Twenty Five

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Demis POV
I'm in Dallas and I hated saying goodbye to Lauren, we snapchat a lot since I got her to download snapchat, I'm a great girlfriend, we FaceTimed on the plane and her and Maddie spoke most of the way. Arriving here yesterday bothered me I hate it here so much.

I sit at the table and eat my breakfast, my chest immediately begins aching "Mom!" I shout No reply "Mad get mom" I say breathlessly "Mom!" Maddie shouts, mom come rushing in and I'm sat on the floor "Demi!" She says, I look at her and she knows! She shouts Eddie and he comes rushing in, he scoops me up and drives us straight to the hospital. I'm lifted onto a stretcher and my legs curl to my chest. I'm given a mask. "Demi!" The doctor says "It hurts" I say "Okay, we've stopped the fluid, Demi I need you to look at me" he says, my eyes meet his "Okay, and the pain from 1-10" he asks "8.7" I say, he nods "Okay, can you show me your arm" he asks, I show him and he puts something in my hand, my eyes are welling from pain. He finished and then leaves "We're going to grab some food! We'll be back okay" I nod and turn away, my phone goes off indicating I'm being called on FaceTime, I answer it!. "Hey baby girl" I hear the famous Spanish accent say "Hey" I say weakly, her eyes immediately shoot to her screen "Baby, where are you?" Lauren asks "I'm at the hospital" I say "Why?! Are you okay? What happened?!" She asks "My lungs again" I sigh "Do you want me to come to Dallas?" She asks, I shake my head "I'll be okay. You stay" I say "Are you sure?" She asks. I laugh "I'm okay baby. I promise I'll be fine" I say "So what are they doing about it" she asks, I show her my hand and arm, then my stomach "They're pumping the bad fluids that fill my lungs out so it won't happen again" I say "I think I should come to Dallas" She says "No baby, you need to work" I say "I'm worried about you" she replies "I'm okay, I promise as soon as I get out I'll tell you" I say "Pinky swear?" She says, I nod "To make you smile you got a A on your English exam" she says "Really?!" I ask "Yeah" she replies, I smile "I miss you" I say "I miss you too" she replies "I mean I really really miss you, a lot more than ever before" I say "I know beautiful, this is because I've only been around 30 minutes- 1 hour away from you and we're not used to it" she says "I guess" I reply, I look down at my chest and boob area, and I see a couple of hickeys that she left, she follows my eyes and I look up at her "Really babe?" I say "So when they ripped open my shirt they saw a dozen hickeys" I say, she looks at me "They saw you half naked" she says "I'm kidding, but they had to take my shirt off, I had a bra on gosh" I say, she puts her hand on her heart "That's my job only" she says, I nod "Okay baby girl" I reply laughing. "You should get some sleep baby. I'll call you later" she says "Okay.." I reply "I love you millions and I miss you" She says "I love you millions more and I miss you more" I say, she blows me a kiss and I pretend to catch it before she ends the call.

-the next day-
I'm allowed out today, which is great! My parents are okay, we're going to the beach today, and Mads is super excited "So will you come in the sea with me?" She asks "Of course" I say. We arrive and me and Maddie strip straight into out bikini's myself making sure the hickeys aren't visible "Let's go Demz" She says, I race her to the sea and she trips landing face first in the sea, I pull her up making sure she's okay before bursting out laughing, she laughs with me and spits the seawater at me "Ew Mad!" I whine. We swim far out before I ask my mom to take a picture of us both! She takes it and I put it on Instagram "@ddlovato lil' sis always makes me smile!! #stayconfident #bodygoals" I smile and post it, Lauren immediately liking it, she made a private account, there's a lot of pictures of us taken today where we're smiling and messing around, there's a picture where me and Maddie are laying in the water and my mom got the picture "@ddlovato although I was pumped yesterday, I'm so happy to be with my family☀️☀️ love to all❤️" I smile before placing my phone down and laying with Maddie.

I feel so much better today and I can't wait for Lauren to call.

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