna see her but she's always teaching and if I do see her I gotta have her period 1 and 4 to see her at break and lunch. If things were different it'd be cool.. But I guess she's worth it I mean.. She's made me happy and she made me Double Take a lot more than I ever intending on doing with a teacher in her closet room.

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