Fifty - Eight

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Demis POV
It's Saturday morning and I've planned this show for so long. I'm super excited for it, my family are going to be there and that's kinda nerve recking. I've got three songs for my set list tonight, Cool For The Summer, Stone cold and Stars. My dance for Cool For The Summer is so hot if I do say so myself. I see Maddie and I run over to her but she's with Lauren so I go to Dallas "Hey Mad" I say as I walk by her "Hey Demz.  Come here" She says, I stop in my tracks, I turn around.. Everytime I look at her I want to cry "Hey. I've missed you being at home Demi" she says "I told you, you can stay whenever you like" I say "I know I just it's weird I'm used to seeing you everyday" she says "I know" I say "How's your relationship going?" Maddie asks, I laugh "What relationship" I say, Maddie looks at me "We're not together anymore Maddie" I say "What did you do to her" Maddie says, I look at her.. Maddie will do crazy shit. She's good at kick boxing.. "Maddie we both agreed to take a break" I say pulling her away "So she didn't break your heart?" She asks "Mads what happened was complicated and weird shit happened between us, we both still love each other just can't handle the pressure of a relationship" I say "So I'm never gonna see Lauren again because you broke up?" She says her eyes welling "You're still going to see her and she'll still come to the house, I just won't be there" I say, she sniffles "Okay" She says. I nod and go back stage 

@itsohsodemi: Demi crying? Maddie crying? Lauren's eyes were tearing.. Is Lauremi over😱😔

 I sigh and tweet myself..

@ddlovato it's always been you...

I tweet it before posting another..

 @ddlovato waiting for you to come home... Is like watching paint dry😔💔

 I sigh and lock my phone before changing for the show...

"Demi Lovato" I start the set with Cool For The Summer, I see the crowd but my eyes land on Lauren and I decide if she doesn't want me.. I can at least tease her.. I smirk and she follows my body, there's a chair that's there for prop so I drop down on it and my dancers start grinding themselves against it.. I follow their leads until I turn my chair around and we spread our legs and throw our head back as like we're having an orgasm, I then throw my hair back forward and stand up before going down on my dancers and then just running my hands over my own body! I look over again and she bit her lip. I turn my head back to the audience "Hello guys" I say before drinking some water "Demi you're so sexy" I hear someone shout, I start laughing "Thank you" I reply I sit on the stool "So this next song, I'm toning it down a little, no dancers, no dancing, just me and my 6 strings, just kidding! It's me and the piano.. This is stone cold" I say...

Once I finish the song, I wipe my eyes "You're worth everything Demi. We love you." I hear. Then I hear Lauremi start chanting. I wipe my eyes and I see Lauren look down. When the chanting has quietened down, I begin talking again "That song means a lot to me right now, I mean you guys are amazing and have shown so much support over this week I don't think I would've been strong without you guys" I say, they scream. "So if you've got a flashlight on your phone, or a glow stick put them in the air because the lights are going down" I say.. Stars starts playing and the lights go off...

Once my set is over I don't stick around long after. I check Twitter and Lauren tweeted 

@laurend_ trying so hard not to kiss you..

I laugh before liking it and see my news page 

@itsohsodemi confirmed Demi and Lauren have broken up.

 I like it and sigh, I've been doing that alot lately "Hey Demi. Well done tonight" My parents say "Thank you mom" I say "Please know we still love you and Lauren the same" I nod "Come here Demi" My mom says.. That's when I start crying "I miss her mom" I stutter "I know sweetheart" she says "No mom... I miss her like bae misses it's second B and I just wish she realised that when I'm with her I feel like home.. Home is her heart but she doesn't realise it.. I feel like our whole relationship was a lie... She promised my fame wouldn't come between us... Promised" I choke... My mom just hugs me... Then I feel her let go "Look at me" she says, I look up. "You can fight for her. You grew up in Dallas, you know when you love someone you don't let them slip between your finger nails. You fight for what's yours. Now I know she still misses you and she loves you" she says, I wipe my tears "How?" I ask "She hasn't took her promise ring off or the necklace or bracelet" she says "I want her back" I say "Then go get her" she says... I nod "Mom where's Demi going?" Maddie asks "She's going to get back what's hers Mads" My mom smiles. I smile and grab my keys. I run out and I don't see her car. Fuck. I get into my car and I drive to her house "Come on" I say knocking on the door.. I don't hear anything but screams, I raise my eyebrows before kicking the door, it's not budging.. I run around the back, the doors open, I grab the nearest object and for some reason it's a gun.. I have leather gloves on.. So I feel like I'm in CSI.. Bad timing..I put the gun behind my back... I run through "Lauren" I shout, she's not in the lounge or kitchen, I run upstairs, I check the spare bedrooms, main bathroom. No. Her bedroom.. I hear murmurs and cries. I kick the door and what I see is not what I want too "Get the fuck off of her" I say, the gun still behind my back "Who the fuck are you?" They ask "Someone you don't want to meet on a bad day, get the fuck off of her" I say. He laughs "I'd be very very cautious of your next moves dude" I say... He glances at me and smirks "Why? Why is she so precious to you" he laughs "Why are you about to/going to rape her" I say "I'm allowed" my blood boils, I grab the gun from my back "I said get the fuck away from her, I will not be responsible for using this" I say pointing it at him "I'm not afraid of some lousy girl with a gun" he says, I move closer "Move the fuck away from her"  I say as I kick his shoulder from her, she jumps up, wrapping her bed sheets around her and standing behind me... I keep every eye on him... "Okay girl.. You're a crazy chick I get it" He replies, I nod "You're right, but what makes you have the right to rape her..." I say, I glance at the phone and she follows my eyes and sees my phone in my back pocket she pulls it out "Lauren go to the bathroom" I say "What? why?" She asks "Just go" I say. She nods and moves to the bathroom. "She doesn't fucking like you, any of you? What you have to offer anything?" I say "I know.." He says "Which is why I did it" he snickers, I roll my eyes, I set the gun in place... He then runs for his gun and locks it in place before we both pull the trigger...

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