Fourty Six

713 34 0

Lauren's POV
I've decided I don't want to loose Demi to drinking.. We've been arguing way to much and it's because of these guys I'm hanging with... I mean they get me drunk and make me gamble my money, I'm not low for money or anything it's just I don't want that to happen. I'm gambling more than I should ever be.. I decide at tonight's meet up I'm gonna stop...

I sit around the table with them.. "Come on Lauren drink up" Bethany says.. The girl who hit on my girl "I'm not gonna drink.. Or gamble anymore" I say "What?" She shoots her head to me "We made a pack" she says "I know I jus-" she interrupts me "No. we made a pack and we're sticking to it" she says "No, you made a pack. I didn't sign a contract, I'm not a drinker, never have been a heavy drinker, I never gambled.. Until I met you guys. I'm not going to loose my girlfriend because of you" I say, she laughs, I feel a slap across my face "You won't leave us" she says "I will and I have" I say, I feel two people grab me from behind "Still going to leave?" She asks, I nod "Nobody is gonna make me change my mind" I say... I'm then pulled down onto a dining chair, my arms immediately pinned down veins facing upwards.., I look upwards and she has a evil grin on her face "You're doing this because of you're bitch, huh? But she ain't gonna want you if you're not here" she says "She'll want me" she winks, I glare at her "She wouldn't touch you if you were the last person on earth and that's how she needed to survive" I say "Hm, I'm sure about that" she replies.. I glare at her "Still gonna leave us" Steph says "Of fucking course" I say.. "Do it" she says, James and Jack grab two knives, my hands are tied down, they put it on my wrists and drag it really slow "Your girlfriend is pretty familiar to this feeling huh?" She says "You're not gonna bring me down!" I say "Aren't we doing that now. Keep going" she says "No you're fucking not" I say "Okay enough don't want her to go before my play" she says. She walks into the kitchen.. I know exactly what she's doing... She comes near me "It's like your pouring salt in my cuts" she sings as she puts salt in the cuts "Isn't that your girlfriends song from an album before she got as big as she is" I say I'm crying in pain. "Fuck" I say "Aw does that hurt?" She asks "Shut the fuck up" I say, I feel her fist connect with my jaw I wince in pain. I feel something hit my leg and I'm not able to feel it anymore.. Fuck "STOP" I cry. She laughs "You're doing this because I won't stay in your stupid posey, because I want to know what true love is like. Because I'm in love with her! why can't you accept drinking and fucking gambling isn't my thing! I'm a teacher! I want my life" I say to her "Well you aren't allowed those things" she says.. I hear sirens but they seem to carry on "I just want my life back.. Where I wasn't with well you guys" I feel them pulls the rope from my wrists, still bleeding, she pulls me up.. "I hope you die" she says and knees me in the stomach, I fall to my knees.. coughing up probably blood... I then hear people rush through my door but my eyes are half closed to see who "Miss, can you hear us" someone says "Hm" I say "What's your name?" He asks "Lauren Daiz" I say.. Before I see nothing but darkness.

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"Lauren..." I hear "Lauren.." They repeat themselves, my eyes flutter open "Don't move your arms" the doctor says "My leg, I can't feel it" I say.. He nods "We know.. That's going to take some physiotherapy to fix it" he says "We did however get into your phone and managed to call Demi, I'm not sure who that is but she was in your health records on your phone" He says "Is she coming?" I ask "Yes, but before she's allowed in the police need to talk" I sigh and nod.. I see two police officers walk in "Hello miss Daiz" they say "Hi" I say weakly "We're gonna ask you 3 for now max questions" He says, I nod "What happened, what caused them to do this" he asks "I quit there gambling posey and drinking because it was effecting my girlfriends sobriety" I say "Okay. Just so you know we have them all and they will be sent down" he says, I nod "When did you first join there squad" he says "Around May this year" I say, he nods "and they probably took to you because you've got money, and you're wealthy am I right?" He asks, I nod "Most probably.. I mean there was a few times I was drinking with them and it tasted funny" I say "So they probably drugged you and fleeced you" he says "I guess.." I say "How many times a week would you say you'd be doing this?" He asks "5-6 days a week" I say.. "Okay, they will be now also done for fraud, as well as other things. Thank you for your time. Stay restful Miss Daiz" he says "Goodnight Miss" he says, I smile and lay back. wincing in pain "Baby" I hear Demi say "Hey.." I say weakly "I'm so sorry, I wasn't there" she says "It's not your fault" I say  "I came to your house 20 minutes after. Are you okay?" She asks "'I've been better.. I only quit because I knew it was effecting your sobriety" I say.. She looks down "Are you gonna kiss me or just look at your hands?" I say, she looks up and smiles before leaning down to peck my lips. "I wish I could move my arms" I say "So what like are your injuries" She asks "They cut down my arms, kicked me, almost broke my jaw but it's okay, and paralysed my left leg, but I'm doing physiotherapy to sort that out and help me walk again" I say.. She sighs "if I ever see them" she says...I giggle "Are you going to stay" I ask "Of course. I'm not leaving" she says, she scoots over a little without hurting herself "You can get in" I say, she slowly gets in and I put my head on the pillow and my arm rests on her chest "I'm in pain" I say "Want me to get you some painkillers?" She asks, I nod, I move a little, and she gets out. To only come back a little bit, she helps me up a little and I take them and I lay back down and she lays down next to me, stroking my hair until I feel my eyes slowly drop... I'm glad she's here for me.

Thank you to michi2020 for giving me more of an idea for this chapter and the rest to come :) this isn't the end🙃

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