Fourty Seven

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Demi's POV
I hear soft sobs as I open my eyes, I look down and Lauren's crying "Baby" I say, she wipes her eyes and looks at me "It's going to be okay, there not going to hurt you anymore ever again for that matter" I say, she like grips my shirt "Lauren" I say, she looks up at me "It's going to be okay I promise you" I say "I just the thought of them on my wrists what they said" she says "What did they say?" I ask, she shakes her head "It'll help you to talk about these things" I say "a-as they were cutting down my wrists they said 'your girlfriend is pretty familiar to this feeling, huh' and I couldn't do anything because I was tied up" she cries "And she, Bethany said that why would you want me if I'm not here... And she said you'd want her and I thought I was going to die" she says. I pull her closer "If you died I'd be with you. Im not going to let anyone hurt you, okay? I promise. If I knew for a second that they would've reacted like this I would've been at your house" I say. She puts her arms on me "Good Morning sorry to interrupt but we need to change her band aids" I nod and get off the bed and sit by the chair "Don't go" Lauren says "I'm not going, baby" I say, I sit back in the chair as the doctor pulls the bandaids off, I look at them and it's so long and deep, I gulp, they put antiseptic cream on them and then put them back on "We have an appointment for physiotherapy today, in a hour. We asked Demi, to help you walk with you, instead of the therapist, okay?" She says "Okay, thank you" Lauren says, she nods and walks out "I need to pee, can you get a wheelchair" she asks me, I nod and go outside "Hey, can we have a wheelchair, my girlfriend needs to use the toilet" I say "Of course" They pull one out and give it to me "Thank you" She smiles "Wait can I get an autograph my daughter obsesses over you"she laughs "Of course" she pulls my CD out of her bag, I open it and sign it "Hii beautiful, stay strong. I love you" then my signature. I smile and give it to her "Thank you" I smile and walk off, I get back into Lauren's room and she's sat on her phone "Maddie wants to see you, so when your mom gets here I'm going to get you some things and is it okay if I bring her to see you?" I ask "Yes. Of course, I want to see her" She smiles "Okay, come on" I say, I pick her up and lower her into the chair, she laughs, she rests her hands on the sides as she pushes herself up. I wheel her to the bathrooms, she pees and stuff and then the doctor tells me directions to the physiotherapy room "Ready?" I ask her, she nods and pushes herself up using the sides as help. I stand in front of her and she moves slightly but stumbles, I catch her "Look at you, ay got me falling for you" she says, standing up a little. I laugh and shake my head.

We make it to the end showing her leg still has strength, but still needs improvement, I take her back down to her room "Okay so what do you want?" I say "My charger, my blanket, and my fluffy pillow that's on my bed. Oh and some chocolate" she says, I nod and see her mom "Hello" She says "Hiii" I reply "How is she?" She asks "uh, she's unstable on her feet of course but that just needs therapy, she had her first session today which was good but she's sore on her wrists" I say "okay! Thank you, I'll see you soon" she says walking into Lauren's room I walk outside and I'm swarmed with Paps. I sigh "Okay can you like move" I say they don't do I push myself through and get to my car. I speed out and away before going to get Maddie. "Hey sweetheart, how's Lauren?" My dad asks "She's okay dad, she's just really sore and working on her leg" I say "Send her our love and we'll visit soon" He says, I nod. "Come on Mad" I say, she walks out of the kitchen. I get into my car "So before we go, will you help me clean up her living room, I want it to be welcoming when she gets home?" I ask "Of course Demz" she says. We drive over to her house and begin sorting it out, I wash down the chairs etc, but on the floor there's her blood from her arms I assume, I clean it up before putting them nicely, I grab her blanket, phone charger "Mads run up to Lauren's room and grab her fluffy pillow please" I say, she nods and goes upstairs. I sigh "Such an innocent girl got in with such a horrible crowd" I say to myself "Ready?" she asks, I nod and make sure everything is locked. I set her alarm before walking out and locking her doors "Uh Demz" Maddie says, I turn around "Stevie what the fuck do you want?" I say "Just tell me how she is?" She asks "Uh, no, she isn't your girlfriend nor will she ever be" I say "Why can't you just tell me how she is?" She asks "It doesn't concern you" I say "But please Demi" She pleads "She's fine okay, now can you get off of the property" I ask, she nods and walks away. I get into the car and we reverse to the store, I grab chocolate and Maddie some stuff, I also then go over to Starbucks to get her pumpkin spice latte, a coffee for me and frappé for Maddie, we get to the hospital and Maddie runs through "Lauren" I hear her shout, then walk in to them hugging I see her stuff on the side from what Maddie brought in "Hey beautiful" I say "Hey Demz, you changed clothes huh?" She smiles "I did" I reply "We cleaned your house too" Maddie says "Thank you" she says "Here Demi bought you a latte, I tasted it and it's really good" Maddie says "You can have some more" Lauren says "Really?" Maddie asks, she nods. While Maddie drinks some of that, I give Lauren her chocolate, her blanket and her fluffy pillow while plugging her phone in "Thank you" She says, I lean over to kiss her lips "My parents send love and wishes" I say, she smiles and lays back... I see Maddie on my phone "Damn" She says "Shh, Mads" I say, she looks at me and Lauren's eyes are closing "Sorry" She whispers.

We stay another hour and Lauren is fast asleep, so I take Maddie back before she wakes up and spend the night with her. I'm glad my management are so understanding.. I hope everything is settled now...

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