Fifty Two

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Sexual content.

Demis POV
I'm going to hang out with Cammie today, I recorded for Jimmy Fallon and it was pretty simple to be honest. Now I'm going for coffee then to Cammie's house for lunch. I don't want it to be awkward. I get through the paparazzi and meet her at Starbucks "Hey, how are you?" I say "I'm good, how are you?" She replies "I'm all good" I say "Great. How's your girlfriend after her hospital trip?" She asks "She's all good, slowly she's getting better" I say, she nods. I smile, we take our coffees and go to Cammie's house. "So how has the past few years been?" I ask "Pretty good, I got my son, and my husband. They're amazing" she says "That's great" I say "How's things for you" she asks "everything was bad until I met Lauren! She changed my life so much and I can't thank her enough" I say "my career has really taken off and I'm glad about that" I say "That's great. Shall we eat?" She asks, I nod.

Once we've finished eating we watch a few movies "I should get back to Lauren" I say "Okay, I'll walk you out" She says, I nod before I grab my phone and walk to the door "So I'll see you later?" She says, I nod and lean in to hug her she pouts her lips and leans to kiss me "Woah girl... I have a girlfriend" I say "And I have a husband" she says "And a beautiful child, I know what it's like to get cheated on, I'm not gonna be that person" I say, I turn away and get in my car. I drive to Lauren's, I did get an apartment, I wanted an apartment by the time I got there. It's pretty cosy, I haven't moved in yet, well everything is there, I'm going to move in tomorrow or maybe the next day. I walk in and she's in the kitchen "Hey beautiful" She says, I walk in and smash my lips onto her, she wraps her arms around my neck as I put mine on her waist, I pull away slightly "Hey" I breathe out "What was that for?" She asks "Because i love you?" I say "Baby did you cheat or something?" She laughs "No, well she tried to kiss me but I pushed her away" I say "She what?" She says "Baby I pushed her away!" I say "She tried to kiss my girl" she says "My girl huh, new nickname?" I say, she smirks "Now why don't you miss, follow me?" I say taking her hand, I lead her up the stairs, and straight into her room. I close the door once she's inside "I want you to sit on that chair" I say, she follows my rules, she sits on the chair and watches my every move. I play my playlist on her phone and it's basically a list my sexual songs.. 

I hover over her, and she looks up, biting her lip, the music plays and I grab her chin and kiss her, until the beat kicks in and I drop into her crotch, I start grinding my body on hers, having her moan ever so slightly "Girl I'm gonna make you sweat and make you moan, rip your clothes and turn you on" I whisper in her ear... She puts her hands on my ass as I'm grinding myself on her 'I'll make love to you' comes on and she picks me up and throws me onto the bed, I smirk, that was so hot. I bite my lip as she removed her shirt as she crawls up me "Baby girl you're so damn fine" I say looking at her "I want you every inch of you, I wanna make love to you" she says, I smile as she reaches me and her face is inches away from mine. I lean up and kiss her lips, she pushes my down and I move to unbutton her pants... She looks at me before she pushes her leg up against my crotch making me moan, she pushes harder and harder. She moves down on my removing my shirt in the process, she gets to my shorts and slides them from my legs, she smirks at my black lace "Matching did you know this was gonna happen?" She smiles "I had an idea" I say. She pushes her hand down my panties "Your body is mine" she says "Not Cammie's, not anybody else's...Mine" She demands. She starts to kisses my neck and I throw my head back and she kisses and bites my sweet spot, I grip her back, she moves down unclasping my bra, I gasp as her mouth touches my breast, I let out a throaty sigh, she repeats her actions before leaving a hickey on my collarbone, I bite my lip and she pecks them before going down to my panties, she slides them from me and throws them on the floor, I spread my legs for her and she bites her lip "Fuck yeah" I hear her say quietly, she kisses my thighs and leaves a trail of them before she gets to my centre and teases the fuck out of me "Lauren stop - te-teasing" I moan, I look at her and she smiles before sucking on my clitoris, making my eyes shut and I fall back "Oh my god!" I moan, she wraps her arms around my thighs, and puts my legs on her shoulders, she continues to suck on my clitoris and stretch me out. "Baby oh my god I'm oh" I moan, she slides her tongue inside of me and licks my folds, she pushes my legs of off her shoulders and pushes two fingers inside of me before continuing to suck on my clitoris "Baby I'm so close uh fuck yeah" I moan "Let it go" She says, my toes begin to curl and my hands grab the bed sheets making my knuckles go white, I arch my back as I finally cum, she doesn't pull her fingers out just yet. When she does she licks me clean and comes up to my face, she kisses my lips, I flip her over and pull her jeans from her, her panties too, I kiss her breasts before she sits up and I go underneath her, she positions herself on my face, I push my tongue over her folds, before getting into her soaking wet throbbing vagina, I smile into it hearing her moan my name, I mean that's music to my ears. She grabs my thighs and digs her nails in, it doesn't hurt anymore haha, I continue to do so, until I decide to add two fingers and give her double the pleasure, her moans increase by the second and I can't help but smile at how much I can pleasure her "Demz, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum" She says "Fuck oh my god Demi" She keeps moaning my name "Demi! Demi! Demi!!" She moans "Oh my Demetria" she releases in my mouth and on my fingers. She moves from my face and I pull her to my lips and kiss her, we make out for what seems like forever, until she pulls away with my lip between her teeth. She lets go and smiles "That was so fucking hot" she says, she switches her phone off "Oh my god!" She breathes out "That was the best I've ever fucking had baby girl" she says, she kisses my lips one more time "I couldn't agree more" I say "Fuck woah" she says, I smile "I love you baby" she says "I love you too" I reply.. Before falling into a much needed sleep.

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