Fourty Two

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Lauren's POV
Once Demi had finished her test, she went back and my mood instantly changed, I missed looking at her... I sigh. "Okay guys, you're free to go, I'll collect your papers" I say "Miss are you okay?" Jason and Ally asks "Yeah I'm good" I say, why am I sad. I've spent one whole year with an amazing girl.. I sigh "We'll see you on Monday miss" He says. I nod and they walk out, Demi comes to my class. She walks in and places something on my desk, I look up and it's her album... I look at her "You can listen" she says, I grin "But you cant listen to it yet" She says "Because we're going home" She says. I pack my stuff and she holds my bag and we get into my car. I start driving and she rests her hand on my thigh and slides it up, grinning to herself. I roll my eyes, she starts getting closer making me swarm in my seat "Stopp" I say, she laughs, she moves her hand back down and I rest my hand over hers "I love you Demz" I say "I love you more L" she replies "I'm excited to hear your album!" I say "I'm excited for you to hear it" She replies, we arrive home "Wait" she says, as she enters her house "My family are out of town for five days so I got a few people to set this up" she says, she walks in and I follow behind her "Okay, i love you and this year has been amazing and I can't thank you enough for standing by me, letting me in but thank you so much for just loving me when I struggle to love myself" she says, she steps aside and it's a beautiful dinner set out, my favourite Spanish dish that my dad used to always cook, I look down and smile "Thank you so much" I say, she smiles. We sit down and I begin eating "This is delicious" I say, she nods "I agree. Thank Marissa and Jason" she says "I'll make sure I do" i say "Are you busy tomorrow?" I ask her "Nope I'm not busy till Monday" she replies "Good" I say.

We finish the meal and we go to her room, I lay with my arm over her, I roll over and sit on her, I lean down and kiss her chest, I kiss up to her ear "I want you" I whisper in her ear "Then take me" she whispers, I kiss her lips and I can't help but smile, she slides her hands up my shirts unclasping my bra in the process, I remove my bra and throw it, leaving my shirt on still "You're so beautiful" I say "Shh" She says and kisses my lips again. I pull away and she has her teeth on my bottom lip, she lets go making it bounce back, I smirk and go on her neck, I suck on her sweet spot making her moan, she runs her hands through my hair "Don't leave a mark" she breathes out, I nod, and go to her collarbone where I do leave a mark, she groans, I grab her shirt and pull it over her head, leaving her in her bra! I lean down and kiss down her torso, moving to her leggings, I slide them down and leave her in her underwear. I slowly take her bra off, and then take one of her breasts into my mouth and working on it, I leave marks on her boobs, again showing anyone she's mine. I finish up and kiss my way between her thighs, spreading them, I kiss through her panties making her breathing hitch, I slowly pull them down, once they reach her ankles I throw them elsewhere, she pulls my up and removes my shirt "To many clothes" she smiles, I go back down and kiss her thighs, I lick the folds of her vagina before I start to pick my pace up, causing her back to arch and her hips to buck, I grab hold of her hips, she moans my name, turning me on by the second. "Lauren, fuck baby" moans "I'm gonna cum" She moans again, literate music to my ears "Oh my god" She says as she releases in my mouth, I lick around her, before pulling away. I swipe my fingers against her opening, before sliding my fingers inside her (just two) I push them in further, causing her to arch her back yet again, I curl them inside of her, going faster each time "Baby girl" she moans. I look up at her before kissing her lips, she grabs the back of my neck as her forehead is resting against my own, I kiss her nose as she kisses my lips, I curl my fingers in her again causing her to moan in my mouth, she pulls away "I'm almost there fuck Lauren" she moans, gripping my back, I go down to her neck and kiss it, I leave little kisses as I go to her breast and suck on it, her head is thrown back giving my access to it, I kiss up her throat as I feel her release all over my fingers, that doesn't stop me, I continue going, as she comes down from her high "Oh my god" she moans, I slowly pull my fingers out as my forehand rests on her shoulder "Fuck Lauren" She says, I smile. She flips me over, so I'm underneath her...

She drops down next to me after a few rounds of sweating and moaning, she's still panting "Fuck me, that was so good" she says. She lays naked her boobs resting on my stomach, and her head is between my boobs, her eyes are closing and I kiss her head, I pull the covers over her "I love you Demi" I whisper "I love you more Lauren" she whispers before falling into a deep sleep... I smile at the beauty that lays within.

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