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-3 months on-
Demi's POV

If you're wondering why I'm so excited, I have been planning with producers for this album my whole life (not literally) since I was 17. It's called Confident and it's basically just showing who I am today and what I am.. I haven't let Lauren listen yet, i dont know if I'm going to yet but I know she's gonna love it. A few songs are about her but not all of them. Cool For The Summer has something she said in Hawaii "Shh, don't tell your mother" that stuck with me, I dont know why. It's in my voice (ofc) I've changed a lot since I was 15, my mind has been focused on getting my career on the road. So obviously I did have to quit school for a month because it was all part of me getting used to being in the spot light and to be honest I didn't think I had that many fans, they watched my videos, I mean I got a lot of views but having that many fans is shocking.

I have some random show for a song from the album called Yes, I'm performing two of the album.. Which is scary and i dont know if I'm ready. Ellen, her show gives me so much life, she's great.

Have a good day today baby!! I'll be watching from the to, i love you❤️

-thank you. I'll come by after, i love you too❤️

Not much has changed between us just I don't see her as much because of my schedule, etc.

"Hello, welcome to today's show. I'm Ellen obviously and today on the show, you've probably seen her covers but she's here today as most successful rising star. Welcome Demi Lovato" I walk on and all I hear is screams, this is truly mesmerising.. I smile. I sit down facing her "Hello" She says "Hey" I say "How are you?" She replies "I'm amazing right now. I am amazing, how are you?" She asks "I'm great, I'm glad to finally meeting you" she says "I'm glad to finally meet you" I say "So now you're here you're going to sing us two of your songs from your new album Confident, am I right?" She asks "Yeah, two that I love and felt they should be sung" I say "Amazing. So can we know the names of who they're about" she asks "Yes and Stars, and Yes is about someone I love very very much" I say, she smiles "Obviously I've heard the song but can we have names?" She asks "Her names Lauren, and she's my girlfriend, and she's the love of my life" I say, smiling "We saw some pictures of you guys holding hands and on your snapchat. How long have you been together?" She asks "A year tomorrow" I say "Wow, I can't wait to meet her or you both together" she asks "HAHAHA. Thank you" I say "Now here with us today performing Yes and Stars is Demi Lovato" I smile and fix my microphone

Face me (face me)
Take me (take me)
Save me
Don't try to change me
Face you (face you)
Take you (take you)
Save you
I won't try to change you
Yes, yes

Here's my body that I'm giving to us
Here's my arms that'll hold us up
Here's my life dedicated to love
I tried to give you everything you deserve
And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine
Here I am if you're ready to try
Here's my tears when you tell me those words
Here's my life, for better or worse
For better or...
Yes, yes

Love me (love me)
Earn me (earn me)
Stay true, I'll never hurt you
Love you (love you)
Earn you (earn you)
Stay true, I'll do what I have to
Yes, yes

Here's my body that I'm giving to us
Here's my arms that'll hold us up
Here's my life dedicated to love
I tried to give you everything you deserve
And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine
Here I am if you're ready to try
Here's my tears when you tell me those words
Here's my life, for better or worse
For better or...
Yes, yes

And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine
Here I am if you're ready to try
Here's my tears when you tell me those words
Here's my life, for better or worse
For better or...
Yes, yes

Here's my body that I'm giving to us
Here's my arms that'll hold us up
Here's my life dedicated to love
I tried to give you everything you deserve
And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine
Here I am if you're ready to try
Here's my tears when you tell me those words
Here's my life, for better or worse
For better or...
Yes, yes

I finish Stars after Yes before smiling and walking backstage


-yes beautiful?

You did so good!! I LOOOVE them both! Well done❤️

-thank you so much, i love you

I love you more.

-I'm coming by now, Max has to come with me though :///

That's fine! My classroom?

-Ya, okay!

Max drives me over to the school where I get out and walk through the school, I see Stevie and she smiles, I look away "Wait max can I have my converse?" I ask, he nods and gives them to me, I change into them and he holds my heels, I walk into her classroom and she smiles at me "Hey baby" I say "Hey beautiful" she replies "I missed you" I say "I missed you too" she replies, I peck her lips "Max you can go home if you want too, I'll go home with Lauren" I say "Are you sure?" He asks "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow for Ryan?" He nods, I smile "Keep her safe, there's people outside" he says, Lauren nods. I sit on the table.. I just look at her "God I've missed you so much" I say "I've missed you more baby girl" She says, I smile "I can't wait to get out of these clothes" I say, she laughs "I can't believe it's a year tomorrow" I say "I know.. One whole year with your fine piece of ass" She winks... I laugh and we make our way back to her house.

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